S1 Ep 8:Mash-up

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"Okay guys, we're a little behind on sectionals thanks to our Sue Sylvester detour. But you guys seem to enjoy doing mash ups right? I want to keep you fired up. Plus, there's an important lesson to be learned with mash ups. Sometimes things are so different they seem like they don't go together, but sometimes its the big difference between them that makes them great. Like chocolate and bacon." Mr Shue said.

"Or glee club and football." Finn added.

"Right but you proved that to be a great combination."

"So here is, my personal favorite song. Your homework is to find a song that goes with it." Mr Shue handed out the papers.

"Bust a move?" Gabby asked.

"Yeah this song is old school." Mercedes added.

"Alright, um, Artie." Mr Shue called "Try to follow along the base. Finn take us through it."

"Uh, I'm sorry Mr Shuester. I got corn syrup in my eye." Finn says.

"Okay uh, Puck how about it?"

"I don't really groove on Young MC." He told the teacher

"I am shocked at the lack of leading man ambition in this room right now." Rachel spoke up.

"Its okay Rachel. I guess im gonna have to show these guys how its done." Mr Shuester took off his suit shirt and started singing.


"Hey Gabby." Santana called out.

"Hey San. Whats up?" Gabby said while walking next to her.

"Nothing much, I wanted to check on you. You good?" She asked with a smile on her face.

"Yeah I've been doing better. Are you good?"

"Yeah I am." 

While the were walking Karofsky bumped into Gabby.

"What the fuck Karofsky." Gabby called out.

"What do you want?" he said turning around and walking towards her.

"An apology dickhead." She said looking up at him.

"And what if i don't want"

"Listen here Karofsky, if you don't apologise, I'll go all Lima heights on your ass." Santana jumped in.

"I can take on 2 girls." He said scoffing.

"Then take this" Gabby said lunging her her knee into his nuts.

Karofsky fell on the floor in pain and Santana started giggling.

"Come on lets go San." They made their way to glee club.


Gabby sat at the back with Santana and Brittany. She was talking to Brittany about the cat she got yesterday.

"You should bring her over for a play date with Lord Tubbington." Brittany said.

Gabby's hand was in hers and she was drawing little smiley faces on it.

"Sure. How about this weekend?"  Gabby asked.

"I'll ask Lord Tubbington."

"Sounds good."

Mr Shue came in. "Hey guys. Any ideas for the mash up. Anybody?" No one replied. "Oh come on guys, it's like you're daring me to start dancing."

"God no." Gabby shouted.

"I've been working on something." Puck announced

"Oh, yeah?" Mr Shue asked

"Its my personal tribute to a musical Jewish icon."

"Uh, fantastic. Let's hear it." Mr Shue encouraged.

During the song Gabby and Brittany mimicked the words and sang to each other.

When Gabby looked over to Santana she looked disgusted and angry. Puck clearly sang the song to Rachel, and Gabby couldn't help but feel a little bad for Santana.


Everyone stood in the choir room staring at the clock, waiting for it to hit 3:30 to see if the football boys were coming.

As soon as it hit the right time everyones heads shot toward the door.

"I guess they're not coming" Mr Shue said breaking the silence. "Im really sorry guys."

"I cant believe this. I thought they were our friends, how can they just abandon us?" Mercedes protested.

Rachel turned to look at the door again. Matt and Mike came walking in. After a little while Puck also walked through the door. "Where's Finn?" Artie asked Quinn.


The next day Finn came into glee club with a bunch of slushies saying that coach Tanaka allowed him to come back to glee and allowed the other guys back on the team.

"So what do you think about my welcome back gift guys?" Finn asked.

"Thanks for the slushies Finn. They're delicious." Rachel said.

"And loaded with empty calories." Gabby added.

"You know why they're called slushies don't you? Cause it makes your butt looks like one if you have too many of them." Kurt said adding on to Gabby's statement.

"I'd like to propose a toast, to Mr Shue. You were right about glee and football being a killer combination." Finn said raising his Slushy.

"im sorry to report that none of us were able to complete the assignment." Artie said.

"I guess none of us could find a good groove for bust a move." Mercedes said. "And i personally feel like a failure."

"Well that's okay guys because I feel like the lesson landed, and that's what's important. And we are glad to have you back Finn." Mr Shue celebrated.

"You okay Quinn?" He asked.

"Do i look okay." She replied "I'm devastated. Now that I'm off the Cheerios, I'll start everyday off with a slushy facial."

Gabby really felt sorry for her. She definitely didn't deserve this, or anything that happened to her.

"Well thats okay if that happens, because there are 11 of your friends right here who will be more than happy to help you clean you off." Mr Shue trying to make her feel better.

"Especially me Quinni." Gabby said shooting her a wink. "You know im always here for you."

"Thank you Gabby." she whispered to her friend.

"Oh man. Brain freeze. I can't imagine getting hit in the kisser with one of these." Mr Shuester stated.

"You've never been hit by a slushy before mr Shue?" Artie asked as we all approached him.

"All right guys. Bring it on, give me your best shot." Rachel counted to 3 and they all threw their slushies at him.

"All right, from the top." he said.

Gabriela looked at Brittany and Santana and started laughing.

A/N: The two of them are going to be such a terror to McKinley an im dying for at thought of it.

Also i'm living for Quinn and Gabby's friendship, it's so sweet how much Gabby cares for Quinn.

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