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Dj360x=hello my epic readers  I  am dj360x the writer of baby saskue and this is the 1.1k special that many people read my book that is a lot of readers and  I  am joined by my best friends my first followers joymolyneux.
Joymolyneux=hey its nice to be here.
Dj360x=joy is also joined with her ooc rain.
Rain=hey everybody.
Dj360x=next guest is huntershufelt.
Huntershufelt=hey everybody.
Dj360x=we also have another guest darkday.....Where is darkday.
(a black portal emerged from the floor and darkday came out of it)
Dj360x=nice of you to join us and now also with me is the baby saskue cast.
Sakura=hey nice to be here.
Naruto=yeah this place is awesome so much ramen.
Saskue=sakuwa why nawootoe wike wamen a wot.
Sakura=cause naruto is...Special.
Terriq=okay is that everything lets get this show on the road so now  I  got a whole bunch of questions tonight and some other stuff so lets start the q&a session.
Al3x 543 ask:saskue you're so cute can you sing a song.
Sakura=umm saskue is sorta shy.
Saskue=me sing.
Sakura=do you want to.
(saskue stands in front of a small microphone)
Saskue=twinkle wittle staw how me umm wat dat one sakuwa?
Saskue=wondew wat you awe up a a umm.
Saskue=above a w world so high wike a d d umm.
Saskue=di diamond in da sky twinkle twinkle wittle staw how me umm won wonder wat you awe.
(saskue started blushing a deep red and went back to sakura and hid his face on her shoulder.
Huntershufelt=that is so cute.
Dj360x=alright next question.
Naruhina fan 009 ask:sakura how can you be a mom and still look so beautiful you have no crows feet or anything.
Sakura=well  I  have a process.
Dj360x=you do share with us.
Sakura=well before saskue wakes up in the morning  I  jog for 30 minutes at 4:00 am and do some other exercises then  I  take a warm bath after that  I  power lift 4000 pounds while cooking breakfast at 5:00 am naruto wakes up around that time to do his training  I  train with him then at 6:00  I  get saskue ready for the day help him brush his teeth change his diaper and dress him we eat breakfast and start our day.
Dj360x=you bench 4000 pounds everyday.
Terriq=how come you don't have bulging muscles.
Sakura= I  keep myself from looking like that using chakra.
Rain=wow you are so cool not cooler than my mom though she is way more awesome.
Dj360x=anyway next question.
Huntershufelt ask:what do you want to be when you grow up saskue and who is your idol and if you can play a game with your best friend what would it be.
Saskue=me wan be ninja wike nawootoe an sakuwa an me wan pway dis game wif yuki.
(saskue got into his diaper bag sakura had and pulled out left 4 dead)
Naruto=hey thats my game!!
Saskue=sakuwa an nawootoe no won me pway id dey say id foe reawy big boys and giwls.
Sakura=well it is.
Dj360x=next question is.
Ssb4 4 eva ask:naruto how did you go from being a world hero to being a dad also
#naruto for smash bros 4.
Naruto=well  I  wanted saskue to have a good life now and now he is a toddler well its the perfect time.
Dj360x=noble just noble all right time for a commercial break....Alright joy lets play l4d  I  been dying to.
Joymolyneux=yes l4d is the shiz.
???=is that everything.
???=yes it is.
???=good dj360x's 1.1k special will not end well.
(back to the show)
Dj360x=and were back from commercial break.
Joymolyneux=now people for some more questions.
Kawaii_princess ask:why is asuma and kurunei kid a boy but in the actual naruto series it is a girl.
Dj360x=because  I  didn't know at the time when  I  was creating asuma.Jr when  I  did find so many people fell in love with him being a boy  I  said why not so yeah.
Rain=next question is.
Twilight moon ask:can naruto and sakura just get married it make things easier.
Naruto=wha n no  I  am dating hinata and she worked hard for me so she is the only one for me.
Sakura=and  I  am dating sai he loves me  I  love him.
Dj360x=next question.
Day and night love ask: sakura how are you so motherly.
Sakura=well back in the pre shippuden years we team seven did lots of babysitting mission.
Darkday=next question is.
Yolo miner ask:hey naruto what does the fox say.
Naruto=well the fox say tailed beast bomb!!!
Dj360x=oh crap!!!
(we are having technical difficulties)
Dj360x=alright sorry about that just some issues nothing but some duct tape couldn't handle.
Naruto=(mumph mm m)
Darkday=next question.
Bieber fan 103 ask:sakura ever heared 50 shades of grey
(dj360x pulls out a rocket launcher and shot it at bieber fan 103)
Dj360x=we will never speak of that book here that is a warning shot....Next question.
Xanime hermetx ask:hey naruto you are the best fighter in j star victory vs.
Naruto=thank you  I  beat the crap out of luffy and toriko.
Sakura= I  should have been in that game.
Dj360x=what the!!
(it was tobi and kabuto)
Dj360x=why are yall two here.
Kabuto= I  was in two chapters of this story how come  I  am not here in the special.
Joymolyneux=well two in a half chapters.
Tobi=what about me  I  am the main villan of the show where am  I  in this story.
Wattpad writers=you're freaking evil!!!
Tobi=oh well that stung.
Kabuto=we are destroying this 1.1k special.
Naruto=no your not!!
Sakura=you are not wrecking this special.
Dj360x=don't worry us wattpad authors got this.
Kabuto=really how can regular humans beat us super poweful ninja.
Dj360x=well see thats the thing we are real and this is a wattpad book.
(terriq snaps his fingers then him and the other wattpad authors got a keyboard)
Tobi=keyboards ha ha ha well time for yall to die.
(tobi does some hand signs)
Tobi=fire style fire ball jutsu.
Terriq=giant wall.
(an giant steel wall appears in front of the wattpad writers)
Terriq=that turns into a fist that punches both tobi and kabuto.
(and so it did)
Kabuto=oww what the!!!
Tobi=h how.
Joymolyneux=we're wattpad writers remember hmm lets see a giant meteorite crushes tobi and kabuto)
(and so it did)
Kabuto=grr chakra dissection blade.
Darkday=then a snake pit appears under tobi and kabuto)
(kabuto and tobi fell in and ten seconds later the climbed out with bite marks all over them)
Huntershufelt= I  will finish this.
(huntershufelt typed something)
Dj360x=what did you do?
Huntershufelt=just watch.
(the instrumental of wrecking ball was playing then once once the piano solo ended well you know)
Sakura=oh no.
(sakura quickly shields saskue's eyes)
Miley= I  came in like a wrecking ball!!!
(miley cyrus crashes in the studio while she was sitting on a wrecking ball and she hits tobi and kabuto and send them flying)
Dj360x=kay well that ends the 1.1k special come back next time for the 2k special bye.
(all the wattpad people returned home)
Check out joymolyneux's huntershufelt's stories they are epic and awesome and check out darkday's book whenever she starts writing them.

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