Needing Erica's Phone

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Ethan's POV

I have to find Erica, I'm so angry. If she is in contact with Sarah, then why didn't she tell me she was? Why is she telling Sarah that I have a girlfriend anyway?

"ERICA!" I shout across the school hallway.
She sharply turns around and snaps "What?"
"You've been in contact with Sarah and never told me when you know how worried I've been about her!"
"Don't talk to me like that dork! I've not spoken to her everyday and anyway she told me not to tell you. So who told you about this?"
"I can't believe you! You could of just told me she's alright! Jesse told me last night"
"Jesse told you! God sake that boy is annoying sometimes"
"Why are you telling Sarah I have a new girlfriend?"
"Because you and Jessica are getting too close, so she deserves to know"
"But I don't like her in that way. We went out on one date. That's all!"
"Well I felt she had a right to know that you are planning to move on"
"I'M NOT!" I shout
"Don't shout at me Ethan! I'm warning you!"
"Why didn't she want to contact me?"
"I don't know why, but she just doesn't. So leave me alone."
"I will leave you alone if you tell Sarah I DON'T have a girlfriend"
"Ethan if you won't leave me alone you can be lunch." Erica then shows me her fangs as a warning...
I storm off away from her and ignore Rory who sees me and shouts my name.

I need to contact Sarah! I need to know she is ok. I find Benny in his English class and tell him that I need to talk to him.
"Dude what up?" Benny says as he leaves the classroom.
"I need your help."
"Oh no with what?"
"I need Erica's phone and I'm thinking you could use some magic to help me get it?"
"If Erica catches us, we will be her next snack"
"Please Benny! Please..."
"Fine I will try and get it, but I make no promises."

Later That Day

"Ethan!" I hear Benny shout behind me.
"Yeah?" I respond
"Look what I got!" Benny smiles as he shows me Erica's phone.
"Oh my god! How did you get it?"
"I used my charm to get it" Benny says with a wink.
"No really. How did you get it?"
"I magicked some ice on the floor, right before Erica walked past. Erica slipped over and her phone fell out of her pocket, so I quickly grabbed it."
"One problem..."
"What's Erica's password to get into her phone?"
"Oh... Didn't think of that"
"How are we going to figure it out?"
"I don't know? Can't you do some magic to find it?"
"I don't think I can magic a password Ethan"
"What about that truth spell? You could use that on her and ask her what her password is!"
"Good idea!"
"HEY! DORKS!" We hear shout behind us. We both quickly turn our heads and see Erica looking very angry walking towards us.
"Why have you taken my phone?" She says snatching it out of my hands. I guess that's that idea out the window.
"We.... we took it because I wanted to hear Sarah's voice and to see what she's been saying" I sheepishly say.
"WE?" Benny snaps at me
"What have I told you? Sarah doesn't want to speak to you!" She snaps. "If you two take my phone again you're toast! Got it!"
Erica storms off down the hallway.
"Now what?" Benny says
"I don't know?" I say as I watch Erica storm off.

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