A Proper Reunion?????

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Sakura had awakened early this morning so she could get a head start on her day or at least until Sasuke would wake up for the day and what was first on her morning agenda was to cook breakfast for Naruto and Sasuke get the child ready for the day because she needed to go grocery shopping.
Sakura sighed as she started getting everything she needed to cook breakfast for this morning.
"Today may be a long day I have to take Sasuke out to the grocery store...I hope the people there don't have too many questions for me."
Sakura said as she started making scrambled eggs.
{Ring Ring}
"Who would be calling this early."
Sakura pulled her phone out of her pocket and she answered the phone.
Sakura said on the phone.
"Hey Sakura it's Ino so long story me and all of our friends are coming by to throw a baby shower for you bye!"
Ino then hung up the phone.
Ino's words had finally processed in Sakura's head.
This was unexpected why would Ino suddenly throw a baby shower out of nowhere unless someone told Ino that Sakura was having a baby.
"Who told her.....Naruto!"
Sakura ran to Naruto's room and she opened the door to see that Sasuke was still sleeping peacefully on the blond man's chest.
Sakura gentely moved Sasuke onto Naruto's bed once she moved the child to a safe area she then grabbed Naruto by his shirt coller and started to shake him furiously.
"Why did you tell Ino I was having a baby."
Sakura said quietly but her anger still made apparent.
"I didn't tell anyone!"
Naruto shouted from the sudden jerking of his body.
"Then why is she throwing me a baby shower!"
Sakura asked the blond as she stopped shaking him
"Maybe because Sasuke is a baby."
Naruto said to the kunoichi.
It all made sense now to the Sakura she forgets that Sasuke wasn't always a one year old.
"Sorry I guess I jumped to conclusions."
Sakura placed Naruto back on the floor and she dusted him off.
"I feel hurt that you think I would betray your trust."
Naruto said comically as he knows that he finally had a chance to say he was right and Sakura was wrong.
"I'll treat you to a bowl of ramen later."
Sakura said.
Naruto looked at Sakura with a mischievous grin.
"I'll change Sasuke's diapers all for today."
Said the kunoichi.
Naruto shook Sakura's hand further solidifying the agreement.
"But still Ino is throwing me a baby shower today so Naruto I'll need your help fixing up the place."
Sakura asked her friend.
Naruto stomach then started to growl.
"First can we have breakfast I'm kinda hungry."
Naruto said sheepishly.
"Oh yeah I was just about to cook breakfast could you get Sasuke ready for today just help him brush his teeth and change his diaper if needed then I'll bathe him after breakfast."
Sakura explained the routine to Naruto.
"Got it."
Naruto said as he started to softly shake Sasuke awake.
Sakura went downstairs to finish cooking breakfast.
Naruto rubbed the back of his head even if she is pregnant Sakura is still as strong as ever.
"Time to get up Sasuke."
Naruto said as he picked up the child and he started to move around to wake Sasuke up.
Sasuke said softly.
"No it's me Naruto."
The jinchuriki blushed a little bit.
Sasuke was now fully awake and he was happy that Naruto didn't leave again.
"You seem happy today."
Naruto started feeling around the toddler's diaper to find the Sasuke was in need of a change.
"Well at least you didn't crap yourself like last night."
Naruto laid Saskue on the changing table and he started to untaped the straps off the diaper.
"Sasuke....do you remember a guy named Obito."
Naruto asked the toddler as he threw away the wet diaper.
"Nu uh."
Sasuke shook his head.
After sprinkling Sasuke with baby powder Naruto placed Sasuke in a new diaper and he placed the toddler on the floor.
"Do you even remember Orochimaru or why you even left the village when we were kids."
Naruto knelled down to Sasuke.
"You don't remember any of that."
"Me hewe Nawudo."
Sasuke looked a little scared.
"Nevermind I'm sorry."
Naruto stood up and held onto the toddler's small hands.
"Me s s sowy Nawudo."
Sasuke started tearing up as if he felt he did something wrong.
"Crap, hey Saau don't cry I'm sorry you didn't do anything wrong."
Naruto wiped the tears off Sasuke's face he then picked up the child.
"How about we go eat some breakfast that sound good."
Naruto smiled at child he was holding.
"Yeah yeah"
Sasuke smiled back at his new father figure as if Naruto's toothy grin was contagious.
Sakura had placed down all of the food at everyone's respective seats afterwards she sat down and she started eating her eggs and toast.
"Hey Sakura sure does smell good down here."
Naruto placed Sasuke in his highchair and the blonde adult sat at the table and he began to eat his breakfast which was the same as Sakura's while the toddler got a bowl of scrambled eggs and a toaster waffle.
"Me wike mommy fewd."
Sasuke wasted no time to eat the rest of his food while getting himself simultaneously dirty
Sakura and Naruto stared at the messy toddler in front of them.
"Well at least he'll get a bath later."
After breakfast Sakura took everyone's plate and she placed them in the sink so she could wash them later.
"Okay here is what we need to do first I am gonna give Sasuke a bath and while I do that I need you clean up the living room and get dressed."
Naruto nodded in confirmation and he went upstairs.
"Now as for you Sasuke you're getting a bath."
Sakura started walking to the bathroom.
"Bud me haf baff."
Sasuke whined.
"You had a bath yesterday this is today and besides you're covered in syrup and you're all sticky you don't wanna be sticky do you."
Sakura said as she made it to the bathroom.
Sasuke started pouting.
"No baff."
Sakura sighed.
"Yes bath now let's get you in the tub."
Sakura tried to take Sasuke's shirt off but the toddler started  pushing Sakura's hand away.
"No no no!"
Sakura was confused Sasuke usually doesn't resist bath's as much as he is today.
"Why don't you want to take a bath Sasuke."
The kunoichi asked the toddler.
"Me don wike baff cuz me ged gan."
Sasuke said.
"Are you trying to say you take too many baths?"
Sakura asked the toddler.
Sasuke nodded he's been getting a lot of baths lately and when he's in the bath has no time to play with his toys or do anything fun like her usually does when he doesn't take baths.
"What you always get dirty Sasuke so you that's why you take a lot of baths but what if I make bath time more fun for you like you can bring your toys with you next time."
Sakura managed to get Saskue's shirt and diaper off so she then placed him in the bathtub.
"Yeah yeah me haf toy!"
Sasuke excitedly.
"Good now let's get you all cleaned up and then so you can meet some new people."
Sakura bathed Sasuke and after she was done she wrapped the toddler in a fluffy towel and she got him dressed in a white shirt with blue shorts and a pair of white socks.
"Okay Sasuke let's see did Naruto clean up well."
Sakura carried the child downstairs and to her surprise the living room was clean and Naruto was sitting on the couch dressed in his usual outfit which was his back shirt and his orange pants.
"You did a real good job Naruto."
Sakura said in amazement.
"It was no sweat Sakura."
Naruto rubbed the back of his head
{Knock Knock}
"We're here!"
A voice said from the other side of the front door as it continued to knock.
Sakura looked at Naruto.
"Quick go upstairs with Sasuke."
Sakura quickly handed the toddler to Naruto.
Naruto rushed upstairs with a giggling Saskue.
After taking a few deep breaths Sakura opened the door and she saw all of her friends.
"I didn't know you guys stayed inside such a huge house."
Kiba said as he walked inside.
"Yeah after Sasuke and I got together we moved inside one of the bigger houses in the Uchiha district."
Sakura welcomed everyone inside and the all sat in the living room.
"So...I'm guessing everyone wants to see him."
Sakura asked the group.
"You can only see a baby Sasuke once in a lifetime so yeah we want to see him."
Ten ten said excitedly.
"I tried to tell Ino that maybe a baby shower may be a bit to much to do right now."
Hinata said to Sakura.
"No it's alright besides I called Naruto to help me out so it was no trouble."
"Okay well time to show you guys Sasuke...hey Naruto we're ready."
"Here I come."
Naruto walked down stairs with while holding Sasuke and everyone but Hinata, Sakura, and Ino were in awe as they stared at the child Naruto was holding.
Sasuke started blushing as he hid his face onto to Naruto's chest.
"He's so cute!"
Ten Ten squealed.
"I have so many questions how did this happen!"
Kiba shouted.
"I would have never imagine a baby Sasuke with our new techniques he can be stronger and use his power for good...Ten Ten we should have kids now for this reason!!"
Lee said as he raised his fist to the sky.
"Hold on Lee now is a bit early don't you think."
Ten Ten started laughing but she then thought it would be nice to have a kid.
Everybody started asking questions and making comments as they all huddle around Naruto this made Sasuke blush even harder as he reached out to Sakura.
"Okay everyone calm down and let me explain."
Sakura said as she grabbed Sasuke and the toddler hid his face from the crowd.
Sakura went onto explain what had happened before Sasuke was turned into an child the Naruto and Hinata explained what they were told when Sakura fainted.
"And that's all we know."
Hinata said.
"But isn't Itachi dea..."
Before Kiba could finish his words Naruto covered his mouth.
"He doesn't know that yet."
Naruto said.
"Well anyways we all brought gifts for Sasuke."
Ino said as she presented a box to Sakura.
Sasuke saw the box.
Sasuke asked Ino.
"Yes for you cutie."
Ino smiled.
Sasuke slid off from Sakura and he started ripping the wrapping paper from his gift and after he ripped off all the paper he saw a box with a train set inside it.
Sasuke held up the box to Sakura.
"Sakuwa Id twain id twain!!"
"I see that Sasuke now what do you say?"
Sakura asked the toddler.
"Ank ou!"
Sasuke said as he tried to open the box.
"Hold on Sasuke open your other gifts first."
Sakura grabbed the train and she sat Sasuke back in front of everyone.
"Here's our gift."
Ten Ten handed Sakura a rather big box with both her and Lee's name on it.
"We both pitched in on it!"
Lee said excitedly.
Sasuke started to tear the wrapping paper off the gift once all the wrapping paper was off it revealed a box.
"Wad dat?"
Sasuke asked as he tugged on Sakura's pants leg.
"It's a box Sasuke let me open it for you."
Sakura bent down and she opened the box to reveal bunch of foam ninja tools.
Sasuke eyes beamed with excitement as he dug inside the box and he pulled out the various foam ninja tools.
"I think he likes them."
Ten Ten giggled she couldn't get over how cute Sasuke was at this moment.
"Can't believe he used to be enjoyable to be around at one point."
Shikamaru said as he continued to stare at the child in amazement.
"Yeah he was a pain when we were all younger but now...he slightly less of pain."
Naruto started laughing.
"Geez Naruto you make it sound like we're all old geezers or something."
Choji said as he placed a box in front of Sasuke.
"This is from me and my fiance she couldn't come today she still trying to arrange the house herself So, I gotta go."
Choji waved goodbye to everyone and he left the house.
"Choji's getting married... before me!!!"
Naruto shouted.
"Yeah I forgot to mention that's a thing now."
Ino was trying to stifle her laughter from Naruto's reaction.
"Hinata c'mon we gotta get married before fatso does!"
Naruto grabbed Hinata's hand and he quickly left the house with his future wife.
"He does know he can't get married in one day right"
Ten Ten sighed.
"Ten Ten if Naruto is filling so hot blooded to get married so should we let's go!"
Lee picked up Ten Ten and he quickly left the house to catch up with Naruto.
"What a drag these guys never change."
Shikamaru shook his head and he laid back on the couch.
"Mommy whewe Nawudo go?"
Sasuke tugged on Sakura's pants leg.
"He calls you mom that's.... hilarious especially since you two are...
Before the dog ninja could finish his sentence Ino hit him on top of  his head.
"Owwww what was that for!"
Kiba rubbed his now sore head.
"Don't say that he's just a kid now."
Ino quickly turned back to Sakura.
{Knock Knock}
"Who could that be?"
Sakura placed Sasuke on the couch and she walked to the door to answer it to only see Naruto, Rock Lee alongside them were Ten Ten and Hinata.
Naruto sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.
"So turns out ya can't get married yet."
Naruto said.
"Don't you think it is bit too early for us to get married Naruto?"
Hinata asked her lover.
"Same thing with you Lee."
Ten Ten started pinchi Lee's ears.
"Ow ow ow I'm sorry I'm sorry!!"
Lee cried out in pain.
"Hey that reminds me I noticed everyone isn't here I thought you said all of our friends were gonna be here."
Sakura questioned her friend.
Ino then started rubbing her head.
"Well..that was the plan but I don't think most of our friends weren't too excited about a baby shower that's why so few of us came."
"Well at least Sasuke met some of you guys but next time we all need a proper reunion that's isn't a weird baby shower...deal."
Sakura held out her hand to Ino.
"So, what now?"
Sakura asked.
"I guess we can plan a proper reunion next week maybe."
Ino suggested to Sakura.
"Yes and we can all actually got out somewhere and I'll still bring Sasuke with me just to answer some questions."
Sakura said to Ino.
Ino said as she stood up.
"Come everyone let's go I gotta plan a proper reunion."
Shikamaru got up from the couch.
"Hey, ya know if Sasuke needs a friend he could hang out with Mirai if he wanted to."
"Sounds good thanks Shikamaru."
The lazy ninja waved goodbye and he left
"Yeah sorry Sakura but this party kinda blowed but hey cute kid though."
Kiba quickly left the house to avoid Ino's wrath.
"Hey Sakura I going to go to Hinata's place tonight or do you need some help with Sasuke?"
Naruto asked his teammate.
"Yeah I got him"
Sakura waved Naruto off.
"Are you sure Sakura I don't mind if he stays."
Said the Hyugga.
"Yeah I'm sure you two love birds go on ahead we'll be fine right Sasuke."
Sakura looked down to see Sasuke had fallen asleep.
"Cool let's go Hinata."
Naruto said as both him and Hinata left the house.
Ten Ten and Lee soon left after saying their goodbyes and Ino had left too the was then empty again except for Sakura and a sleeping Sasuke.
"It's so early in the day I didn't think this Baby Shower would end so fast."
"I should probably put you to bed."
Sakura walked upstairs to Sasuke's nursery and placed the toddler in his crib.
"Sweet dreams."
Sakura rubbed the child's head and she left the room.
The kunoichi started rubbing her stomach she had a slight pain but it quickly went away.

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