S2 Ep3:Grilled cheesus

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Gabriela sat in the seat next to Brittany instead of her usual spot by Santana, who she still hadn't spoke to yet. She had to do it after Glee club, it was killing her not to speak to Santana.

"Mr Shue, I have something I need to say." Finn told him, standing up and going to the front of the class. "Something happened to me, and I can't really get into it, but its shaken me to my core."

"Oh my god, he's coming out." Puck joked

"Why yes, there is a man who recently came in to my life and, that man is Jesus Christ." Finn answered

"Oh my god." Gabriela said shocked

"That's way worse." Puck told the boy

"I know there's others in here that dig him, too. And so I thought maybe this week, we could pay tribute to him in music. You know, pay tribute to Jesus."

"Sorry, but if i wanted to sing about Jesus, I'd go to church. And the reason I don't go to church is because most churches don't think very much of gay people. Or woman. Or science." Kurt told him. Gabriela slightly nodding in agreement

"I don't see anything wrong with getting a little church up in here." Mercedes said

"I agree. I've had a really hard year, and I turned to God a lot for help. I, for one, wouldn't mind saying thanks." Quinn agreed

"Thanks for what? That it didn't come out a lizard baby?" Santana asked sarcastically. Gabriela tried holding in her laughs, and for the most part she did.

"Whenever I pray I fall asleep." Brittany told them

"I only pray when I'm forced to by my step dads Catholic family." Gabriela added on

"Well, guys, maybe our song selections don't have to be about Jesus. We could do songs about spirituality." Mr Shue said

Puck rolled his eyes.

"What you got a problem with Jesus?" Finn defensively asked

"Oh I got no problem with the guy. Im a total Jew for Jesus. He's my number one Hebe. What I don't like seeing is people using J-money to cramp everybody else's style. Cause it seems to me that true spirituality, or whatever you wanna call it, is about enjoying the life you've been given."

Gabriela hated to admit but Puck actually said something smart for once, and she agreed with it. "Wow, Puck's actually making sense for once."

"I mean, I see God everytime I makeout with a new chick." He added on to his statement. Gabriela immediately taking back what she said earlier

"Okay, okay. That doesn't make any sense. In fact its stupid." Rachel told him

"Are you calling Mr Billy Joel stupid?" He rhetorically asked her in return

"Id like to continue my streak of only doing songs by Jewish artists." Noah announced stepping forward.

Gabriela danced with Brittany in her seat. Puck was a good singer, that was something she couldn't deny.

Santana ran jumped down to the front. Brittany dragged Gabby down in front with her as well. Gabriela thought this was her opportunity to get Santana to stop ignoring her.

She danced with Brittany a little bit before going behind Santana and whispering to her. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I was too harsh toward you."

Santana slightly jumped at the sudden voice coming from behind her. She turned around. "We'll talk about it." Santana nonchalantly told her.

"Okay. Come over tonight." She said before making her way to Quinn, before Santana could decline or accept. She danced with her for the rest of the song.


Gabriela opened the door and saw Miguel grabbing his jacket off of the coat hanger.

"Hi. Where are you going?" Gabriela questioned, blocking off the door.

"To pick up Andrea, and to find out im my beautiful baby is going to be a boy or girl" he said excitedly.

"Okay. Enjoy. I hope its a girl so I can dress her up like princess." She told him as he exited

"Oh please. Its gonna be a boy. Also I might stay over at her house tonight. I'll text or call you" He shouted as he got into the car and drove off.


It was already 7:15 and Santana hadn't shown up yet. Gabriela sighed and was about to go up to her room when the door bell rang and she got a text from Santana.

San<3: I'm outside

Gabriela opened the door to see her best friend standing there.

"Hi" She greeted

"Hey." Santana replied avoiding eye contact

Gabriela let her in. "Look Santana, I'm really sorry about how I was to you the other day. I didn't mean it. Please will you forgive me?" She pleaded

Santana sighed and uncrossed her arms. "It's not your fault, it's mine. I shouldn't have told you what you should and shouldn't do. I'm sorry." She apologized

"Its alright. So we're fine?" Gabriela asked her

"Of course." Santana replied with a smile. Gabriela hugged her.

"Well, I don't want to waste your time by coming here for nothing, so, do you wanna watch a movie?"

"Only if I get to pick the movie this time." Santana told her

"Ugh. Fine. You can pick it this time." Gabriela groaned. "I made brownies, do you want?"

"Yes please. You know I love your baking." Santana replied as she searched through the movies looking for one in particular.

Gabriela walked into the kitchen when she felt her phone vibrate.

Andre:Hey, can you meet me by my locker tomorrow?

                                Gabby:Yeah, sure.

When she found the movie Gabriela came out of the kitchen with brownies.

"So, what are we watching?" Gabriela asked

"We, my dear, are watching Mean Girls." Santana said putting the movie on for them and sitting on the coach

"Good choice." Gabriela sat down next to her best friend

Gabriela was cuddling into the side of Santana when she turned to look at her. Santana was concentrating on the 4-way call scene. Gabby noticed how beautiful her best friend was.

She agreed that Santana was one, if not the best looking person at their school, but she never took the time to properly analyse how beautiful she was.

Her eyes were a creamy brown colour that made Gabriela feel warm when looking at them.

Her teeth were perfect and she had one of the best smiles Gabriela had ever seen.

"Hey, you alright?" Santana asked snapping the girl out of her thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said holding eye contact with Santana. "You're really pretty." Gabriela complimented

"You're prettier." Santana told her best friend

Gabriela began leaning in, Santana following suit, before their lips met.

Gabriela put her hands behind Santana's neck before straddling her.

She peeled her lips from Santana's and placed kisses on her neck. Santana letting out soft moans.

Santana ran her hands up Gabby's back underneath her Cheerios uniform causing her to shiver at the contact.

"Wait, what about Miguel? What if he comes back." Santana asked her breath heavy.

Gabriela sent her a seductive smirk "Don't worry about him"

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