Kakashi The Babysitter

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Sakura taking a sip of her morning tea, this was her favorite time of day as of late since Sasuke became a child and placed upon her care she was not able to have much time for herself anymore but moments of peace like this was nice.
Sakura took another sip of tea, everything was so peaceful the streets were quiet, Sasuke was still asleep and she was practically guaranteed a day off. Nothing can ruin this for her, she was too content to be upset by anything.
{Knock Knock}
"Who could that be, this early in the morning."
When Sakura opened the door she saw two medical ninja.
"Lady Sakura, it's a emergency at the hospital, we need you asap." Said the medical ninja.
"(So much for my off day...wait.)" "I don't have a babysitter who's going to watch the kid I've been looking after."
Sakura was trying to figure out who could watch a toddler this early in the morning and on such short notice. Because Naruto just came back from a mission and she didn't want to bother her friends who all had something to do...then she had an idea there was someone she could ask.
"Okay let me get ready and I'll be out." Sakura said as she went upstairs and she started getting her hospital clothes on while getting a diaper bag ready for Sasuke once she had everything she gently picked up the toddler and she left the house, leaving the two medical ninja surprised.
"We didn't realize you had a child, are you going to bring him to the hospital?." Said one of the ninja.
"No, I know the best person who can babysit right now."
Sakura started walking to her destination.
[Hokage Mansion]
Kakashi got out of bed so he could grab his morning cup of coffee. He had some files to sort through for the upcoming chunin exams so he needed to get an early start on it all so he needed to get to the office.
{Knock Knock}
"What in the world?"
Kakashi said as he opened the door and he saw Sakura holding a sleeping Sasuke in her arms.
"Sakura? What are you doing here with Sasuke?" The hokage asked curiously.
"Well here's the thing I am needed at the hospital for an emergency but I have no one to watch Sasuke so I was hoping."
"You want me to babysit him!?". Kakashi said in disbelief.
"Only for a couple of hours until the afternoon." Sakura asked the sensei.
"I don't know if I can do such a task, I never had to deal with small children before."
Said the former sensei.
"I thought you would say that so on my way here I picked up this.... filth." Sakura pulled out a book from her bag and she handed it to Kakashi.
"Wait is this?" The man started scanning the book and examining a few of the pages he was truly in disbelief.
"Jiraiya wrote plenty of books and I don't think you have this one but." Sakura quickly snatched the book away. 
"You can only have it if you promise to watch Sasuke." Said the Kunoichi
"Fine I'll take care of him for a few hours." Said Kakashi as he was handed a diaper bag and the toddler himself.
"Good now once he wakes up you should change him into his day clothes and get him some breakfast he'll probably let you know if he needs a diaper change but still check him every other hour or so just in case. I also put some of his toys and coloring book In there in case he gets bored and I have snacks there just in case he gets hungry before lunch."
Kakashi's head was practically spinning from everything he was told.
"Anyways I need to get going this will be easy." Sakura kissed the toddler on top of his head and she quickly left.
"Well...I guess we'll just head to the office."
Kakashi started heading to the Hokage office which was nearby the mansion once he made it to the office he laid Sasuke on a nearby couch and he started quickly going through his various documents so he could read his new book. Kakashi would occasionally look up to Sasuke but the boy was still asleep.
"I guess this will be easy if all I have to do is watch a sleeping baby.... though it is strange to see Sasuke in a vulnerable state."
Kakashi went back to work on his various paperwork. He soon heard a yawn, Kakashi looked up from his documents to see Sasuke was waking up.
Kakashi said to the child, who in turn stared at the unfamiliar man.
"W whewe Mommy?"
Sasuke said as he started tearing up.
"She had to go to work for a little while, but she'll be back later I promise.
Kakashi said, hoping to put the child at ease.
"B bud wan Mommy!" Sasuke said as he started crying.
"And so it begins...maybe there's something I can use here to get him to stop crying."
Kakashi dug through the diaper bag until he found a pacifier, the main was quick to shove the pacifier into Sasuke's mouth. Sasuke slowly started to calm down.
"Better?" Kakashi asked the toddler but Sasuke stayed quiet.
"Well like I was saying Sakura will be back soon okay, she just had some work to do until then you get to spend the day with me...which includes."
Kakashi looked into the diaper bag and he found a folded note with his name on it in the bag, when he opened it he saw that it was a list of sorts.
The note read.
Dear Sensei I made this list to help you care for Sasuke for the time you have him by the time he wakes up he might start crying since he never met you as a baby so grab his pacifier and pop it into his mouth if he starts getting fussy then you should change his diaper and take him out of his pajamas and into his day clothes.
"Damnit Sakura, I don't know how to change diapers...."
Kakashi looked over at the toddler who was still unsure about him and his new surroundings.
"Sasuke do you think you need a diaper change?" Kakashi asked the toddler but  Sasuke looked at the man curiously.
"I guess I'll have to check it."
The white haired man sighed as he grabbed a pair of blue shortalls, a white T-shirt and white sneakers.
"Okay so it says here that we should get you changed out of your pajamas and then get you  some breakfast."
Kakashi was about to unzip Sasuke's pajamas but the toddler pushed Kakashi's hand away.
"Me do id."
Sasuke said as he unzipped his pajamas.
"See me do id!."
The boy excitedly.
"Good job now you can dress yourself."
Kakashi handed Sasuke the clothes but the toddler looked up at the man dumbfounded.
"Do you know how to dress yourself?" Kakashi asked.
Sasuke shook his head in response.
"Alright let me help you."
Kakashi helped Sasuke out of his footed pajamas and Kakashi noticed the diaper Sasuke was wearing was a little soggy.
"Well I guess you do need a new diaper."
Kakashi went to grab a diaper and he gently laid Sasuke on the couch.
"Okay let's see if I can do this."
Kakashi undid the diaper on Sasuke and he quickly threw it away in the nearest trash can he then proceeded to put Sasuke in the clean diaper.
"Ged dat." 
Sasuke pointed to the diaper bag.
"Get what?"
 Kakashi was puzzled on what he needed to get.
"Sakuwa ged white stuff wen me nee new daipy." Sasuke said.
Kakashi grabbed the diaper bag and he found a bottle of baby powder.
"You mean this?"
Sasuke nodded.
Kakashi sprinkled the baby powder onto the child and he taped the diaper closed.
"There, I guess changing a diaper isn't too hard." Kakashi said he felt somewhat proud of his handiwork.
"Alright let's get your clothes on."
After helping Sasuke into his outfit he sat the boy back on the couch and he started looking at the list.
"Okay it says here you need some breakfast, what are you in the mood for?" Kakashi asked the boy causing the boy to start thinking.
"Me wan mato." 
"Mato.....a tomato?" Kakashi asked the boy, earning a nod from him.
Kakashi pushed a button on his desk phone.
"Hello, can I get a tomato, yes a whole tomato."
Kakashi released the button and a few moments later a chunin walked into the room and handed Kakashi a tomato and left.
Kakashi walked over to Sasuke and he handed the boy the tomato but Sasuke looked at the red fruit curiously and he held it up to Kakashi.
"Ou pose ta cut id, Sakuwa say me nod pose ead mato wike dis."
Kakashi took the fruit and he started cutting it into slices and he handed it to the toddler, who started eating gladly.
"Well he seems satisfied."
Kakashi sat down at his desk again but a few moments later he felt something tugging on his cloak and saw Sasuke who's mouth and shirt was messy from the tomato slice he had.
"Wan moe mato." Said the boy.
"I should have gotten you a bib."
Kakashi looked through the bag and found a pack of T-shirts and a baby bib.
"Alright let's get you into a new shirt first then we can get you another tomato slice."
Kakashi undid the top half of the shortalls and pulled off the stained white T-shirt and he put the clean one on the boy he then redid the snaps on the shortalls and he put the baby bib on Sasuke.
"There now you can eat."
Kakashi cut off another slice of the tomato and he handed it to the boy.
Sasuke started eating the tomato slice except this time the bib was preventing the stains from reaching the boy's shirt.
"Alright he seems happy."
Kakashi went back to work on his paperwork but not even a minute later he felt Sasuke tugging on the cloak again.
"Let me guess, you another slice?" Kakashi asked, Sasuke nodded in response.
Sasuke grabbed a blank sheet of paper and cut the rest of the tomato into slices and he placed it on a blank sheet of printer paper.
"There now you don't have to keep asking me for more."
"Ank oo."
Sasuke sat on the floor and he started eating his tomato slices.
"That should keep you busy for a bit." Kakashi went back to his work and he managed to file most of the paperwork fairly quickly his progress was halted when he felt Sasuke tugging on his cloak again.
"Yes Sasuke?" Kakashi said hiding that the boy was irritating him a bit.
"Me bowed." Said the boy.
"Don't you have some toys to keep you busy?" Kakashi grabbed a couple of toys out of the bag.
"Look, you have a little boat and a dinosaur play with those."
Kakashi handed the toys to Sasuke as he went to deal with the rest of his paperwork.
"It never ends, at this rate I'll never get a chance to read my fine piece of literature."
Kakashi lamented at his seemingly never ending pile of paperwork.
Kakashi grabbed another document and he started looking over it but while he was reading the document at the corner of his eye he saw the top of Sasuke's head as he was making his dinosaur walk along the edge of the desk.
"Boom boom me big disaur an me ead monstew."
Kakashi looked over to where Sasuke had his dinosaur and he saw the boy was referring to the stapler.
Kakashi giggled lightly, he had to admit the boy is adorable when he's not being aloof or brooding like he usually does.
Kakashi finally finished his paperwork a few minutes later and he put everything inside his desk drawer.
"Now I can finally read my book."
Kakashi pulled the book and he started reading it.
"Oh my, how I missed these books there have been cheap imitations but nothing compares to Jiraiya's appreciation of the more adult side of literature."
Kakashi started giggling like a mad man.
"Wa dat?"
Kakashi was broken out of his trance only to see Sasuke looking up at him curiously.
"I was just reading a book." Said Kakashi.
"Stowy time!" Sasuke said excitedly.
"Yes, for me this is an adult book. Said Kakashi but the toddler ignored the man and he climbed up onto Kakashi's lap.
"Ou wead" Sasuke said to the man.
"...Well I guess it isn't like he'll understand what I'm talking about anyways."
"Well in this volume the hero and the heroine were now fully committed to taking their love from the dating they used to do to something a bit more mature as they were more than prepared to elevate their relationship to the next level."
"He wuv hew?" Sasuke said questioningly.
"Yes he does love her and they both want a big boy and girl love."
Kakashi responded.
"Me wuv Sakuwa cuz Sakuwa mommy."
"Well not exactly it's more like when...."
{Knock Knock}
"Come in."
Kakashi said.
The door opened to reveal Naruto.
Sasuke slid off Kakashi's lap and he ran to Naruto.
"Hey Sasuke are you having fun."
Naruto asked the boy as he picked up the toddler.
"Uh huh me haf mato an wead cuz id stowy time."
Sasuke said excitedly.
"You were reading to him sensei?"
Naruto glanced over at the book Kakashi had in his hands.
"Sensei, why would you read him one of Pervy Sage's books!!"
"Naruto, the boy doesn't know how to read he'll be fine besides whenever he does turn back it won't be an issue since technically he's an adult."
Kakashi explained to his old student.
Naruto crossed his arms.
"Well I guess you're right....let me see it." 
Kakashi handed the book to Naruto and as the jinchuriki started reading his face was getting red.
"Wow the old man really went in on this one." Naruto aaid.
"I know it's great so far, anyways what are you doing here?"
Kakashi said, gaining his composure.
"Oh right, Sakura told me Sasuke would be here so I needed to bring him some lunch."
Naruto placed Sasuke down on the couch and he placed a box of dinosaur chicken nuggets and some apple juice in a sippy cup.
"Dey wook wike disaur." Sasuke started eating his lunch.
"So sensei were you guys able to figure out how to turn him back?"
Naruto asked.
Kakashi sighed heavily.
"No..quite honestly no one has seen something like this before....I think Sasuke is gonna stay like this h one'll grow up all over again....are you guys up for that?"
"Well I can't lie if he doesn't turn back to normal the Sasuke we knew is gone and that would make me feel kinda down...it'll be even worse for Sakura since they were..ya know together."
Naruto said.
"I know I can't begin to imagine what she feels about everything."
Kakashi sighed this is an issue he'd never imagined being in."
"Well if he does stay like this then we'll give him the best childhood ever and he'll have family this time so he won't be alone." 
Naruto rubbed the top of the toddler's head.
"Then he never has to turn to people like Orochimaru or Obito...not saying your friend was a bad guy or anything."
Naruto said as he apologized to his former sensei in hopes he didn't offend him.
"It's okay Naruto, he deserves that."
Kakashi reassured his former student.
"But yeah I think of this as a way to give him a normal and happy life this time around where he doesn't have to feel alone."
Naruto felt someone tugging on his shirt.
"Daddy me done."
Sasuke said with crumbs all over his face.
"Did you eat it all?"
Naruto asked the child, earning a nod from the child.
"Me ead all cuz me big boy." Said the child earning a chicken from Naruto.
Naruto stood back and stretched.
"Anyways I'm going to head back home I need a nap after completing that mission."
"You do that I'm still on babysitting duty." Kakashi said as he waved off the young man.
Naruto kneeled down to Sasuke and he rubbed the boy's head.
"Alright you be good for Kakashi sensei okay."
Naruto said to the child.
"Me be goo daddy."
Sasuke responded.
"Good I'll see ya later maybe next time you can hangout with me when Sakura has to work."
Naruto said to the boy.
"An we pway an oh but me wama?" Sasuke asked.
"Yes we'll do all of that and more."
Naruto said this as he waved goodbye to the boy.
"Bye bye Daddy."
Sasuke waved goodbye to the blond and when he left the toddler looked a little sad.
"Hey Sasuke what's wrong?"
Kakashi asked the boy.
"Me don see Daddy wots no moe.
Sasuke said somewhat sadly.
"Well he did you two will do something next time so you have that to look forward to."
Kakashi picked up the boy and set him on his lap.
"So until then you want me to read to you again?"
Sasuke nodded.
"Well alright let's see...this part may be a bit too raunchy for you."
Kakashi continued to flip the pages but the rest of the book only got more explicit so Kakashi put up the book.
"Okay new story how about I tell you a story instead of reading you one."
"Wad stowy?"
Sasuke asked.
Kakashi started thinking of a story to tell to the toddler Uchiha until something came into mind.
"How about a story about a teacher and his three students."
"Wad dat?" Sasuke asked curiously.
"Wad ou say?" 
Kakashi was trying to think about what he said.
"You mean teacher?"
Sasuke nodded.
"A teacher is a person who tells people how to do things."
Kakashi responded.
"Wike me say ou pose cut mato cuz dat was Mommy do."
"Yes exactly like that. Anyways in this story there was a man with three students, two boys and one girl, the two boys were always fighting each other and the girl liked one of the boys, now at first the teacher didn't really like the kids."
"He don wike dem?" Sasuke said questioningly.
"Well at first he didn't but after some time he did learn to like them...the teacher had thought that his students were going to be like his old students at first who were all really bad so he had to fail them all but they all became good people because of it."
Sasuke started yawning.
Kakashi noticed the toddler was getting tired as the boy rubbed his eyes 
"Maybe I should tell you this story after a nap." 
"N no nap wan stowy."
Sasuke was trying his best to fight the sleep that was threatening to overcome him.
"Well alright I'll continue."
Kakashi leaned his chair back.
"Where were we?"
Kakashi asked.
"Othew people baa an dey nod so man no moe so dey goo now."
Sasuke said tiredly.
"Right...well the teacher had thought his new students were going to fail the test like the rest of his old students but this time his new students....."
Kakashi looked down at Sasuke to see the boy had fallen asleep.
"To be continued I suppose."
Kakashi laid back in his chair until he had soon started getting sleepy himself.
"Maybe I need a nap too."
Kakashi then fell asleep also.
[Sometime Later]
"Kakashi sensei."
Kakashi felt someone shaking him when he opened his eyes and saw Sakura.
"Oh Sakura you're here already?" 
Kakashi said as he leaned his chair forward.
"You actually did pretty good for your first time babysitting sensei." Sakura said surprised.
"Yeah it wasn't too hard, although I could live without changing diapers though." Said the man as he handed the child to Sakura.
"Thanks again sensei I hope he wasn't too much trouble."
"He was good, all he needed was some food and a story and well, the results speak for itself."
Kakashi rubbed Sasuke's head.
"Thanks again sensei."
Sakura was getting ready to leave until Kakashi placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Sakura I know things are weird with you and Sasuke being together but just in case in the off chance there is no way to fix him...what are you going to do?"
Sakura sighed.......
"Honestly sensei I'm pretty sure he's stuck like this...and it's gonna hurt me a lot but I'll care for him as if he's my own son."
Sakura rubbed her stomach.
"He'll even have a sibling in the future."
Kakashi looked up at his student in disbelief.
"Sakura...are you?"
"Yes but I had Lady Tsunade delay the birth of the child hopefully it'll help me prepare for what's the possibility of Sasuke being a baby and me having my actual baby."
Kakashi sighed heavily.
"Things are going to be hard and I have no real advice for you but if you need help you can count on me, Naruto, and everyone else.".
Sakura smiled.
"Thanks Sensei."
Sakura left the Hokage's office.
{Knock Knock}
"Come in."
A medical ninja entered the room.
"Lord Hokage I have troubling news about Sasuke Uchiha's condition."
The medical ninja handed Kakashi some documents.
"This is what we got back from his blood work and the traces of chakra is gone, we have nothing to go off of so I am afraid to say there is nothing more we can do."
Kakashi sighed heavily.
"This is going to be troubling news for everyone... especially Sakura."

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