Let Them Go

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Ethan's POV

The next day I head into school, but I'm scared to see Jessica.
"Hey Ethan" Jessica says coming down the hallway.
"Hi" I respond in a shaking toned voice as I'm scared of her now.
"I need to have a word with you in private. Just the two of us"
"Oh no thanks. Just do it here so there are witnesses" I say looking around the hallway. I don't want her to kill me!
"No come on!" She snaps as she grabs my arm and pulls me out of school and into some strange old building. She is so strong!
"What are you doing? Where are we?" I say looking around the building
"You ask too many questions" she responds laughing. "I know what you saw last night!"
My heart starts pounding out of my chest!
"W...what... what do you mean?" I nervously say.
"Sit down and shut up Ethan!" Jessica snaps. "I've brought some friends with me today" she clicks her fingers and two massive guys come out of a room with a rope and start to wrap it around me.
"What are you doing? Get off of me!!" I shout as I try to get out.
"Stop it Ethan!" She snaps. "Now my love. Remember about a year ago when you were in a cave with your little girlfriend Sarah?"
"Wait! Is this what this is all about? When we destroyed the werewolf cave?" I say in shock! Oh my god she was one of them werewolves that probably lived in that cave or something.
"Yes. You destroyed it to save your gross vampire girlfriend and you killed my father in the process or doing so!"
"They were trying to kill her! I was protecting her. Maybe if your dad didn't try to kill us, he wouldn't be dead"
"Wow... I'm going to enjoy this"
"Enjoy what?"
Jessica pulls out a TV screen and turns it on.
"This is a live security camera of rooms in this place and I've got something to show you"
She clicks on the remote and it shows a room that has bars in it, almost like a prison but then I see it! Sarah and Jesse are trapped in there!
"WHAT? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? LET THEM GO" I shout as I start to really try and get out of this rope!
"No point in trying Ethan. Even if you do get out of that I have my Wolf boys who can stop you in seconds. Your little girlfriend returned you see and we've been waiting for her return so I can get revenge for my father and all the other wolves you all killed in that cave!"
"Nope sorry Ethan. So you know how I feel I'm going to kill your little girlfriend and you can watch"
"NO! SARAH!! SARAH!! JESSE!" I shout hoping they will hear me.
Jessica just stands there laughing at me.

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