A Second Date?

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Ethan's POV

Whilst heading home from school with Benny Jessica runs over and grabs my arm.
"Hi Ethan, can I have a quick word. In private" she asks as she pulls me away from Benny, Jesus she is strong! As she is pulling me away and I look at Benny confused and he looks back at me and shrugs his shoulders.
"I'm really sorry about what I said about your's and this Sarah's relationship situation. I know it's non of my business I just think you need to get over her that's all. I believe it will be better for you" she says as she holds my hands and stokes them.
I pull my hands away from her's "listen I accept your apology, but I don't need your input on my relationships. I hardly know you and you hardly know me. Like what's my surname Jessica?"
"Ummm... I think your surname is Morgan isn't it?"
"Yes it is" I say with some disappointment as I wanted her to get it wrong.
"You say that we hardly know each other but we can! I'm sure you and this Sarah hardly knew each other to begin with"
"Please stop taking about Sarah"
"Sorry... I just think we should go on one more date. I really like you Ethan and I think you will like me if you give me a chance"
"I will think about it" I say
I walk back to Benny and I don't look back at her.

We get home and Benny starts talking about Jessica straight away.
"Dude what did she say? I tried to listen in but I couldn't" Benny asks with excitement
"She just said we need to get to know each other and go on another date" I say whilst flopping on the sofa.
"You have got some babe who has a massive crush on you and you don't care!"
"I'm just not interested in every girl like you"
"Hey bro! Don't be mean!"
"Sorry Benny. I just feel so shit now it's been over a year since I've seen Sarah and now some girl wants to be with me and it's just making me think of Sarah even more"
"Dude just give it time. All of us agree you need to let go of Sarah."
"I am trying"
"No you aren't! If you were really trying you would go on this date with Jessica"
I let out a big sign and grab my phone to text Jessica about going on another date.

Later on that evening after playing Space Battles 2 with Benny for about 3 hours he decides to go home. I get into my pjs and lay in bed. My phone buzzes but I'm going to ignore it as it's probably Jessica and she won't shut up about our date etc. it buzzes again and again and again! This girl needs to give up! I angrily grab my phone off my side table and look at the bright screen. It's not Jessica it's from an unknown number that's tried to phone me. It's probably just someone trying to sell me something or a prank so I'm going to ignore it. It buzzes again and it's from the same number. I answer it and don't give them a chance to talk and I just snap and say "whoever you are stop phoning me" I aggressively hang up my phone and try to get some sleep.

I wake up with my phone ringing again. I look at my clock and it's 3am for god sake! I grab my phone from the side of my bed and see that this unknown number has tried to phone me 4 times whilst I've been asleep. Who the fuck is this? Why do they keep trying to contact me? I'm just going to block their number.

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