S1 Ep17 : Bad Reputation

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"Who did it?" Mr Shuester asked sternly holding up the so called 'Glist' for the Glee Club. "This is serious. Principal Figgins is threatening to disband the club."

"Why are we playing this game? We all know it was Puck." Santana spoke up.

"Hey, back-off. I didn't do squat." He said defensively.

"Then why's your girlfriend first on the Glist?" Tina asked him

"And why am I last?" Rachel asked offended. "Aside from the fact that i refused to put out for you."

"Okay, enough." Mr Shue finally stepped in. "No one is accusing anyone of anything. Puck seriously did you do it?" He asked.

"I said no. I'm a delinquent sure, I like setting things on fire, and beating up people I don't know. I own that. But I'm not a liar." Puck replied.

"Heres the important point, between this...and posting coach Sylvester's personal video on YouTube, you guys are getting a pretty bad reputation."

"Whys that a bad thing? Maybe if we start seeming more badass, people will stop flushing my glasses down the toilet." Artie told the glee coach.

Mr Shue handed out sheet music as he gave some lecture, that Gabriela didn't hear one bit of because she looked at the terrible song on the page in front of her.

"This song is wack." Mercedes said, voicing Gabriela's exact thoughts.

"No, its not. it's a terrific song on a long list of top hits that because of time or bad press, has become a joke, and like you guys, its time to start rehabilitating it's bad reputation." Mr Shue explained to the club

"The assignment for the week... is for all of you to find songs like this, mine them for what works, and make them great again.Hopefully you can apply this musical lesson to your own lives" The Glee coach tasked them.

"This song should be arrested for the crime of sucking." Jesse St James joked.

"You wanna bet." Mr Shuester said before beginning the song.


Gabriela and Santana were walking and talking about the Glist

"I still don't get how i share third place with Puck. Him out of all people. Thats literally disgraceful to me." Gabriela complained

"Don't worry Gabby, whoever made that Glist literally sucks. How am I lower ranked than a prego Quinn Fabray. I'm way hotter than her." Santana also complained.

"Ugh, its fine, it doesn't matter anyway. I just hope we find out who it is." Gabriela sighed.

"I swear i will go all Lima heights on whoever decided to rank us that low." Santana said walking into the Glee Club with her best friend by her side, pinkies joined together.

They sat in their normal seats next to each other.

"All right guys, listen up. A week has passed. If another list goes up this week, this issue is out of my hands, and it becomes Principal Figgins' jurisdiction." Mr Shue told them.

"Seriously Mr Shue, whoever made that list is not gonna come forward." Finn told him "We might as well bend over and take whats coming."

"Fine." He said giving up "Rachel, how about you show us your bad reputation project."

Rachel began rambling about something, making Gabriela roll her eyes.

"Get on with it" She shouted at Rachel.

Majority of the Glee members clapped at the end of the "music video", if you would call it that. Noah, Jesse and Finn all looked upset however.

Gabriela turned to her best friend and whispered something to her. "I must say Lopez, that was an extraordinary performance from you."

"Why thank you Moreno." She done a little bow.

"This was garbage!" Finn yelled.

"Finn" Mr Shue reprimanded.

"No he's right." Puckerman defended. "First of all i need to trust my instincts more, because when we were shooting i had a feeling it wouldn't be good."

"Why didn't you tell me they were in this too? I thought we were going out." Jesse added his frustration "Being triple cast with two other guys to play opposite your girlfriend? Thats mortifying."

"This was an artistic statement." Rachel tried defending herself.

"No it wasn't, it was you trying to look like you had 3 guys fighting over you so you could stop looking like some kind of outcast amd be seen as some hot, slutty, girl singer. How could you do this to me? To all us guys?" Finn questioned her.

"Is your stupid reputation more important than all your relationships?" He said walking out the room.

Jesse stormed out as well. Not without Rachel trying to stop him however.

"Well that was dramatic." Gabriela said


"I heard you made the Glist." Gabriela said walking up to Quinn.

"Why does it matter?" She asked, closing her locker.

"I just want to know if you did. So?" Gabriela asked her.

"I did."

"Why am I ranked the same as Puckerman?" Gabriela seriously questioned now

"Well you're still kind of new here, plus it would've raised suspicions that you're the one who made the Glist. Sorry Gabby." Quinn apologised

"Its alright, I know im way hotter than Noah Fuckerman anyway." Gabriela said making the blonde laugh.

"Definitely. Come on, we should get going." Quinn told the other

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