S1 Ep3: Acafellas

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Gabby was bored out of her mind while practicing this choreography. Until Rachel finally said what Quinn and Santana told her.

"Mr Shue can we stop?" Rachel asked

"You don't have to ask me to go to the bathroom everytime Rachel just go." Mr Shue said.

"It's not my bladder. Its the choreography." There it was.

"Okay what's wrong with th choreography?"

"We can't compete with vocal adrenaline with these steps. You're a great vocal coach Mr Shue, but you're not a trained choreographer." Rachel continued, "Thats why we need to be the best. We need Dakota Stanley."

"Just because he under studied, it doesn't mean he performed." Shue mentioned.

"Did you ever perform Mr Shuester? After high school... did you even try?" Quinn shot back.


"Hes not coming."Rachel said entering the room.

"What happened?" Finn asked. Rachel explained the story.

"of course he doesn't want anything to do with us, after you kicked him in the nads." Finn complained to Rachel.

"Then why did he thank me?" She countered.

"The goal is to win" Gabby stated.

"And now that Mr Shuester has agreed to let us hire Dakota Stanley, we can." Santana added.

"But he doesn't want us to, he just doesn't have the confidence to coach us anymore. Guys are real sensitive when it comes to this stuff." Finn said.

"And thats my fault?" Rachel questioned.

"You see anyone else here with a plate of 'im sorry' cookies, i don't, just you." He said

"Im bored, all those in favor of hiring Dakota Stanley." Quinn asked raising up her hand first with everyone, except for Finn, following suit.


"Its a good start of sowing the seeds of destruction." Sue said while exercising. Gabby, Santana and Quinn sat in her office.

"Mr Shue barely shows up to practice." Santana states with a smile. She has a very pretty smile for such an evil human, if you could even call her human.

"Oh no, barely isn't going to cut it. I won't be satisfied until Glee Club is disbanded." Sue clearly wasn't that happy with the results yet. "And what about this Dakota character, any chance he actually helps?"

"Definitely not." Gabby answered.

"They're soft, he'll eat them alive. I give them 15 minutes until one of them quits or tries to commit suicide." Quinn added on.

"You know what ladies, i learned a lot in special forces, I was on the strikr team in Panama when we extracted Noriega. We took out the Shepard and then we went after the sheep. You need to go after these glee clubbers one by one." Sue said pointing at the three of them. "I need my full budget restored. I need a fog machine."


Gabriela and Santana approached Mercedes after Kurt left her side. They weren't on good terms what so ever, but they would do anything to stay on Sue's good side.

"You should totally scoop that." Gabby says walking to the one side of Mercedes while Santana walks on the other side.

"I don't think im his type." Mercedes replies.

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