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Ethan's POV:

My phones ringing I look down and see it's Benny
"Benny! Are you okay? What happened?" I shout down the phone
"Yeah there were a few slip up that happened but we've got what we needed and we aren't dead" Benny says down the phone.
"Right where are you heading? Grandma's house?"
"Yeah. Erica and I are outside there now"
"Okay I will phone Sarah and Rory to come as well. We got all the other ingredients sorted as well"
"Great! Well get down here so we can start"

I call Sarah and Rory and we all head to Benny's grandma's house.

"I can't believe this might actually happen!" Rory says with excitement.
We are all huddled around Benny's grandma's table where she is mixing all the ingredients.
"I'm still unsure about it..." Erica says as she looks away from everyone
"Listen Erica, nobody can tell you what to do, but honestly it will be for the better. You will be able to live again and have a life" Sarah says to her
"Yeah! You can have a proper relationship with a human and you wouldn't have to make sure they are vampires to stay with them" Benny says.
It's odd that Benny said it to her with that confidence and it's also odd how Erica looked up at him when he said it... I may not notice too much about girls and relationships, but I feel like something went on in Australia between them two. Maybe they had a big argument or maybe something completely opposite happened?

"I'm excited about it, but also it feels like I'm loosing a part of me" Sarah says
"What do you mean?" I say to her
"I don't know how to explain it, but I've got use to being a vampire and being this strong powerful being and now it's just going to go and we were a good team" she says pointing to herself, Benny and I.
"We can still be a good team" Benny says with a big smile.
"If something supernatural happens I won't be able to help. Ethan had the brains and visions, Benny has the magic and what do I have now to help? I use to be able to fight them off and be powerful"
"I thought you said it's a good thing Sarah?" Erica asks walking towards her
"It is as it means I can be normal again, but now I feel like I've lost something that was so good for me..."
"Are you saying you don't want to be cured?" I ask worried. If she doesn't get cured, we won't be together. I know it's me being selfish because it's her choice, but if she doesn't take this drink then I will be heart broken.
"No Ethan! I'm not saying that, I'm just saying I won't be able to help you guys in our situations"
"Sorry to cut you all off, but the brew is ready" Benny's grandma says as she pours out three cups for Sarah, Erica and Rory.

"Who goes first?" Benny asks
"I will go first!" Rory says. He seems pretty excited about it, but nobody really knows what goes through his head.
Rory drinks the cure and looks like he is going to be sick.
"Oh god! That's disgusting" he gags
"How do you feel?" Sarah asks
"The same apart from I want to barf it all up"
"You must let it stay in your system for at least 5 minutes so it can absorb in your body, don't be sick" Benny's grandma says.
We all wait and watch as Rory really wants to throw up. 5 minutes have gone by, but it seems like forever.
"Right my dear, try to stick your fangs out" Benny's grandma says
Rory tried, but nothing is happening!
"Woah!" Benny says
"Someone cut him a bit and see if he bleeds" Erica suggests.
Rory grabs a little knife and slices it lightly on his arm and blood starts coming out and it doesn't regenerate!
"Oh my god!" Sarah says as she goes towards Rory and looks at his now bleeding arm.
"I can't really see it" Rory says squinting his eye
"That's right! You use to have to wear glasses!" Benny says still stunned by it all.
"You are alive" Benny's grandma says
"Who's next?" Rory asks
Sarah and Erica look at each other and both shrug their shoulders.
"Together?" Sarah asks
"Together!" Erica answers and hold on Sarah's hand. They both chug down the drink as quick as they can and, like Rory, the look like they want to barf it up.
"Ewww! That tastes like dirty socks" Sarah says
"That tastes disgusting" Erica says holding her stomach.
"Is it wrong that I sort of want to try it?" Benny asks
"Don't you dare mr!" Benny's grandma snaps at him. "It's not for you!"
"How are you feeling?" I ask them both
"I feel grossed out" Erica says
"I just feel sick" Sarah gags

We wait for 5 minutes, which again feels like forever.
"Right Erica my dear, try to stick out your fangs" Benny grandma says
Erica tries and they come out!
"WHAT?" Benny says
"H...HOW?" I say
"WHY HASN'T IT WORKED?" Sarah shouts
"Don't panic. Maybe it's taking longer to settle inside of her. Sarah why don't you try?" Benny grandma says as she goes closer to Sarah.

I'm a nervous wreck now and I'm sure Sarah is as well, why did it work for Rory and not Erica? Oh god here it comes...
"Try Sarah" Erica says still trying to get her fangs away
Sarah looks at the empty glass in her hands, feels her bite mark scars she has on her neck and then looks to me. Her hands are shaking slightly and her eyes are watering, is she scared it's not going to of worked or is she scared it will work?
"This has been my life for over 2 years now..." she says in a quiet wavering voice. "Here goes..."
Sarah hisses and her fangs come out! What? It didn't work for her either?
"W...wha...what?" I say
Sarah is too stunned to talk.
"Oh..." Benny's grandma says
Sarah starts to feel her vampire fangs and it looks like she's about to cry.
"Sarah you okay?" Erica asks
"Ummm... I... I mean... I don't..." Sarah starts to mumble.
"Maybe soon they will go, right grandma?" Benny says trying to cheer them up
We all look at Benny's grandma, who doesn't have a very positive happy face, this can't be good.
"I'm sorry ladies... You can try again later, but if I'm being honest I would say it's just not worked for you" Benny's grandma says.

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