Day One

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Naruto was at the Ichiraku ramen stand with Hinata, the blond shinobi was busy trying to beat his girlfriend's record in who can eat the most ramen.
"Are you okay Naruto
Hinata asked genuinely concerned for her lover's health.
Naruto was starting to turn green he couldn't eat another bite but he refused to lose.
Teuchi sighed.
"Naruto you gotta face the music, your girlfriend is a tad bit more passionate about ramen than you are.
"Yeah girl power!!"
Ayame yelled throughout the competition she was cheering for Hinata.
Naruto turned in his chair and he threw up all the ramen he had ate onto the village streets.
"Naruto I told you not to eat that much."
Hinata was patting Naruto's back.
"Aw gross dad he's doing it again!"
Ayame said as she covered her nose.
"That's the fifth time this month."
Teuchi said as he went to the back to grab a shovel.
After the whole ordeal Hinata had Naruto slumped on her shoulder's.
"Sorry about all of that Hinata."
Naruto said.
"It's okay but please don't eat yourself sick again I get worried."
Hinata said as she planted a kiss on Naruto's cheek.
Naruto giggled.
"Hey Hinata do you mind if we go check on Sasuke he wasn't feeling too good last night.
Naruto said as he stood himself up, his stomach pain had went away.
"That's sweet of you Naruto we should check on him."
Said the female hyuuga.
So the couple started walking towards Sasuke's house.
"I didn't see Sasuke yesterday last night at the celebration last night was he not feeling well?"
Hinata asked.
"That's what he said but he may be better today"
Said Naruto.
"Hey love birds"
Naruto and Hinata turned around and they both saw Sakura waving to them.
Hinata waved to the pink haired kunoichi and said.A
"Hi Sakura what are you doing here?"
"I'm going to Sasuke's house to check on him."
Sakura said.
"We're doing the same thing."
Naruto said.
"I guess we were all worried about him"
Hinata said as she smiled.
After a few minutes of walking the group of three made it to Sasuke's house.
"Here we are"
Sakura said as she gentely knocked on the door.
"Sakura that was weak let me show you how to do this."
Naruto said as he was about to bang on the door, it had opened by itself making the blond jinchuriki fall flat on his face.
Naruto quickly stood up.
"Hey jerk where are ya!!"
Naruto yelled.
"It's a little quiet in it always like this."
Hinata asked.
"No he should have responded by on guard."
Sakura said as she looked around here to see if there were any enemies in the house.
"You guys heared that?"
Sakura said.
"It's came from upstairs."
Hinata said as she activated her Byakugan.
"I sense Sasuke's chakra's small we better hurry upstairs."
Hinata said as she motioned for Naruto and Sakura to follow her.
The trio made their way upstairs and the stopped at the door to the master bedroom.
"There's that sound again"
Naruto said.
Sakura steadied her breathing.
"We go in on three."
The pink haired kunoichi said earning a nod from the couple.
Sakura bust the door open to find a small naked child on Sasuke's bed.
The small child said gleefully.
Sakura said dumbfounded.
"Who ou?"
The toddler asked.
"Wait who are you?"
Naruto asked the raven haired child.
"Me Sasuke."
Said the child.
Sakura fainted.
Naruto yelled.
(Thirty minutes later)
Sakura felt someone touching her face when she opened her eyes she saw that the toddler from earlier whom of which was wearing a over sized T-shirt was poking her face.
"Heh heh okay Sasuke she's awake."
Naruto said as he picked up the toddler.
"What happened?"
Sakura looked around her to see doctors and a forensics team in Sasuke's house.
"Oh Sakura you're awake."
Said Hinata.
"What happened."
Sakura rose up from the couch she was laid on.
"Sasuke's a baby now."
Naruto said as he played with the toddler.
Sakura asked.
"We have not found out anything yet the forensics team is looking for abnormalities in Sasuke's blood.
Hinata said as handed Sakura a cup of tea.
"Thanks Hinata."
Sakura said as she slowly began sipping her tea.
An hour later the forensics team left the Sasuke's house so they can bring their data to the science department of the Leaf village.
"So what now?"
Naruto asked.
"I was just about to head by home, but I can stop the Hokage's tower to report about this.
Hinata said.
"Thanks Hinata you're the best.
Hinata did a small bow and she left.
Sasuke started tugging on Sakura's shirt.
"Yes Sasuke?"
Sakura said the toddler.
"Me hugwy."
Sasuke said to the pink haired kunoichi.
"What would you like to eat?"
Sakura asked.
Sasuke placed his hand under his chin to give the impression he was deep in thought, Sakura found this extremely cute.
"Me wan pacake cuz mommy make pacake."
Sasuke said happily.
"Pancakes sounds good."
Sakura said as she picked up the toddler and started walking to the kitchen.
(The Kitchen)
Sakura sat Sasuke on kitchen counter and she started pulling out the ingredients she needed to make pancakes.
"Wad ou mame?"
Sasuke asked
"My name is Sakura."
The female ninja replied.
Naruto entered the kitchen.
"Wad his mame?"
Sasuke asked as he pointed to Naruto.
"That's Naruto"
Sakura said as she started mixing her ingredients together to make her pancake batter.
"So Sasuke....did remember anything?"
Sakura asked the toddler.
" member me go da pawk den tachi say id sweep time cuz the sun sweepy an tachi he haf ta do ninja stuff."
Said the young Uchiha.
"I see, anything else you remember."
Sakura asked.
"Den me ged ub an me wad nakey an ou sweep den da giwl gif me dis cuz me wad nakey an nawudo pway wi me."
The toddler said.
Sakura only caught most of the baby said but she was able piece together enough words to be able to tell that Sasuke was talking about the events that had happened earlier this morning.
"I you know where you're mommy and daddy at."
Sakura asked despite knowing the Sasuke's parents are dead.
"Tachi say mommy an daddy nod hewe no moe cuz dey do ninja stuff bud tachi say dey wuv me."
Sasuke said oblivious to the fact his parents are dead.
"Hmm he doesn't know...what else did Itachi tell you."
Sakura asked as she placed her pancake batter in a skillet.
"Tachi say dat wen me wakey upsie me haf new mommy an daddy so ou my new mommy."
The toddler said happily.
"Sasuke I can't be your mom..."
Sakura said but she noticed the toddler was about to cry so she quickly changed her answer.
"I mean yes I can be your new mommy."
Sakura noticed started smiling she took a breath glad she was able prevent him from crying.
"Look the pancakes are done let's got sit at the table and eat."
Sakura picked the toddler up and she sat at the table while placing Sasuke on her lap seeing how he was to short to sit in the chair by himself.
"Okay Sasuke can you eat by yourself?"
Sakura asked.
"Yeah me do id Sakuwa."
Sasuke grabbed his pancake and he began to start eating it.
"I'll show how to use a fork later."
Sakura said to herself.
"Hey Sakura do you think he might need diapers?"
Naruto asked.
"Hey Sasuke how old are you?"
Sakura asked.
"Me one Sakuwa"
Sasuke said as he continued to eat his breakfast.
"Does you wear diapers Sasuke."
Sakura asked the child
Sasuke nodded.
Sakura sighed and she pulled out her wallet and pulled out a ten dollar bill.
"Naruto I need to rush to store a buy a pack diaper...they have the age group on the packages and I need you to hurry before Sasuke decides to go."
Sakura said as she handed Naruto the money.
"Got ya I'll be back in a flash."
Naruto ran out the house.
"Me done sakuwa."
Sasuke said as he held up his plate.
"Good job Sasuke, now let's go wash your hands."
Sakura went up to the kitchen sink and she had washed the toddler's hands.
"There we go Sasuke your hands are all clean."
Sakura said as she dried the young Uchiha's hands.
"Sakuwa me ged juice?"
Sasuke asked.
"Of course you can."
Sakura opened the refrigerator to find that there was no juice, an older Sasuke doesn't enjoy sweets but despite that the teen was able to find a jug of sweet tea, so sakura grabbed the jug of tea and poured into the smallest she could find.
"Here you go."
Sakura said handing Sasuke the cup.
"Ank ou!"
Sasuke said as began to drink from the cup.
Sakura grabbed the jug of tea and she placed it back in the refrigerator but when she turned her turned her back on Sasuke she heard a splashing sound, Sakura quickly turned around to see Sasuke had spilled his tea on both himself and the floor.
"Uh oh."
Sasuke said as be looked up to Sakura.
Sakura sighed.
"This is what I was afraid of."
"Sowy Sakuwa."
Sasuke said as he lowered his head.
Sakura couldn't stay mad at the adorable messy child before her.
"It's okay no harm done but how about we give you a bath before the tea starts getting sticky on you."
Sasuke said as he lifted up his arms.
Sakura picked up the dirty child and she carried him to the bathroom and make the bath water.
"Sakuwa me ged toy?"
Sasuke asked.
"Sasuke I don't know where your toys are at but I promise we'll buy you new ones."
Sakura said as she turned the water faucet off.
"Me ged new toy!"
Sasuke said excitedly.
Sakura said as she poured bubble bath liquid into the bathtub.
"New toy new toy!!"
Sasuke started jumping up and down while chanting that he was getting a new.
"Okay okay settle down."
Sakura was about to lift the wet T-shirt off of Sasuke but then she realized that this would be the first time she will see Sasuke her crush naked...but then she realized that Sasuke may never be the same assuming he turns back to normal.
Sasuke called out to Sakura pulling her back to reality
"Oh sorry Sasuke I was just thinking"
Sakura pulled the T-shirt off of Sasuke and she placed him in the bathtub.
Sasuke began playing with the bubbles suds in the bathtub.
Sakura began to bathe Sasuke.
After spending ten minutes in the bath Sakura pulled Sasuke out the bath tub and she started to dry him off.
"Okay Sasuke let's get you another shirt."
Sakura said as she wrapped the towel around Sasuke and she went to his bedroom to pick another shirt.
"This shirt is also too big but it'll work for now."
Sakura said as she slipped the shirt onto Sasuke.
"Hey Sakura I'm back!!!"
Naruto yelled from the living room.
"We're upstairs Naruto"
Sakura said.
Naruto ran upstairs to and walked inside Sasuke's room.
"Hey Sakura I got the diapers"
Naruto said as he handed Sakura the pack of diapers.
Sakura tore open the package and she quickly put Sasuke into the diaper.
Sakura said satisfied with her handiwork.
"How did you do that so fast!?"
Naruto asked amazed by Sakura's diapering skills.
"I helped take care of lot of children in the hospital."
Sakura said as she stood Sasuke up.
Sasuke yawned he was starting to get tired from all he did this morning.
"Heh heh look's like someone is sleepy."
Sakura said as she picked up Sasuke and ahe began to rock him asleep.
"Ou won weave wen me sweep mommy"
Sasuke asked Sakura.
Sakura gentely smiled.
"Yes I'll still be here Sasuke,I would never leave you."
Sakura said as she continued to rock the toddler to sleep.
Sasuke closed his eyes and eventually he started softly snore indicating he was in deep slumber.
Knock Knock.
"Naruto can you get that."
Sakura asked.
Naruto walked downstairs to answer the door and to his surprise he was met with his old sensei now hokage Kakashi.
Naruto said confused.
"Hello Naruto I heard what happened."
Kakashi said as he walked inside the house.
Sakura made her way downstairs with Sasuke asleep in her arms.
"Hello Kakashi-sensei."
Kakashi gazed at the child in his old pupil's arms.
"Is that him?"
Kakashi asked.
"Yeah you might want to sit down Naruto and I can only tell you what we know and what Sasuke has told us."
Sakura said as she sat on the couch.
Naruto and Kakashi pulled up two chairs and they sat down.
After twenty minutes of explanations Kakashi heard what his pupil's knew about the ordeal with Sasuke.
"I see well I will talk to Orochimaru and Kabuto tommrow and see do they know anything."
Kakashi said as he got up from his chair and he began to leave.
"Oh before I leave I need to know who will take care of Sasuke if he doesn't turn back."
The sixth hokage asked.
"You mean like raise him."
Naruto asked.
"Yes...or if you want me to I can put him in a orphanage."
Kakashi said.
"I will care for him if it comes to that Kakashi."
Sakura said.
"And I'll help out if needed"
Naruto said.
"Good..I'll will give you access to the Uchiha treasury so you guys can buy the items he may need and don't worry about running out of money... Sasuke has quite a lot of it."
Kakashi left the house.
"Well when Sasuke wakes up we can go shopping for him."
Said the pink haired shinobi.
"Alright.....what if Sasuke stays a baby.....are you gonna be okay."
Naruto asked Sakura.
"Yes I will be'll hurt at first but I will be if you excuse me I am going to put Sasuke in bed."
Sakura started walking upstairs.

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