I Couldn't Wait

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Sarah's POV:

I can't believe I'm kissing Ethan! Why did I do this? I just couldn't help myself. It's so wrong, but it feels so right. I can't stop myself! I want more...

Ethan's POV

Do I try to stop it? I don't want to stop it though. I want more...

Our kiss breaks and there is this awkward silence in the room. I'm such an awkward nerd I don't know what to say, but I feel something has to be said.
"Ummm... Thanks" I say. Why the fuck did I say that? Sarah just laughs at me because she knows how I'm not good and smooth with things like this.
We both just sit there in silence, I'm pretty sure it's only been for about 10 seconds, but it feels like about 10 hours. I look into her beautiful brown eyes and she turns to look at me. Right that's it! I'm going in for another kiss! I'm leaning in towards her and thank god she is starting to lean back.

"Hi sweetie!" My mom shouts as her and my dad walk through the door.
We both quickly pull away from each other.
"HEY" I quickly say whilst moving away from Sarah.
"Sarah!!!" My mom shouts as she runs towards Sarah to give her a hug.
"Hi Mrs Morgan" Sarah says as she hugs my mom back.
"How have you been? We haven't seen you in about a year" My dad asks Sarah.
"I'm good thank you. I just had to sort out some issues. Sorry I was gone for so long" she responds
"Well it's great to have you back" My mom says to Sarah whilst giving her another hug. "We are off to bed now. I'm so tired after all that dancing"
Her and my dad go upstairs and it's just me and Sarah alone. Again...

"I think I should go now your parents are back" Sarah says turning around to face me.
I don't want her to go.
"Oh right. Yeah I guess so" I say in a disappointing tone.
"I will see you tomorrow" Sarah says as she opens my front door and just flies off.


I'm sat on my bed on my phone wondering if I should call or text her to see if she got home okay or some other excuse to see or hear from her again. I feel like I'm obsessed with her, she just pulls me in and I can't get out. I don't want to get out.
Suddenly I hear a flying noise and a shadow outside my window. I quickly get up and pull back my curtains. It's Sarah!
"I couldn't wait until tomorrow to see you again" she says
I quickly invite her in and all of a sudden she just started making out with me. I grab her waist and we both fall on my bed. This is the most amazing thing that's happened. I've wanted this to happen again for over a year now.
The kissing doesn't stop. Every time we take a break it's because we are taking off an item of clothing.

Sarah's POV:

I can't believe what I'm doing, but I don't want it to stop. As I was on my way home I just couldn't stop thinking about the kiss we had on his sofa just and it was playing on my mind so much that I just had to come back to his to at least kiss him again. Now this kiss I wanted is turning into something very naughty that shouldn't be happening. I take my top off and pull his off as well.I love this boy! I want this boy! Oh shit. Did I just say in my head that I love him...
I stop kissing him and he looks confused.
"Are you okay?" He asks concerned
"This is wrong isn't it?" I say
"Well... I don't really know. I'm obviously enjoying it, but If you want to go home then fine. I just want you to be comfortable"
He is literally the sweetest guy in the world! The fact that he wants this to carry on, but he won't do anything without my permission and he wants to make sure I'm comfortable. Why aren't guys more like him? They are selfish jerks, but he isn't. It just makes me more and more attracted to him. We are from two different worlds though... Maybe if we have just this one night together my feelings will be gone. Or maybe I'm just saying this as an excuse so this can carry on?

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