A New Workout Thing...

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Ethan's POV:

Sarah has stopped... oh god I feel really awkward now. I wanted it to carry on forever, but if she doesn't want to then that's fine. I'm telling her that it's okay if she wants to go home or whatever and she seems lost and disappointed. I get visions, but can't read people's minds and in this moment I wish I could see what is going through Sarah's head. I just tell her that it's fine and I want her to feel comfortable which seems to make her really happy.
"Sorry Ethan" she says to me whilst still on top of me.
"Why are you sorry?" I say
She has paused and it looks like so many things are going through her head, she isn't even looking at me, she is looking at the window. I think she is going to leave out my window soon.
"Sorry I didn't come back sooner" she says as she leans in to kiss me again.
Holy shit! I didn't think she would come out with that, I actually thought she was leaving. Well nothing more to do apart from have the best night of my life with the girl of my dreams...

Sarah's POV:

Ethan's lips are so soft and his touch is the perfect balance of gentle, but not too gentle where he is almost scared to touch my body. We go under the covers of his bed and he starts to kiss my neck and it feels amazing. I'm considering to kiss his neck, but with the whole vampire thing I don't want to freak him out or scare him. We end up having sex and it's the best time of my life. It feels like it's just us in this world and nobody is here to judge us or tell us what to do or not to do. It will never be the same between us after tonight.


Sarah's POV:

I wake up and I'm laying on Ethan's chest in his Star Wars shirt, he is still asleep and looks adorable.
"ETHAN!" Ethan's mom shouts as I hear her coming up the stairs. Oh shit! She doesn't realise I've been here and also probably won't be too happy about what we did last night. I need to get out of here quick. I quickly grab my clothes off the floor and go and hide in his wardrobe and peek through the gap in it.
"ETHAN!" Mrs Morgan shouts again, which finally wakes Ethan up. I see Ethan really confused and looking around his bed, looking for me.
His door knocks
"Ethan sweetie" Mrs Morgan says
"Come in" Ethan replied with a slight crack in his throat.
Mrs Morgan comes in the room.
"What were you doing last night?" She asks him.
"What do you mean?" Ethan questions whilst rubbing his eyes.
"It sounded like you were jumping on the bed or something?"
"What? No"
"There was just a lot of noise on your bed last night that me and your father could hear. It woke us up"
Ethan's face drops as he realised what she had really been hearing was us two on the bed last night. Not Ethan jumping on the bed.
"Oh... umm.. yeah I was jumping on the bed... it's like this new workout thing"
"You were working out?"
"Yeah, just trying to stay fit I guess..."
"Oh right, we'll next time keep it down as you were also making some strange noises"
"Okay mom. I will try and keep it down if I do it again"
"If you do it again. Why if? Did you not enjoy it?"
"No! Ummm... I mean I will just see what happens."
"Okay sweetie. Remember tonight is Jane's play at her school"
Ethan's mom starts to leave the room and then she stops.
"Oh tell Sarah we won't need babysitting tonight because of that."
I guess that means no money for me...
"Right will do." Ethan says.
"I mean she could always come and watch it with us if she wants. I'm sure Jane will be happy to see her"
"Yeah mom, will do"
Mrs Morgan leaves the room.
"Sarah?" Ethan says as he gets out the bed and starts to put his pants.
"Sarah are you still here, or am I just talking to my room like a looser and she's left" he says looking around his room.
"Ethan" I say quietly as I come out the wardrobe
Ethan's face lights up as soon as he turns around and looks at me.
"I thought you left" he says
"No I just heard your mom coming so I quickly hid myself"
"Good. Thought you were going to leave again"
Ethan says sarcastically with a laugh. I laugh as well, but slightly gives him a shove for teasing me.
It's gone silent... I feel like we both love each other, but we know it's wrong, so we have these random awkward moments where we don't know what to say after something big has happened between us.
"So... You want to come to Jane's play tonight?" Ethan says whilst putting some jeans on and changing his shirt
"Sure. Sounds fun. What even is it about?" I ask whilst sorting out my hair
"I think it's Romeo and Juliet, but like a zombie sort of version of something."
"Sounds... different"

Once I've sorted myself out visually I look at Ethan who is sat on his bed on his phone.
"Hey Ethan. I thought that gross werewolf broke your phone?" I ask in confusion
"She did break it, but this is my old phone I still kept in my draw" he responds.
"Oh right. I guess that's handy. Anyway Ethan I better go now"
Ethan stands up off the bed and looks disappointed. "Oh really?" He asks
"Yeah, but I will see you later at Jane's play at 7pm right?"
"Yeah of course. You can come here and we can all go together"
"Great. Anyway I'm going to leave out the window so your mom and dad don't see me"
I start to head towards the window and Ethan grabs my hand. I turn to look at him and it seems like it's another awkward moment for us AGAIN. It's like do we kiss now? Do we hug? Do we just say goodbye? What is happening in this "relationship" If he leans in for a kiss I will lean back as I can't help myself.

He is just has my hand in his and doesn't know what do say to me, but I don't know what to say to him so I just slowly realise my hand from his "I will see you later Ethan" I say as I get out the window.

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