S1 Ep7:Throwdown

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"I want to put these children against each other. Quinn, update, go." Sue said as the Cheerios sat in the Cheer coach's office

"Minority students don't feel like they are being heard." Quinn told them

Gabby and Santana looked at each other upset.

"Ah, cheek in the armor. I am going to create an environment that is so toxic, no one will want to be apart of that club."


"Ladies first pick. Heads." Sue flipped the coin and Mr Shue caught it.

"Heads." he said.

"Awesome. Alright the following students have been selected for a special glee club called Sue's kids." Sue said taking out her notebook

"Hold on we agreed not to split up the group." Mr Shue stopped her

"Come on Will give me a chance to do things Sue Sylvester's way. Maybe with my proven leadership abilities i can help this pathetic group of mouth breathers place at sectionals."

"We cant even compete in sectionals if we divide up the club Sue, its against the rules." Mr Shue tried protesting.

"Really. You need to crack open a book William. Here, I have. Show choir rule book. Page 24 provision 14 second amendment. 12 memebers must perform for each team however not all members must perform every song." Coach Sylvester said showing the book to him

"Fine, just go ahead and take all the football players and Cheerios."

"All right everybody, listen up. When you hear your name called, crossover to my side of this black shiny thing."

"Thats called a piano Sue." Mr Shue tried explaining.

"Santana, Gabriela, Wheels, Gay kid. Come on move it. Asian, other Asian, Aretha and Shaft."

She turned to Mr Shuester. "See Will, i don't want to participate in a group that ignores the needs of minority students."

Mr Shue whispered something to Coach Sylvester. "Oh i wouldn't kid about this Will, and maybe that's your problem, bigotry is no laughing matter." She says.

Santana chimes in "And thats how Sue, sees it." she turns to Santana

"Outstanding" Santana looked at Gabriela still holding up the C with her hand.


Gabriela sat in the bathroom crying. She had a random breakdown and didn't want people to see her, so she ran there

She stood over the sink crying her heart out, when the door suddenly opened. She quickly tried to wipe her tears away.

"Moreno?" It was Santana.

God she would make thing so much worse. Why did she have to show up now.

"Lopez.W-What are you doing here?" Gabriela asked.

"I came to do my makeup. Why are you crying?" She says moving closer.

"Who says im crying Lopez?" Gabby says not denying it.

"Your eyes are puffy and you have tears on your chin still. Whats wrong?" Santana was now standing next to her trying to help.

"Why even bother. Its none of your business anyways. You're probably going to use whatever information I give you against me." Gabby says taking a few steps back.

"Gabriela. I'm a bitch, not a monster. Please let me try and help this once."

She slid down the wall with her back against it. She buried her head into her knees and started violently sobbing. Santana came and sat down next to her. "Hey. Its going to be alright. Just tell me what happened."

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