Don't Eat My Lunch

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(1:00 pm)
(Uchiha mansion)
(living room)
(today was just a normal day for our little group naruto had told sakura that he had proposed to hinata sakura was very happy for him but she was worried about sasuke she figured she would tell him later but for now they all can just relax)
Sakura=today is a very chill day.
Naruto= I  know it's weird but refreshing.
Sakura=yeah  I  wish most days can be like this.
Naruto=preaching to the chior on that one.
Sakura=yeah it's just good to have a lazy day we don't want to do anything just relax on the couch watch tv or a movie and just stay home order out for dinner.
Naruto=yeah how about we order chinese take out today.
Sakura=sounds good...Now thinking about it sasuke has been very quiet.
(naruto opened his eyes to see sasuke laying on his stomach with both of his feet in the air then brefily falls to the floor and raises back up again saskue was using one hand to support his head while the other hand was holding his beloved blanket sasuke was wearing a blue t-shirt and white socks and he was just in his diaper)
Naruto=sakura look at sasuke.
(sakura grabs her phone that was on the arm of the couch and she took a picture of sasuke)
Sakura=heh heh that's going in the album.
Naruto=good...You know there was a time  I  had a crush on you but now you're more a like sister to me it's weird that it happen but  I 'm glad it did because it worked out for the best.
Sakura=it sure did  I  actually feel a bit comfortable living here with you now.
Naruto=what do you mean by that.
Sakura= I  was worried that we might have had some affections for each other and our hormones might get the better of us but we turned out fine.
Naruto= I  was worried about that to so  I  am glad it worked out sis.
Sakura=heh..Me to bro.
(narusaku has been deconfirmed)
Sakura=(yawn) I 'm going to take a nap.
Naruto=okay  I 'm going to make myself some lunch taco's sounds good right about now.
Sasuke=nawootoe me hungwy.
Naruto= I 'll make you a grilled cheese sandwich.
(naruto made sasuke his lunch first once sasuke ate his food he was not really satisfied he normally would be full right now)
Sasuke=wittle hungwy.
Naruto=there my tacos are finished now for the main items hot sauce.
(naruto had two tacos filled with lettuce ground beef with white cheese on top and he put eight drops of hot sauce on both of his tacos)
Naruto=perfect this is my masterpiece.
(before naruto had the chance to eat his masterpiece the house phone started ringing)
Naruto=aw man.
(naruto walks to the hallway to where the house phone was located and he answered it)
Naruto=hello...Hey hinata what's up...Not much.
(with sasuke)
Sasuke=me hungwy gan.
Sake=(ask naruto to make you another grilled cheese)
Sasuke=don wan dat.
Sake=(what do you want)?
(sasuke notices naruto's taco's on the table)
Sake=(don't do it)
Sake=(those won't sit well in your stomach)
Sasuke=bud me hungwy.
Sake=(naruto will make you another grilled cheese sandwich)
Sasuke=wan dat.
Sake=(no don't do it)
Sasuke=me do id.
Sake=(you know what eat it you're gonna learn)
(sasuke pushed a chair to the counter and he climbed on the chair and stood on it he grabbed one of the tacos)
(sasuke took a bite out of the taco he liked it so he continued to eat it)
Sasuke=mmm dat yummy.
Sake=(there you're full now let's go)
Sake=(don't do it).
(sasuke instead of listening to his self conscious he ate the second and last taco)
Sasuke=(burps)tummy full.
Sake=(how come you don't listen to me)
Sasuke=me hungwy.
Naruto=alright time for lunch...Where are my tacos?
Sasuke=monstew ead id.
Naruto=a monster...Sasuke did you eat my food.
Naruto=you did eat it.
Sasuke=me wad hungwy.
Naruto=you should have told me....You know what  I 'm not even mad.
Sasuke=nod mad ad me.
Naruto=nope just wait till later.
Sake=(what do you think he means by that)?
(sasuke then laid back down on the floor and continued to watch tv)
(thirty minutes later)
(sasuke stomach was grumbling not because he was hungry)
Sasuke=tummy huwt.
Sake=(your stomach hurts)
(sasuke stood up and he hugged blanket tight)
Sasuke=n nawootoe!
Naruto=yeah sasuke.
Sasuke=tummy huwt.
Naruto=your stomach hurts does it hurt real bad.
Sasuke=no id hot tummy hot.
Naruto=that's because you stole and ate my lunch.
Sasuke=m me s sowy.
Naruto=this is what happens when you steal a grown up's food and eat it.
Sasuke=(grunts) ahh ah.
Naruto= I 'm just gonna wait till you..Uhh...Finish.
(one minute later)
(sasuke face was red and sweaty)
Naruto=you're done?
Naruto=good it was starting to smell in here.
(naruto picked up sasuke and carried him to the nursery where he laid sasuke on the changing table)
Naruto=now what did we learn today.
Sasuke=steawing bad.
Naruto=that's right and.
Sasuke=no do id gan.
Naruto=and why.
Sasuke=mak tummy huwt an mak poopy an id huwt.
(naruto changed saskue's diaper he also gave saskue a chewible pepto bismal tablet)
Naruto=eat this.
Sasuke=wad dat?
Naruto=it'll make your tummy feel better.
Saskue=(eats tablet)wike candy.
Naruto=it kinda is.
Sakura=there you are  I 've been looking for you two.
Naruto= I  just got finished changing his diaper.
Sakura=okay..Sasuke why are you so red and and sweaty are you sick?
Naruto=no he ain't sick he ate my lunch and his body didn't like it so much.
Sasuke=id mak butt huwt.
Sakura=what were you going to eat.
Naruto=spicy tacos.
Sakura=that explains it.
Sasuke=me sowy fow steawing daddy fewd.
Sakura=well you did learn your lesson.
Sasuke=(nods)me wan sweep now.
(sakura placed sasuke in the crib and he fell asleep to have a dream where spicy tacos were tempting sasuke to eat them)
[lesson of this chapter is don't steal or suffer the consequences ask sasuke he experienced it all first hand)

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