Vampire Essence

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Ethan's POV:

Walking around in the dark isn't easy and I don't even know what we are looking for. I didn't get a vision from touch Sarah which doesn't help at all.
"Ethan!" Sarah calls me over
"What?" I say as I run towards her
"Do you think that might help?"
I look at where she is pointing and I see a slight flickering light.
"Maybe? Let's slowly head towards it"
We start to creep up to this light and hope that it's nothing that could kill us.
"What the fuck is that?" Sarah says as we see a small black and red blob of goop on the floor
"Ewww! I don't know?"
"Touch it and see if you get a vision"
"I don't want to touch that! What if it's poison or something?"
Sarah kneels down to get closer to it. She grabs a metal pipe that was next to it and starts to poke it. As she pokes it strange smoke comes from it and it sort of looks like pictures, but I can't make out what they are or mean.
"What does this mean?" Sarah asks as she looks at all the pictures coming from it
"I don't know?"

Hang on somethings wrong... I can feel myself being drawn away from Sarah.
"Ethan where are you going?" She shouts to me
"I'm not sure" I shout back as I'm being pulled away from her.
It feels like I'm floating away from her and I can't stop it. I'm trying my hardest to pull towards her, but I can't.
"ETHAN!" Sarah shouts.

"WOAH! OW!" I shout as I fall to the floor in Benny's grandmas house with everyone looking at Sarah and I. I look over to Sarah and she is still passed out.
"Ethan are you okay?" Benny asks
"Sarah was there, but I got pulled away from her and I don't know why?"
"What did you see my dear?" Benny's grandma asks
"I saw Sarah, some videos of us and this off red and black blob on the ground and then I got pulled back here uncontrollably.
"Red and black blob?" Erica says with confusion
"Wait... red and black blob?" Benny's grandma says
"Yeah. It was all jelly like and when Sarah started pocking it some images came up but we couldn't properly see them"
"Red and black smoke are usually the essence that are in vampires to keep them immortal, but if it's turned into a blob that means it's not as strong, but it's not going"
"So is she still a vampire, but a weaker one?" Erica asks
"Maybe... it's unsure. We need her to wake up"
"I know what to do!" Rory says walking towards Sarah. He pulls out w knife from earlier
"NO!" All of us shout to him, but it's too late. He puts a little slice into Sarah and she shoots up.
"OUCH!" She shouts as she punches Rory
"Ooooowwww!" Rory cries whilst falling to the ground
"What the hell Rory!" Sarah snaps at him.
"I told you it would work" Rory says on the ground still in pain
"Sarah are you okay?" I ask as I help lift her up.
"Yeah. Just in pain" she says as she holds her arm. "Hang on..." Sarah says as she lifts up her arm. She's bleeding! Sarah is bleeding.
"Sarah you are bleeding!" I say with joy
"Oh my god!" Erica says.
"Try and stick your fangs out!" Benny says to her
Sarah tries and her fangs come out like normal
"What is happening to me?" Sarah asks Benny's nan
"You are alive, but you still have an essence of vampire in you" she tells her
"So will I age? Will I not eat humans?"
"You will age and you won't eat humans anymore, but it appears you still have the essence of vampire in you"
"So I can live my life, but with fangs still in me?"
"Yes and I believe you still have your vampire strength as the way you hit Rory then was very strong"
"Are you saying she's alive, but can also be a vampire?" I ask Benny's grandma.
"It would appear so"
"What about me?" Erica says
"Maybe my dear"
"Quick someone cut me or something and see if I bleed"
Benny grabs that knife from Rory and hands it to her
"No do it Benny. Just slice me a little bit"
"I'm not going to hurt you Erica" Benny says to her
"Just do it!" I say to him aggressively
Benny grabs Erica's arm and gives it a slight cut and she starts to bleed.
"Oh my god!" Erica says with joy, she is so excited that she gives Benny a massive hug...
"I can be human and still be hot!" Erica says as she breaks from the hug
"You were always hot" Benny says to her.

"Wait I'm confused" Rory says "Why did mine fully work and there's not?"
"Im not sure. Maybe you didn't want to stay as a full vampire like they did. Sarah and Erica were conflicted about it and you were just excited, so your vampire essence was meant to go" Benny's grandma says to him.
"Let me try something" Erica says as she leaves the room.
"Erica where are you going?" Sarah asks Erica and starts to follow her.
Benny and I also start to follow them. Erica stops at a mirror and can see herself! "Oh wow! Look!" Erica says. Sarah quickly goes in front of the mirror as well and we can see her in it "Holy shit!" Sarah says looking at herself.
"I think a picture is necessary now ladies" Benny's grandma says to them both with an old polaroid camera
"Wait where's Rory?" I ask "I think they should all be in the picture.
Rory comes around the corner and stands next to Erica and Sarah. They all smile and the flash goes off and the picture starts to come out of it.
"Let's see" Erica says.
We all look at the picture and it's amazing to see.
"I want to keep this forever" Sarah says as she gets teary eyed.

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