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Sarah's POV from the night before:

I'm doing it! I'm heading back to Whitechapel. I text Erica telling her I'm coming back and she seems pretty excited. I fly down the hills and officially step into Whitechapel. Where now? Do I go to see Ethan or Erica or Jesse? It is 11pm so it's pretty late. Guess Ethan will be asleep getting ready for school or something.

I head to the park and take a nice slow walk through it, just because you can run fast doesn't mean you always have to. I can hear some strange sounds coming from behind them bushes. It almost sounds like growls or something. I start to walk closer and I see a teenage girl talking to a wolf. I hide behind a tree and try to listen to the conversation. I can't quite hear it so I slowly walk closer.

"There you are Sarah!" Says the young girl. It makes me jump and I'm scared on who she is.
"Who are you? How do you know my name?" I say
"Oh just a friend of Ethan's or maybe a girlfriend whatever you want to call it"
"You are Ethan's new girlfriend? God he lost taste didn't he?" I say sarcastically.
This girl just laughs at me and comes closer.
"Listen sweetie. You will have to pay for what you've done?" She says to me
"What have I done?" I say backing away from her.
She looks behind me and just says "boys" and points to me. Suddenly these two big men come up behind me and then everything went black...

About an hour later

Ouch! my fucking head! It's killing me. I open my eyes and I'm in some strange cage or something. I start to look around and see if I can figure out where I am. No windows to look out of, no lights and behind some little bars.
"HELLO?" I shout out as I stand up. I grab hold of the bars and try to pull them apart to get myself out.

"Sarah..." I hear a voice say from a distance in the dark. It sounds like that girls voice.
"What do you want? Why am I hear?" I snap back.
"I think the word I'm looking for is revenge"
"Revenge for what? I don't know you"
"You may not know me, but you knew my father"
"Your father? I don't know your dad."
"Oh but you do Sarah. You are one of the reasons he isn't here anymore"
I'm so confused on what she is talking about. How would I know her dad? I don't even know her.
"How am I the reason?" I say with confusion
This girl just laughs and then comes into the light.
I stare at her and if looks could kill she would be dead instantly with the way I'm looking at her.
"You want to know who my father is or was?" She says with a strange smile on her face. "People say we look alike and it's a big compliment" she says as she closes her eyes and looks down. All of a sudden she turns into a werewolf. I am lost for words and everyone knows I always have something to say back.

"You... you are a werewolf!" I say in shock
"Yes Sarah and when you destroyed that cave over a year ago you killed my father and more of my family!" She snaps back at me.
"Your precious dad was trying to kill me!"
"He was doing what was right for our tribe!"
"Your tribe is clearly messed up then! I did nothing wrong and your dad tried to torture me and then kill me!"
The guys from earlier walk in with a body in there hands.
"We got him for you" one of them says to the girl.
Got who? Have they got Ethan? Have they hurt him?
"Good. Now throw him in there" she says to them.
They nod and throw in a guy next to me. I look down to see who it is and it's Jesse. He is passed out and looks weak.
They all laugh and walk out the room.
"HEY! GET BACK HERE!" I shout at them, but they don't even look back. I turn around and squat down to Jesse.
"Jesse! Jesse please wake up! Can you hear me?" I say in a scared panic tone.
He starts to rumble like he is going to wake up.
"Please Jesse! Are you okay?"
"What the fuck happened?" Jesse says as he slowly opens his eyes.
"I'm not really sure. Some girl, who is actually Ethan's girlfriend or whatever, has kidnapped us and is a werewolf and wants revenge or something" I say as I help Jesse get up.
"Revenge for what?"
"Something to do with us killing her dad"
"Her dad? I didn't kill her dad"
"Technically Ethan, Benny and I sort of did because he was trying to kill me, but I don't really know why she has brought you into this?"
"Probably because I'm the worst vampire there is and just wants to get rid of me"
"How are we getting out of this Jesse?"
"I don't have a clue. I don't even know where we are or anything"
"Me neither... I'm worried they are going to grab Ethan, Benny or Erica and hurt them"
"She has a massive crush on Ethan, so I doubt she will hurt him"
"What if it was all an act though? What if she just wanted to get close to him to avenge her dad or something?"
"Good point. Nobody would have a crush on that dork. Not really sure why you do to be honest?"
"Shut up" I say as I move away from him.

2 Different Worlds Part 2 (MBSAV)Where stories live. Discover now