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After the shopping trip the group of three started making their way back to the Uchiha compound.
Sakura had the bags while her blond teammate was carrying the baby furniture boxes.
Sakura held onto Sasuke's hand as they all walked back home the now toddler Uchiha was happily bouncing as they walked home.
"I never knew Sasuke was so happy as a baby."
Naruto said shocked at Sasuke's new attitude.
"Well the last time he was this young and happy his whole clan was alive."
Sakura said as she continued walking.
"Yeah that was a happier time for him."
Naruto said still unable to believe the child beside him was his rival just yesterday.
"Sakuwa upsie!"
Sasuke said as he lifted his arms.
Sakura said as she lifted the child up but after holding the child for a few minutes she started feeling winded.
Naruto noticed Sakura was breathing somewhat heavily.
"Hey Sakura, you okay?"
Naruto asked.
"Yeah I'm fine."
Sakura said as she adjusted the toddler on her hip as she tried to carry the bags of supplies she was holding.
"Let me get those bags for ya then."
Naruto said as he grabbed the bags Sakura was holding.
"Thanks Naruto."
Sakura said as she adjusted Sasuke onto her hip.
"You sure you can handle all that by yourself?"
The pink haired young adult asked.
"Yeah I got it."
Naruto said as he continued to carry all the items.
"Nawudo stwong Sakuwa."
Sasuke said in awe at Naruto's feat of strength.
"Yes he is."
Sakura said.
Naruto gave off hia trademark smile at the compliments he was receiving
After walking two more blocks the trio made it back to Sasuke's home Sakura unlocked the door and she let Naruto walk in first.
The blond ninja collasped in the middle of the living room floor tired due to him carrying all the items he had.
"Ha ha ha Nawudo funny."
Sasuke laughed at the jinchuriki's antics.
"Yeah laugh it up."
Naruto said as he got up and dust his clothes off
"Okay Naruto it's time to set up Sasuke's room."
Sakura said as she grabbed Sasuke alongside with the box thst housed the parts for Sasuke's new crib and she started making her way upstairs.
Naruto groaned but he grabbed the box for the changing table and the toy shelf, once he was sure had a good hold on the two heavy boxes Naruto slowly followed Sakura upstairs.
"Why am I the pack mule."
Naruto groaned as he continued his task of climbing the stairl
Sakura walked into a empty room covered in dust with a some boxes stacked up in the corner.
"What's in those."
Sakura said as she placed Sasuke down on the floor and she walked to the boxes and she opened one to find a bunch of old toys.
The kunoichi said.
Sasuke dug through the box and he pulled out several different dinosaur's,planes,cars,and other toys
Sakura looked around her to see the room had little animals decorating the wall with a baby blue color.
"Is this a nursery?"
Sakura asked herself as she opened another box to find children's books.
Naruto walked into the room and he placed the boxes he had down, the young adult then walked over to Sakura taking a look at the box she had opened.
"Aren't those baby books?"
Naruto asked.
"Yeah I'm guessing these belonged to Sasuke when he was little for the first time."
Sakura said as she gentely pulled out a book and blowing the dust off of it.
"So this was his room when he was a baby."
Naruto grabbed the third and final box to find a bunch of old outfits and shoes.
"Hey Sakura this one has a bunch of baby clothes in it."
Naruto said as he placed the box in front of his friend.
"This can be useful."
Sakura said as she started looking through the box and she held up several outfits in front of Sasuke hoping they would fit.
"He can wear these, after I wash them of course but for now let's assemble these furniture sets.
Sakura put the clothes back in the box.
Naruto sat down and he started removing the furniture pieces from the box.
After three hours of assembling the pieces of the furniture Naruto and Sakura had finished building the crib and the changing table.
Naruto said as he got up and stretched.
"Yeah that was a painstaking process but we got it done."
Sakura said as she popped her joints.
Sasuke was softly snoring
Sakura walked over to the toddler and gentely shook him awake.
"Sasuke sweetie wake up it's time for dinner."
Sasuke opened his eyes and he slowly got up.
"Din din time?"
Sasuke asked Sakura.
The pink haired shinobi giggled.
"Yes it's din din time."
Sakura said as she helped Sasuke up.
"Me haf mato Sakuwa!"
Sasuke asked excitedly.
"How about I make something with tomatoes in it."
Sakura said as she carried Sasuke to the living room.
(Living room)
Sakura placed Sasuke on the couch and she found a cartoon on T.V.
Sakura turned to Naruto and asked him.
"Hey can you watch Sasuke while I make dinner."
Naruto replied as he sat on the couch.
Sakura walked into the kitchen to begin cooking.
Naruto looked down at his younger teammate.
"Is he really a actual kid again."
Naruto thought to himself.
"Hey Sasuke."
Naruto called out to the mini Uchiha.
The toddler looked up at Naruto.
"Do you remember me?"
Naruto asked.
"Ou daddy."
Sasuke said as he smiled.
Naruto sighed.
"No I'm not your dad..we use to be on a team remember."
Sasuke shook his head.
Naruto sighed.
"You really don't remember a thing do ya."
Naruto said.
Sasuke started thinking.
"Me member tachi say dat nawudo be wif me an Sawuda be wif me."
"Don't you remember Obito,the war,Orochimaru.....anything?"
Naruto asked.
Sasuke shook his head.
"Oo dey?"
Sasuke asked the blond jinchuriki with a beweirded look on the toddler's face.
Naruto was worried, had Sasuke forgot everything that has happened in their lives.
"Time to eat guys."
Sakura called out from the kitchen.
"Din din!!"
Sasuke slid off the couch and he grabbed two of Naruto's fingers and he proceeded to pull on them.
"Din din time Nawudo."
Sasuke tried to make the blond man get up and start moving.
Naruto was brought out of his thoughts by Sasuke's efforts, he would have to talk to Sakura later about this.
"I'm coming."
Naruto got up and he allowed the toddler to lead him to the dining room that also functioned as a kitchen.
"Hey you two, did you wash up first."
Sakura asked.
The pink haired kunoichi sighed and she muttered something that sounded like she said typical boys.
"Go on and wash your hands before we eat."
Sasuke groaned.
"Me hafta do id."
Sasuke whined to Sakura wanting nothing more than to just eat.
"Yes you have to Sasuke and Naruto does too."
Sakura said as she smiled.
Naruto picked up Sasuke and he walked to the kitchen sink and he began to wash both himself and Sasuke's hands, once the blond deemed both his hands and Sasuke's hands clean...or at least clean enough he walked back the table and he looked at the mysterious dish in front of him.
"What is this stuff?"
Naruto asked.
"It's a new dish around the leaf village people call it Napoliton."
Sakura said as she placed Sasuke into his new highchair which she placed next to herself so she could help feed the child not sure on his apitude on eating utinsels.
Naruto sat in his seat at the table next to Sasuke staring at his food, the toddler did the same.
"Come on you two it's not that bad, I worked hard on this."
Sakura said coming off a bit more sad than she intended to. This made Naruto feel like a complete jerk if Sakura went out of her way to cook food for him and Sasuke he was willing to eat it.
Naruto took his chopsticks and he began eating his food.
"It's.... DELICIOUS!!"
Naruto began to rapidly eat his food.
Sasuke saw that his new dad enjoyed the food, so he figured he give it a try.
"Sakuwa me wan dat to."
Sasuke said as he was about to grab his chopsticks but Sakura got to them before he did.
"Let me feed you Sasuke, wouldn't want another bath would you."
Sakura said teasing the now small Uchiha.
"Me don wan moe baff."
Sasuke said as he pouted.
Sakura was engrossed in the actions of young Uchiha.
Naruto leaned back in his chair feeling full.
"That hit the spot."
Naruto said.
"Glad you enjoyed it."
Sakura began feeding Sasuke his food, the toddler enjoyed the food too.
Sasuke liked this food, it tasted like tomatoes.
After dinner Sakura noticed it was getting late so she instructed Naruto to give Sasuke a bath before he goes bed.
"No wanna baff!"
Sasuke was not too happy about a two baths within the same day.
"You're covered in tomato sauce, you neee to take another bath."
Sakura said as she began to gather the plates.
Sasuke plopped on the floor and be began pouting.
"If you take a bath...I'll a tomato."
Sasuke said as he stood up.
"Good now go with Naruto so he can bathe you."
Sakura said as she began to wash dishes.
After Sasuke had his second bath for the night.
Naruto brought him to the kitchen.
"Me haf baff Sakuwa."
Sasuke said as he waited somewhat patiently for his prized snack.
"Sakura smiled as she opened the refrigerator and she had pulled out a plastic tin of cherry tomatoes, promptly handing Sasuke two of the small friut.
Sasuke took no time eating the tomatoes.
"Me wike mato Sakuwa."
Sasuke said.
"Well you can have some more tommorow."
Sakura said as she carried Sasuke upstairs to the nursery.
"Aww bud sakuwa."
"No but's Sasuke, it's bedtime besides we have stuff to do tomorrow."
Sakura said as she placed Sasuke in his new crib.
"Wad we do Sakuwa!"
Sasuke exclaimed excitedly.
Sakura hushed the toddler
"Good night Sasuke."
Sakura said as she flicked on a nightlight and turned on the baby monitor.
"Bud Sakuwa!"
Sasuke was about to start whining until Sakura placed a pacifier in Sasuke's mouth quickly silencing the child.
Sakura kissed Sasuke on his forehead and she left the room...
Sasuke was slowly starting to succomb to the wave of grogginess and he soon fell asleep emiting soft snores.
Naruto and Sakura heard the soft snores from Sasuke's baby monitor they both high fived each other.
"So what now."
Naruto asked.
"Well I'm gonna be staying here for awhile until he turns back to normal."
Sakura said as sat on the couch.
"Well I'm going back home."
Naruto opened the door to leave, but he quickly turned around.
"I know you're having a baby Sakura.".
Was all Naruto said as he left.
She really needed to learn how to hide stuff better.

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