To Mt.Myoboku

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(The next day)
(in the mansion)
Naruto=hey    I  gotta go to mount myoboku  I  nedd to brush up on my training.
Sakura=oh okay...Hmm hey naruto take saskue with you.
Naruto=what why. Sakura=cause today  I  am going  to have an all girls day with my friends. Naruto=okay fine saskue you want to come with me today.
Saskue=yeah nawootoe me wan go wif you.
Naruto=okay lets get you dressed.
(20 minutes)
Naruto=get back here. Saskue=no me wan be nakey.
Naruto=grr(does hand signs)shadow clone jutsu. (poof poof)
Naruto=now go get saskue. Shadow clone 1=yeah sure. Shadow clone 2=sure.
(10 minutes later) saskue=let me go! Naruto=finally
(naruto caught saskue and slipped a diaper on the toddler)
Naruto=there okay you're done(dismiss clones)
(poof poof)
Naruto=okay almost ready
Saskue=(takes out toy kunai)
(saskue starts to poke naruto with his toy kunai).
Naruto=ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha that tickles!!!
Saskue=grr(pokes naruto)
Naruto=ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!
Saskue=(throws toy kunai at naruto)
Naruto=(dodges toy kunai)ha missed.
Sakura=whats going on here.
Naruto=saskue just mad he cant hurt me.
As a last result saskue pulls off diaper and throws it at naruto face and he hit dead on naruto's face)
Saskue=ged ou.
Naruto=(mumph) grr
(naruto takes the diaper off his face)
Naruto=why you.
Saskue=heh heh.
Sakura=heh heh saskue let naruto dress you.
Saskue=otay sakuwa.
(naruto dressed saskue in a black shorts an black shirt with the leaf sign on it and black shoes)
Naruto=okay saskue ready.
Saskue=yes me weady nawootoe.
Sakura=be good saskue.
Saskue=otay bye bye(waves hand)sakuwa.
Naruto=(bites thumb).
Naruto=okay now summoning jutsu! Poof saskue=frowiggie.
Naruto=hey gakamichi  do an reverse summoning.
Akamichi=sure thing.
(at mount myoboku )
Naruto=hey guys.
Gambunta=hey naruto long time no see.
Naruto=boss toad grandma toad hey.
Shima=hello naruto and who is this.
Naruto=hey say your name.
Saskue=me mame saskue.
Fukasaku=saskue huh thats an special name so how old are you.
Naruto=come on say how old you are.
Saskue=(holds up one finger)
Shima=he is an little shy.
Naruto=yeah  I  started to notice.
Gamatatsu=hey there wanna play.
Gamakichi=yeah play with us saskue.
Saskue=pway otay.
Gamatatsu=great come on saskue.
Saskue=otay. ...
Naruto=so what did you want me to do.
Shima=jiraya left something for you to train on before he died.
Naruto=oh what is it.
Fukasaku=an he wanted you to train it takes three days.
Saskue=nawootoe look frowiggie get me toy.
Naruto=oh okay now what are you suppose to say.
Saskue=(hugs gamakichi and gamatatsu)ank you frowiggie.
Shima=aww thats sweet.
Saskue=nawootoe we go home.
Naruto=well umm saskue you see we will staying here for three days.
Naruto=well its important.
Saskue=but me no go home sakuwa say she sad an no wike sakuwa sad(sniff sniff).
Naruto=want to talk to sakura.
Naruto=okay(pulls out phone)here.
(ring ring)
(at the leaf hot springs)
Saskue=hi sakuwa.
Sakura=oh hey yall its saskue.
Hinata=oh let us talk to him put it on speaker.
Sakura=sure(puts phone on speaker)okay saskue is there something you want talk about.
Saskue=awe you sad cuz me weave.
Sakura=no saskue  I  am not sad oh he is just so sweet.
Ten ten=he sounds so cute!
Ino=hi saskue.
Hinata=how are you saskue.
Hinata=were you being good.
Saskue=yes me be good boy.
Ino=anyway saskue we got to go bye.
Saskue=bye bye.
Sakura=bye saskue(hangs up phone)
(at mount myoboku)
Saskue=sakuwa say she no sad.
Naruto=see now to train saskue go play okay.
Saskue=otay nawootoe. ...
Naruto=okay now time to see what pervy sage left me(opens scroll) dear naruto if your reading this it means  I  am dead but not to worry  I  shall live on through you and my make out paradise books and the new author kakashi now  I  know that you are at the age when you start dating now open the next scroll.
Naruto=okay(opens scroll)ahhh dang it pervy sage(gets nose bleed)
(in heaven)
Jiraya=ha  ha ha ha ha ha!
Miinato=sensei why are you doing this to my son.
Jiraya=its funny.
Kushina=grr jiraya  I ’m going to kill you.
(in mount myoboku)
Naruto=okay here we go training okay omega rasegan.
Saskue=nawootoe me hungwy nawootoe. Naruto=hmm  I  am kinda hungry okay lets get some grub.
Saskue=noo grubs dat for timone an pumba.
Naruto=well yeah in that case lets get some food. Saskue=yay nawootoe my tummy talking see tummy say it hungwy it wan mato.
Naruto=umm hold on hey grandma toad do you have any tomatoes .
Shima=why yes lots of them thats how we catch all those juicy bugs why?
Naruto=cause saskue loves them.
Shima=sure hold on.
(3 minutes later)
Shima=here you go saskue.
Saskue=mato ank you.
Naruto=now how about me.
Naruto=huh yeah what.
Saskue=look(digs in backpack)me ged wamen foe you.
Naruto=oh saskue thank you(picks up and hugs saskue)!
Saskue=heh heh.
Naruto=alright  I  got to heat this up(runs to kitchen)
Saskue=whew nawootoe.
Shima=he just making ramen.
Fukasaku=so what do you want to do. Saskue=hmm(takes bite out of tomato)mmm wan go thewe(points outside).
Shima=want to go outside. Saskue=yes grwandma frowiggie . Fukasaku=gamatatsu gamakichi.
Gamatatsu=yes granddad.
Gamakichi=yes grandfather.
Shima=go take saskue on an tour around mount myoboku.
Saskue=yeah wan go thewe. Gamatatsu=sure why not. Gamakichi=it will be fun. Shima=here is the diaper bag that naruto brought with him.
Gamakichi=sure(puts diaper bag across body)okay saskue ready.
Saskue=yeah weady no wait(toddles runs to other room).
(2 minutes later)
Saskue=can't find blankey.
Gamakichi=we can leave it don't worry we can look later.
Saskue=no wan blankey no go wif out blankey(plops down on floor)(humph) gamakichi=come on saskue. Saskue=no no wanna wan blankey.
Gamatatsu=come on saskue just come outside.
Saskue=no wan blankey.
Gamakichi=you mean this one.
Saskue=blankey(hugs blanket)mmm. Gamatatsu=now your ready.
Gamakichi=now first the temple is right there at your left the forest at your right.
Saskue=.....Umm what? Gamatatsu= I  dont think he knows his left from rights he is only an year old. Gamakichi=oh yeah in that case you can either go this way(points to temple)and there(points to hot springs).
Saskue=thewe(points to temple).
Gamakichi=great lets go.
(in the toad sage temple)
Gamakichi=now saskue here is the temple of all the toads who are heros in these parts.
Saskue=oh otay(takes bite out of tomato)mmmm mato yummy!
Gamatatsu=why do you like tomato they are nasty.
Saskue=mato yummy!
Gamakichi=have some candy.
Saskue=no candy icky me wike mato(eats rest of tomato)mmm. Gamakichi=saskue your all dirty.
Gamatatsu=he might have something in his diaper bag lets check(digs in bag) okay diapers juice clothes  I  pod wait  I  pod anyway toys an scroll that summons an crib here  it is wipes.
Gamakichi=great saskue stay still(wipes saskue face)
Saskue=unnn dob!
Gamakichi=hold on almost done.
Saskue=(humph). Gamakichi=there all clean. Saskue=(humph). Gamatatsu=come on dont pout.
Saskue=(face wall and plops on floor)(humph).
Gamakichi=come on dont be so grumpy(tickles saskue)
Saskue=ha ha ha a ha ha ha ha ha ha  ha ha ha ha ha stop!!!.
Gamakichi=there now are you done. Saskue=yeah(yawn)mmm
(rubs eyes).
Gamatatsu=whoa he is sleepy already.
Saskue=nooo wan nap an me don go other pwace.
Gamatatsu=we will go after your nap.
Saskue=otay. Gamatatsu=come  on everybody.
Gamakichi=sure. Saskue=mmm. Gamatatsu=coming saskue. Saskue=me tiwed. Gamakichi=come on saskue you know how to walk. Saskue=but(sniff)me(sniff)
Gamatatsu=come on dont cry. Saskue=waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaah!!!
Gamatatsu=come on dont cry shhh umm gamakichi do something.
Gamakichi=ummm shhh dont cry umm oh wait(digs in bag and pulls out  I  pod)here(plays an lullaby)there. Saskue=waaaaaaaah aaaah ah mmmmmm(goes  to sleep)
Gamatatsu=no saskue dont go to sleep wake up! Saskue=waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaah nawootoe nawootoe. Gamakichi=umm(puts pacifier in saskue mouth). Saskue=(mumph)mmm. Gamakichi=come on saskue. Saskue=mmmm.
(in the sage toad house)
Gamakichi=hey guys were back.
Shima=great where is saskue.
Gamatatsu=he is right here he is pretty sleepy. Saskue=mmm.
Fukasaku=well lets see whats in his bag here it is the scroll(summons crib)there now saskue can nap(puts saskue in crib)its okay to sleep now saskue. Saskue=mmm(goes to sleep)zzzzzzz.
Naruto=hey guys  I  partly have the omega rasegan. Shima=great saskue is taking an nap so no need to worry. Naruto=great(yawn)man  I ’m beat  I  am going to take an nap too after  I  shower.
(23 minutes later) naruto=(sighs)thats better(plops on bed)mmm man  I 'm beat.
(knock knock)
Naruto= I  wonder who that is(opens door)saskue  hey(crouches down) whats wrong.
Saskue=me don wan sweep awone hewe.
Naruto=oh so you want to nap with me.
Naruto=(picks up saskue)okay lets go to sleep.
Saskue=(yawn)mmm. Naruto=okay(yawn)mmm good night.
Saskue=its not nighty time.
Naruto=its an saying.
Saskue=zzzzzzz. Naruto=zzzzzzz.
(1 hour later)
Saskue=mmm nawootoe.
Naruto=ugh saskue just sleep an little longer.
Saskue=but me no sweppy. Naruto=zzzzzzz. Saskue=(humph)heh heh(yell in naruto ear)wakey upsie!!!!
Naruto=ahhhh!! Your evil you know that.
Saskue=heh heh me wan pway nawootoe pway wif me.
Naruto=no go away. Saskue=nawootoe nawootoe wakey upsie.
Naruto=ugh fine.
Saskue=yay nawootoe umm wat pway.
Naruto=hmm lets play go get your toys.
Saskue=me don haf toys. Naruto=lets play ninja. Saskue=yay me haf ninja thingie(saskue grabs his toy kunai from his pocket naruto=that will work.
(so they both started playing ninja it was all fun till saskue poke naruto's eye by accident)
Naruto=ahh saskue that hurt ahh s***!!!
Naruto=oh no  I 'm sorry.
Saskue=me mak nawootoe mad.
Naruto=no  I 'm not mad  I  just messed up.
Saskue=you wuv me.
Naruto=yeah  I  love ya.
Saskue=(hugs naruto)me wuv nawootoe.
(naruto got back training and he finished his jutsu in under 30 minutes  so he went home two hours later)

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