Benny & Rory Help

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Sarah's POV:

Seeing Ethan made me so happy and it made me feel a bit better knowing they haven't hurt him. But... when he said about liking that girl and not wanting me anymore it has broken my heart. I look at Jesse whilst Ethan is talking to her and he looks at me back and mouths "sorry" to me. Jesse suddenly snaps at her saying how much I've done for Ethan. I think Jesse knows how much I care for Ethan.

Ethan' POV:

I seriously need to think of a way to get us out of this. I don't know if my plan is fully working and it's breaking my heart saying all these lies.
My phone is ringing in my pocket. I go to get it out and one of the guys behind me grab my arm to stop me. It makes me jump and it really hurts as they are grabbing really tight. When they grabbed it I heard Sarah gasp and Jesse got closer to cage bars with a very angry expression on his face.
"Can't I just answer my phone" I say to Jessica
"Let me see who it is?" She says as she reaches in my pocket to grab my phone.
"Well?" Sarah snaps at her
"It's Benny" Jessica says
"Can I answer it?" I say to her.
"No I will" Jessica answers the phone and puts it on speaker.
"Hi Benny it's Jessica here"
"Umm... Where is Ethan?" Benny says
"He is busy at the minute"
"Well what is he doing?"
"Oh he is just sorting out some business"
"What does that mean?"
"BENNY! BENNY! HELP US! SHE IS A WEREWOLF!!" Sarah screams in hopes that Benny would hear.
Jessica hangs up the phone and throws in on the ground.
"HEY! My phone" I say to her looking at it all smashed up.
"Boys" Jessica says to the two werewolves as she points to Sarah. This can't be good...
The two of them open the cage and quickly grab Sarah. As soon as they grab her Jesse comes for them and bites one of them and Sarah starts to try and kick them and fight them. The one that gets bitten by Jesse falls to the ground.
"Eww that tastes disgusting!" Jesse says as he then goes to help Sarah.
I look at Jessica and she starts to breath really heavily and all of a sudden she turns into a werewolf and goes for Sarah and Jesse. I don't know what to do? What kills a werewolf again? I try to pull Jessica away from them and tell her shit like "it's not worth it!" and "please Jessica I don't want you to get hurt"

Benny's POV:

What the hell just happened? That was Sarah's voice that shouted. Jessica is a wolf as well... They are in trouble. I keep trying to call Ethan back, but it just goes to voicemail straight away. I can't even track Ethan's phone if it's not working.
Right I'm calling grandma.
"Grandma! I need your help" I say down the phone
"What's wrong?" She says
"Ethan and Sarah are in danger, but I don't know where they are. Is there anything or any spell I can use to find them?"
"Danger? What's happening?"
"I don't know grandma that's why I'm phoning you!!"
"I don't really think there is a spell that can do it Benny dear, but werewolves are hurt and killed by pure silver items."
"Please! Think! I literally have no clue"
"Ummm... You could see if your little friend Rory can trace them by spell. Vampires have an advance smell and hearing and lots of other things"
"Okay I will give it a go. Thanks grandma"
"Let me know what happens and if you need any help"
I hang up the phone and call Rory.
"RORY! I NEED YOUR HELP NOW!" I shout down the phone.
"What's going on dude?" He responds
"How can I do that?"
"I DON'T KNOW? Use your vampire skills or something!"
"Okay I will try. Where shall we meet?"
"Last time I saw Ethan we were outside school and then Jessica took him away, so we will start there"
I hang up the phone, jump on my bike and head to school.

2 Different Worlds Part 2 (MBSAV)Where stories live. Discover now