The Hidden Leaf Great Turkey Hunt

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(At the uchiha mansion)
Naruto=alright everybody now the goal is to get as many turkey's as we can and bring them back to the farm.
Sakura=now form a team and split up.
(so after the teams were made into their respective old ninja squads everybody splited up)
Saskue=wet's go me haf ged birddie ad da birddie pwace.
Naruto=alright let's get a move on.
(so saskue sakura and naruto started looking for turkey's)
Naruto=now where can a turkey be.... Oh  I  know!!
Naruto=follow me.
(at ichiraku ramen)
Sakura=this is not the time for ramen naruto!
Naruto=but  I  haven't ate all day it's not fair!
Sakura=naruto you are acting more of a baby than saskue is and he is a actual baby!
Saskue=me hungwy sakuwa.
Sakura=you're hungry what do you want to eat?
Saskue=wamen me wan wamen!
Ayame=aww you know what ramen is on the house.
(sakura sit's sasuke on the stool)
(ayame get's a small bowl of ramen and she slices of tomatoes and she put's it in the ramen)
Ayame=here you go saskue.
(sakura grabs a pair of chopsticks and she starts feeding saskue)
Naruto=well  I  am going to buy a bowl.
(after naruto buy's himself a bowl of ramen he ate his and saskue was full on the little bit he ate)
Ayame=bye see you later.
(five minutes later)
Naruto=hey you hear that.
Naruto=it's a turkey.
(naruto walks up on a building and he saw the turkey he pounces and he caught the turkey
Naruto=got it!
Sakura=alright that's one turkey down.
(sakura opened a scroll and sealed the turkey in it)
Sakura=alrght let's get a move on.
Sakura=saskue are you sleepy?
Saskue=(shakes head)no.
Sakura=you are tired.
Saskue=n noo me nod sweepy.
(sakura picks up saskue and rocks him till he fell asleep)
Sakura=hey  I  am going to take him to tsunade while we look for more turkey's.
Naruto=got it.
(sakura then dissappers)
(with hinata)
Hinata=hmm if  I  was to find a turkey where would it be?
Kiba=(sniff sniff) I  got nothing how about you akumaru.
Hinata=where else can we search.
Shino= I  have sent beetles around the village we can probably get some lead's from them.
(a beetle flew on shino's hand and crawled up his sleeve)
Shino=there are several of the turkey's at the hokage tower.
(at the hokage tower)
Tsunade=shizune tell me why is there turkey inside my office.
Shizune= I  got nothing.
Tsunade=well looks like this thanksgiving  I  am eating my fill on turkey tonight.
Shizune=you can't just kill innocent animals.
Tsunade=you eat meat to.
(before tsunade could lay a hand on any of the turkey's hinata and her teamates busted open the door)
Hinata=don't kill them we need them.
(hinata quickly pulls out a scroll and she does a hand sign and all of the turkey's were sealed in the scroll)
Tsunade=explanation now.
Shino=all of those turkey's escaped from a traveling farmer's market.
Shizune=how did they escape?
Tsunade= I  been getting reports of the birds all over the village.
Kiba=saskue kinda accidentally let them out.
Tsunade=he is only a year old how did he pull that off!!
(sakura appears in the room)
Sakura=he pressed the button that opens all of the gates on a controller.
Tsunade=well his intrest was piqued right.
Sakura=he thought it was a toy.
Saskue=(whines)eh eh.
Sakura=oh yeah can you watch him while  I  go help look for all of the turkey's.
Tsunade= I  would love to babysit him.
(sakura gave tsunade the sleeping toddler and his diaper bag)
Hinata=did you and naruto get any turkey's yet?
Sakura=yeah we got a few  I  gotta go.
(with that sakura dissappers)
Hinata=he looks cute when he sleep's.
(tsunade lays saskue in a crib that was next to her desk.
Tsunade=now whisper.
Hinata=alright we are going to leave.
Tsunade=okay also  I 'll send out some chunin to help with the search.
Hinata=thank you.
(hinata and her two teamates leave.
Tsunade=well you sure are a little trouble maker huh.
(with ino,choji and shikamaru)
Shikamaru=what a drag why are we even doing this.
Ino=cause we got to help our friends out that's why.
Choji=well can't we hurry it up a little my mom is making the turkey right now and it's almost done  I  don't want to miss it.
Ino=look we are almost there  I  can hear gobbling.
Shikamaru=alright  I  got this.
(shikamaru uses his shadow possession jutsu and caught the turkey's)
Shikamaru=alright bag them than we can go home.
(ino seal's the turkey's into the scroll)
Shikamaru=that was easy.
(all of a sudden a bird swooped and grab's the scroll and flies off)
Shikamaru=this is not happening.
Ino=we have to go after it.
Choji=let's go.
(with naruto and sakura)
Naruto=man we need some help.
Sakura=who can help us.
Sai=maybe  I  can.
Sakura=hey sai where did you come from?
Sai=well  I  saw turkey's all over the village and  I  did some investigating and  I  asked the hokage and she told what happened.
Sakura=oh well can you help us.
Sai=of course and just to start things off  I  saw a lot of turkey in the shopping district.
Sakura=great let's go.
(so sakura, sai and naruto ran to the shopping district to find more turkey's)
(in the hokage tower)
Saskue=(yawn)hm sakuwa.
Tsunade=oh hey you're awake.
(tsunade picks up saskue and lays him on her desk and start's to change him)
Saskue=whew sakuwa.
Tsunade=you were asleep and sakura asked can  I  watch you.
(tsunade sprinkled baby powder on saskue and she put him in a new diaper and put his pants back on him)
Tsunade=there now you are all clean now.
Saskue=me haf ged birddie an me haf gif birddie ad birddie man.
Tsunade=uhh can you say that again  I  didn't understand.
Sasuke=me haf ged da birddies.
Tsunade=you don't have to worry about that.
Saskue=b bud me p pose be ged birddie(sniff)
Tsunade=oh no don't cry.
Shizune=what's wrong?
Tsunade=um see does he have something in his bag.
(shizine dug through the bag till she found a pacifier and she put's it in saskue mouth)
Tsunade=what's wrong saskue tell your grandma and your umm
Tsunade=why you're sad.
Saskue=mm mmm mmm mm.
(tsunade tried to pull out saskue's pacifier but the uchiha refuse to let go so tsunade had to bear with the little words she could hear)
Saskue=m m me wan ged birddie to.
Tsunade=( I  think he wants to help cause he feels bad about the whole thing well  I  can't deny him that)shizune cancel the chunin we are going to look for some turkey's ourselves.
Shizune=really but what about the all of the work we have to do.
Tsunade=(does hand signs)shadow clone jutsu.
(tsunade summoned clones)
Tsunade=they can take care of the work.
Shizune=well let's go.
Saskue=yeah wets go gwanma!
Tsunade=wait hold on let's get your shoes on first.
(after tsunade helped saskue get his shoes on she got his diaper bag and she held his hand)
Tsunade=okay where to look.
Shizune=hmm where is a good place to start?
Saskue=thewe thewe wan go thewe.
Shizune=the park but  I  don't see any turkey's over there.
Tsunade=he's young let him have his fun.
Shizune= I  guess what could go wrong.
(at the leaf village park)
Saskue=gwanma wan pway hewe wan hewe!!
(saskue pointed at the baby swing)
(tsunade picked sasuke up and set's him inside the swing but she pushes him shizune stopped her)
Shizune=wait don't push him you might send him to the stratosphere!
Tsunade= I  won't trust me.
(tsunade lightly pushes saskue )
Saskue=ha ha ha ha ha gan gan!!!
(tsunade keep's on pushing saskue till he was tired of the swing)
Saskue=gwanma me wan pway dat.
(saskue points to the slide)
(tsunade picks up saskue and places him on top of the slide but saskue didn't slide down)
Tsunade=what's wrong?
Saskue=id big me don wan go thewe.
Shizune=it's not that high just slide down.
Saskue=n no no wan go thewe.
Tsunade=look it's not that bad.
Sasuke=wan go down.
Tsunade=just slide down.
Tsunade=oh no.
(tsunade picks up saskue and pats his back)
Tsunade=shh it's alright.
Shizune=how about we do something else saskue are you hungry?
Tsunade=alright  I  got a perfect place to get food.
(at a diner)
Tsunade=um hello.
Waitress=hey look it's the hokage.
Waiter=oh wow wait who is that kid.
Tsunade=excuse me we would like a table.
Waitress=um yes there is one by the window.
(tsunade grab a booster seat and sits saskue in it and shizune and tsunade sat at their booth)
Saskue=me hungwy me hungwy!
Shizune=hold on you will get some food.
Saskue=me wan fewd!
Tsunade=he gets cranky when he is hungry
Waitress=may  I  take your order?
Tsunade= I 'll get a chicken wrap.
Shizune= I  want udon noodles.
Waitress=and how about this cutie.
Tsunade=sorry he get's cranky when he get's hungry umm get him a grilled cheese.
Waitress=alright coming up.
Sasuke=me hungwy.
Tsunade=hold on.
(tsunade got a sippy cup out of saskue's diaper bag and she gave it to saskue ans he started to drink from it)
Tsunade=there that will buy us a few minutes.
(five minutes later)
Waitress=here is your food.
(the waitress gave everybody their individual plates)
Shizune=alright sasuke let's get you fed.
(shizune started to cut up saskue's grilled cheese and she started the pieces)
Shizune=it's good.
(shizune gave saskue fifthteen more pieces till he was full)
(so after they ate they left the diner)
Tsunade=are you tired sasuke?
Saskue=(shakes head).
(shizune picks up saskue and pats his back until she heard soft snores)
Shizune=guess he was tired.
Tsunade=yeah he always gets after he get's full it's either that or.
Tsunade=or that... Hey shizune can you take care of him for me.

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