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Kurunei=hey sakura.
Sakura=shh the kids are sleeping  I  will get asuma.
Kurunei=thanks he wasnt any trouble.
Sakura=no he is a good kid alright later .
Sakura=oh hey yuki(picks up yuki)whats wrong.
Yuki=me hear mommy hewe an she get me an  I  go home wif mommy.
Sakura=oh umm no that was asuma's mommy kurunei.
Sakura=umm are you hungry.
Sakura=okay umm yuki  I  know you miss your mommy you want to talk about it.
Sakura=(cradles yuki) I  know you miss her.
Yuki=(sniff sniff) waaaaaaaaah!!!!!
Sakura= I  know  I  know shh its okay cry into my shoulder let it out.
Yuki=mommy always weave an she she hate me.
Sakura=no she dosent she loves you.
Yuki=no she hate me she weave me always weave.
Sakura=(this yuki's dad fault he left when yuki was very young he is still young very young yuki's dad left them and had an baby with another women the nerve of people now a days)
Sakura=(lays down on the couch with yuki laying on her stomach)
Yuki=my mommy an daddy was always hewe an we was happy an nod sad bud mommy say daddy is doing ninja thingies bud...I saw daddy.
Sakura=you did.
Yuki=id was whewe me see saskue he left a baby thewe wif mrs.Xiao an he kissed a girl.
Sakura=.... Wow.
Yuki= I  wan see him bud he weave wike ninja he poof an weave.
Sakura=he transported.
Yuki=...Bud mommy always mak me happy she haf yummy food an she wuv me.
Sakura=thats good.
Yuki=wen daddy hewe me an mommy be happy an mommy won weave no moe.
Sakura=don't worry you will see your daddy again.
Sakura=yeah you will.
Yuki=wan see daddy.
Sakura=heh heh.
Sakura=yes yuki.
Yuki=awe ninja cool.
Sakura=very cool do you want to be an ninja.
Yuki=yeah me wan be wike mommy an daddy.
Sakura=umm was your mommy in a clan.
Yuki=clan....Ummm wat dat?
Sakura=a clan is your family like your mommy daddy uncle's grandma's.
Yuki=umm dunno.
Sakura=do you know your last name.
Yuki=(shakes head).
Sakura=hmm can you do ninja magic like me.
Yuki=ummm yes.
Sakura=let me see.
(yuki unzips his pajamas and lifts up his shirt to reveal the tetragram seal on his stomach)
Sakura=(a seal) where did you get that seal.
Yuki=mommy say dat me haf id when birddie gif me to her.
Sakura=(he was born with it).
Yuki=mommy say don touch it.
Sakura=why will something happen?
Yuki=dunno mommy won tell me.
Sakura=hey saskue good morning.
Saskue=(rubs eyes).
Sakura=is something wrong saskue.
Sakura=saskue are you lying.
Saskue=no nod lying sakuwa!!
Yuki=wat wong wid saskue mrs.Sakuwa?
Sakura=yuki can you get down off me for an minute.
Yuki=(climbs off sakura)otay.
Sakura=(picks up yuki).
Yuki=heh heh.
Sakura=(walks to saskue) saskue why are you still rubbing your eye's.
Saskue=nothin id sandyman.
Sakura=let me see your eye's saskue.
(with that said saskue covered his eye's)
Sakura=saskue  I  can't help you if you don't let me see.
Saskue=nothin wong!!!
Yuki=saskue don be mean to mrs.Sakuwa.
Sakura=yuki...Saskue come on let me see.
(saskue then took his hand' away from his eye's and opened his eye's to reveal he activates his eternal mangekyo sharigan)
Sakura=your sharigan you must have activated it while you were sleeping.
Yuki=me do dat to mrs.Sakuwa.
Sakura=what you can do the sharigan.
Yuki=nod wike saskue bud me do mine id mak me tiwed for long time.
Sakura=(that's intresthing).
(saskue's eye's turns back to his normal black eye's)
Sakura=okay their normal okay saskue it's time for your medicine.
Saskue=no no wike id no wan id!!!!
Sakura=well you have to take it.
Sakura=saskue hold still yuki can you do me a favor and get the little bottle under saskue's crib.
Yuki=(sniff sniff) no wan huwt saskue he my fwiend.
Sakura=you're not hurting him his medicine makes him better.
Saskue=sakuwa no wan id!!!!!!
(so yuki got the eye drops from under saskue's crib and brought it to sakura)
Yuki=id won huwt saskue.
Sakura=it won't alright saskue.
(sakura used the eye drops on saskue's eye's)
Sakura=shh(picks up saskue and yuki) shhh guys its okay no tears.
Yuki=don wan mak saskue cwy.
Sakura=shhh yuki you didnt hurt him.
Saskue=(sniff sniff)
Sakura= I  know saskue you hate it but you need to take your medicine when ever you do that.
(sakura layed back down on the couch this time with saskue and yuki laying down on her stomach)
Sakura=so yuki what can you do with your eyes.
Yuki=umm dunno.
Saskue=yuki you do wike me do.
Saskue=me wan see.
(and so yuki activated his keke genkai and he did the rinnegan)
Saskue=dat nod mine..Yuki dat cool.
Yuki=wan see your one.
Sakura=(he has the rinnegan)
Saskue=bud sakuwa wan me ged eye stuff an me don wan id.
Sakura=you're good once you get it once you don't need to use it again.
Saskue=yay an me use umm my thingie.
(and so saskue activates his enternal mangekyo sharigan)
Naruto=hey guys.....The rinnegan.
Yuki=hi mr.Nawootoe.
Naruto=hey(rubs eyes)whoa he does have it.
(3 hours later)
Kuna=(picks up yuki)hey baby.
Yuki=(buries himself into kuna) mommy.
Kuna=thanks for watching him.
Sakura=it was no problem.
Kuna=thank you  I  got to go bye.

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