Silver Knifes & Forks

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Benny's POV:

Rory where are you? He has super speed and I've beaten him to school.
"Benny!" I hear him shout as he is coming over.
"Right I need you to try and see if you can smell either Ethan, Sarah or Jessica" I demand
"I will try, but not sure if I can"
"You need to do this Rory! Ethan and Sarah are in danger!"
Rory starts to sniff in this strange way and then starts to walk. I'm guessing I should be following him?

We end up at this strange old looking building and Rory suddenly stops.
"I think they are in there" he says
"Well let's have a look, but quietly" I say in a hush tone.

We head into this building and I can't hear anything, but I see a chair with rope around it and a TV in front of it.
"What do you suppose that's about?" I whisper to Rory
"I don't know? Let's have a look" he whispers back.
We head towards the TV and see that it's a security camera and in the camera we can see Sarah, Jesse, Ethan and Jessica all together in some sort of fight.
"Holy crap!" I shout "We need to get to that room now!"
"I'll take us there" Rory says as he grabs hold of me and super speeds up some stairs.

Ethan's POV:

"LET HIM GO!" Sarah shouts towards Jessica who is currently holding Jesse.
"Please Jessica. Just leave them" I plead
"Seriously if you don't let me go then you won't have a face to feed with!" Jesse says to Jessica
"Please Jessica! You can let them go and we can live out life together. In... in... in love" I say, which is one of the biggest lies I've told.
Jessica slowly realise Jesse, but the other werewolf guy grabs him and Jessica starts to head towards Sarah with a wooden stake.
Sarah starts to show her teeth and hiss at her and then tries to grab the stake.
"CRAMATHIN SO POSOLY" Benny's voice says from a distant. I turn and see the magic coming out of his hands as he sends Jessica flying across the room.
"BENNY! RORY!" I say with happiness. I'm glad they have found us to help.
Sarah runs towards we're Jessica fell and starts another fight with her.
"What kills a werewolf?" I ask Benny whilst still keeping an eye on Sarah to make sure she is okay.
"Grandma told me silver stuff, so I brought a load of random silver things" he replied pointing at a bag in Rory's hand.
I take the bag and start rummaging through it.
"Let's try this" I say as I pull out a silver knife.
"I will help Sarah, you try and help Jesse!" I shout to them as I'm running.

"SARAH!" I shout as I see her being pinned down by Jessica.
I come up behind Jessica and try to stab her with the knife, but I missed. She gets off Sarah and pins me down and tried to bite me.
"HEY YOU!" Sarah shouts to Jessica as she stands up.
Jessica turns around and says "What?"
"I think you need to learn how to shave better"
Sarah grabs the knife off the floor and stabs her with it in the heart.
"Holy shit" I say as Jessica just disappears right on me.
"Are you okay?" She asks as she pulls me up.
"Ummm... I think so"
She then gives me the biggest hug ever.
"Where are the others?" She then asks with a slight fear in her eyes.
"Oh god Benny!" I say.
We both rush off to try and find them. I can hear growls from a distance, which is never a good sign.

Benny's POV:

I grab a silver knife and Rory grabs a silver fork and we quickly head over to the wolf that's got Jesse.
I can see Jesse struggling to get out of this guys arms and trying to bite him.
"HEY HAIRY!" I shout.
"Oh great I've got two dorks to save me" Jesse sarcastically says.
"Do you think I'm scared of a fork and a little knife" the werewolf laughs at me and Rory.
"We shall see... RORY NOW!" I snap at Rory.
Rory flies across to him and tries to stab him with the fork. The werewolf tries to stop Rory and in the process of doing that he accidentally realises Jesse.
"What's your plan now then nerd?" Jesse says to me as we watch Rory trying to stab the werewolf.
"I don't know? You got an idea?" I reply.
"Jesse takes the knife out of my hand and flies over to Rory and the werewolf.
The werewolf starts to fight both of them together. I don't know what to do? Do I just stand here and leave it up to the immortals to deal with?

"What's going on?" Sarah says as she runs around the corner with Ethan.
"This" I say as I gesture to the fight Jesse and Rory are currently in with that werewolf.
"I need to help" Sarah says as she starts to walk over to them.
"NO!" Ethan snaps as he grabs Sarah's hand.
"I have to help them Ethan. I can't just stand here" she says back at him pulling his hand away from her.
"Where's Jessica?" I say as I'm looking around.
"Sarah dealt with her" Ethan says back.

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