S1 Ep1:Pilot

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It was Gabriela Moreno's first day at William McKinley Highschool. The school felt like failure as soon as you stepped foot in the perimeters.

She moved to Ohio from California after her father died. It was her step fathers idea. She liked her step father, but she felt as if her mother moved on too fast. Besides that she had a very good relationship with both her parents. They were a very rich family not to mention. Her step father owned several law firms in California,and her mother was a famous actor. They loved her no matter what, and she loved them.

She was nervous for her first day. She knew nobody there, and she knew it would be hard to make friends. She just prayed nobody recognized her mother or her fame.

As she was walking in the halls, she bumped into a taller Latina wearing what seemed to be a cheerleaders uniform.

"Watch where you're going weirdo." She said. Who does she think she is.

"Why don't you watch where you're going. "

She turned around. "What did you say to me."

Gabriela turned around and looked at her. "I said why don't YOU watch where you're going."

She scoffed and pushed her against the lockers. "Listen, I'm going to assume you're new here, considering you're speaking to ME like that, but don't ever do it again. Or else I'll go all Lima heights on your ass. Got it?" She flipped her hair in Gabby's face as she turned to walk away.

First day here and Gabby already hated it.


As she was walking into the bathroom Gabriela saw a girl cleaning a slushy from her face.

"Um, are you alright?" She asked. The girl turned to Gabriela with a very wet face.

"I am. Rachel Berry. Future star of broadway" she said to Gabby.

"Uh I'm Gabriela Moreno. I'm new here btw."

"You're mother is Camila Moreno right?" She said excitedly and put her hand out for Gabriela to shake.

"Your hand looks sticky.And yeah she is my mother. Lets just keep it on the down low for now." Gabby said to Rachel.

"Its a matter of time before people find out but sure,also its sticky because of a slushy facial. You haven't got one yet?" Rachel asked.

"No? Does it often happen?"

"Only to people who aren't on the football team or Cheerios. But soon Glee kids will be super popular too."

The shock that ran through Gabriela's body was unexpected. It made her shiver. Would she get thrown with a slushy? Considering shes a new girl she should be off the radar right? Would her mothers fame help if anyone found out? Does she want anyone to find out about her fame?

"No worries though," Rachel continued, "You're new so as long as you don't mess with anyone you should be fine, plus you're famous." Gabby was relived until she realised she messed with one already.

"I think im gonna go. Uh, bye Rachel, see you around." She said exiting the bathroom.


"Hey honey. How was the first day at school?" Her mother greeted. "It was alright, just tiring. How was your auditions?"

Her mother had been auditioning for a side role in a show about police officers. It was kinda cool.

"It was good. They said they'll reach out to me if i get the role." She almost always did.

"Good luck. I'm sure you'll get the role. I think I'm going to do homework then head to bed. Goodnight."

Camila looked up from her phone. "Goodnight honey. Oh one more thing Gabriela."

Gabriela turned to look at her mom. "I love you"

Gabby smiled and replied. "I love you too mama."


Gabriela was standing by her locker when coach Sue Sylvester approached her. "You, short stuff, whats your name?" Sue asked.

"Gabriela. Gabriela Moreno." she replied nervous yet confidently.

"Are you new here freckles?" The coach asked. She had a reputation of being rude.

" I am. Why?" Gabby was worried.

"You have an outstanding physique. Have you ever done cheerleading?"

"Uh yeah. I was a cheedleader at my last highschool."

"Come to practice tomorrow. If you're not there I will hunt you down and put you into a taco to feed to your people." Sue walked away and left Gabby standing at her locker in shock.

Rachel went up to her and asked if she was fine after seeing her encounter with coach Sylvester. She said she was fine and walked off.

Not even 5 steps later she got stopped by a white boy with an afro.

"You're the new girl right? Word on the street is you moved here from California." He held the microphone to her face. "What's it to you creep?"

How did he know she was from California? It was very uncomfortable for her. Things only got more uncomfortable after that.

"I'm Jacob Ben Isreal. Is it true your mother is famous actress Camila Moreno?" Gabriela was starting to get creeped out. Yes, she expected this to happen, but not so soon.

"I refuse to answer that question." she stated blankly.

"I'll take that as a yes. Is it true that-" Gabby cut his question off "Listen here perv, i don't want to answer your weird questions. Back off." She started walking away.

Him and his camera man continued to follow her. Jacob tried to grab her but a tall boy stepped in to stop him.

"She said leave her alone. Now back off." He grabbed Gabby's arm and walked away.

"Hey sorry about that. I'm Finn by the way. You're new here right?" Finn asked.

"Yeah I'm Gabriela. Thanks for that by the way." She was really grateful he came to her rescue.

"It's nothing. im kinda late for...uh... something. I'll see you around?" He was really kind.

" Yeah, see you around Finn." Gabriela walked to her car.

On her way she walked passed a trio of cheerleaders and saw the girl from yesterday morning. The girl looked her up and down and giggled. Gabby rolled her eyes and pushed passed her.

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