S1 Ep15:The Power of Madonna

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Gabriela woke up that morning with the smell of freshly made waffles lingering in her kitchen. She went down stairs and saw Quinn sitting while Miguel made waffles.

"Morning" Gabriela greeted them

"Morning Gabby." Quinn greeted

"Good morning. I made you waffles." Miguel said placing it on her plate.

"I see so. Whats the occasion?" She asked him.

"You've seem so out of it recently, so i thought I'd make waffles. It was always your favorite as a kid so i thought it was worth a shot." He said with sincerity in his voice.

"Thank you Miguel. I really appreciate it. You know with all the stress from school and my parents being away." She said thankfully

"Speaking of your parents, have you spoken to them recently?" He asked her.

"Yea, last night. They said due to unforeseen circumstances they're going to have to stay a lot longer than they thought." She said pained to say the least.

"Im sorry."

"It's cool. It's not like its your fault. I'm going to go. I still have school. Are you ready Quinn?" Gabby asked finishing the last of her waffle.

"Yeah." Quinn said standing up

"Enjoy!" Miguel shouted after them

"Im glad to see you're getting along with Miguel" Gabriela smiled at Quinn

"He's great" Quinn laughed


"Santana. What does your bracelet say?" Sue asked her. The Cheerios were sitting down while Sue gave them a talk.

"WWMD" She answered lifting her arm to show off her red bracelet that Sue gave the Cheerios.

"Gabriela, what does it stand for?" Sue now called upon her.

"What Would Madonna Do" She said with a smug smile on her face.

"Well, the answer to that question is usually date a younger man. So let's see some arm candy, girls. Sorry freshman, you're gonna have to start trolling the middle schools." Sue told all of them while strutting up and down.

"And you know why? 'Cause if you want to be a riveting performer like Madonna, a skill that will nab us nationals this year, you're going to have to start thinking like her, acting like her. Also, a la Madonna, I will no longer acknowledge that any of you have last names." She pointed to Becky and used her as an example.

"You know, it's like Madonna once said," Sue continued on "I'm tough, im ambitious and I know what I want. If that makes me a bitch then okay.' Pretty sure she stole that line from one Sue Sylvester." She concluded.


All the Glee girls sat in the choir room. Quinn was drawing a funny picture of Rachel. Gabriela sat by Santana and Brittany taking glances at the drawing when Rachel decided to speak up.

"Can I ask you guys a question?" She asked them

"Yes, you should move back to Israel." Santana told her, earning a giggle from Gabriela and Brittany.

"Its about dating." Rachel told them. "Not that im dating anyone. We all know Finn and I are no longer an item, and for the sake of the team, i broke up with Jesse. But lets say i was dating someone." Rachel said.

Santana and Gabriela looked at each other in suspicion.

"Just say, hypothetically, we went to a concert last Friday night, and because my dads weren't home, we went up to my room and started making out."

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