S1 Ep2: Showmance

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Gabriela got to school early for Cheerio try-outs. She absolutely destroyed it considering she had passed experience.

She got her uniform from sue's office and got ready for practice. Well there Sue introduced her to head cheerleader Quinn Fabray.

After practice Quinn came up to her to speak to her and asked her to join the celibacy club since majority of Cheerios are in it. Gabby agreed even though she wasn't really religious. Thats one thung she liked about her parents. She had freedom of choice. Yes her parents were kinda religious, but they never forced anything on her.


As she was walking down the hallway she got pushed into the lockers. "Listen here you bitch." She knew that voice belonged to the one and only Santana Lopez.

"What a nice way to greet someone Santana." Gabby said rolling her eyes.

"Why and how did you join the Cheerios Moreno? Spill it. You bribe Coach Sylvester?" She asked coming closer.

Gabby was already sick of her bullshit. "Sue offered me a chance." Gabby replied in a monotonous voice.

"Stop lying dumbass. Sue would never offer anyone." Santana crossed her arms and Gabby mimicked her.

"She offered me. Maybe she could see I was better than most of you. Clearly it was proven right." She looked Santana up and down and began moving forward. She scoffed.

Just as she was about to walk away Santana grabbed her hair pulling Gabby towards her. "Let go of me you bitch." Gabby said grabbing Santana's wrists and digging her nails in her skin.

She twisted Santana's arm and slapped her. She was pushed onto the ground pulling Santana with her. Gabby got on top of her and punched her

"Get off of me!" Santana shouted as she tried pushing Gabriela off her.

Eventually mr Shue and Finn came pulling her off of Santana. "Whats going on here." Mr Shue asked them.

"Hey you good?" Finn asked Gabby. Before she could answer Puck, a football player came up to her.

"That was totally badass." He said giving her a smirk.

Puck was Santana's supposed on and off boyfriend. They both cheated on each other though so she she didn't really know what was going on between them.

"Thanks" She shot him a smile and walked away.

Finn ran up to her. "Hey you didn't answer me. You good?"

"Yeah totally. I let off a lot of stress i would say." Gabby replied and smiled at him.

"No shit." He said laughing. She also laughed.

Finn was Quinn's boyfriend. He'd follow her around like a lost puppy sometimes. Lately they've been having problems though. Finn joined the Glee club and its totally taken a toll on their relationship.

"I have to go, see you later Gabriela."

"Just call me Gabby." She said with a smile.

"See you later at celibacy club then Gabby." He said walking away.


"The celibacy club is now in session." Quinn announced. "Thanks to the school rule that says anyone has to join the club, we're welcoming a new member. Rachel Whats-Her-Name"

Gabby hasn't spoken to Rachel since becoming a cheerio and throwing a slushy at her. She kinda feels bad. But sometimes you have to make sacrifices to be popular.

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