S1 Ep5: The Rhoades not taken

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Everyone was in the choir room practicing don't stop believing, when Quinn suddenly rushed out.

"Quinn you okay?" Mr Shue called after her.

"I think she just had a bad breakfast burrito." Finn said.

"Can we please talk about the giant elephant in the room." Kurt asked.

"Your sexuality?" Santana asked in a snarky way.

Gabby got up and headed towards the door. "Im going to go check on Quinn."

She went to the bathroom, when she stepped in she heard vomiting. "Quinn? You okay?" Gabby called out.

"Gabby?" asked Quinn.

"Yes its me. Im coming in, alright?" Gabby opened the bathroom stall Quinn was in. Gabby held Quinns hair back as she vomited.

"Thanks Gabby. I really appreciate it. You know with everything that is happening in my life right now." Quinn said smiling at her.

"Oh Quinni you know it's nothing. I'm your friend. I'm always here to help you no matter what it is." Gabby pulled her into a hug and they sat like that for a few minutes.


"Guys I'd like to introduce you to someone special." Mr Shue began. "This is April Rhoades. She's our newest memeber." He stood next to her like an awkward 12 year old boy. April shot finger guns at them, clicking her tongue.

"Wait so old people can join glee club now? Finn genuinely asked.

"Old? You guys look like the worlds worst Benatol ad." She said offended.

Artie raised his hand "Mr Shuester, this seems like a terrible idea."

"Yeah Mr Shue, she looks expired." Gabby added on. Everyone besides Mr Shue and April giggled.

"Guys, April is a great singer and she never graduated." Mr Shue tried convincing the glee kids.

"Look Mr Shue we appreciate what you're trying to do, but shes no Rachel." Mercedes pointed out.

"Who's Rachel?" She asked.

"Shes kind of our star." Santana told her

  "Star ey? Then where is she?"

"She left to be the lead in Cabaret."  Kurt said

"Hey twinkles, give me maybe this time in a B flat. And don't let me catch you snoozing." April said taking off her jacket and handing it to Mr Shue.

"Stick that in your pipe and smoke it." She said as she finished.


"The house is packed guys. You're gonna kick butt tonight. Your furst performance in front of a real audience, i cant wait. Uh where's April?" Mr Shue asked.

"Yeehaw." April said giggling while entering the room."Right on que." she went around and ended up kissing Puck before being pulled away by Mr Shuester. Clearly she was drunk again.

Principal Figgins introduced them and they began to perform.

Everyone stood up and cheered for them.

"We're a hit" Artie gave Mr Shue a high five

"Where is April?" Tina questioned.

"You were right Mr Shue, she'd massacre Mariah in a diva-off." Kurt told him

"April is amazing. But shes not in the glee club anymore. I, uh, I screwed up  bringing her here. It was about me and glee club is supposed to be about you. You don't need her to be great."

"But we need her for the second half" Gabby pointed out.

"I'll just go out there and tell them we had to cut the show short." Everyone looked upset.

"Guys, you were great. Don't worry there will be other performances."

"Excuse me." Rachel said walking in. "I think i might have a solution. In show business when a star can't perform her understudy steps in. I'd be happy to fill in for April if you let me."

"Since when are you willing to be an understudy?" Mercedes asked her.

"Since I quit the play."

"Really? Why?" Kurt asked.

"I realized being a star didn't make me feel as special as being your friend. If i let you down when you needed me the most, I'd never forgive myself."

"I know all the words to the song." she added.

"You don't know the choreography." stated Quinn.

"Then we're gonna have to give her a lot of help out there" Finn stepped in. Mr Shue told Rachel to go get into her costume.

The performance was great.

Gabby congratulated everyone and started heading to her car.

"Good performance out there." She turned around to see who it was.

"Thanks Rachel you too." Gabby said dully.

"Why did you stop talking to me? We used to be friends." Rachel asked. "Look, if i talk to you it will bring my popularity down. So thats why. Don't take it personally." Gabby said.

"But the slushy? Why'd you throw a slushy at me?"

"So I could join the Cheerios. Like I said, don't take it personally. I don't have something against you, its just what happened."

"Oh okay. Bye then Gabriela." Rachel said upset.

"Yeah. Bye." She turned and walked away.

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