Finding Out

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Sarah's POV

I can't believe what I'm hearing from Jesse! So Ethan does have a girlfriend. It's breaking my heart. I know it's all my fault because I'm the one who walked away and I should of seen this coming, but it still hurts.

I was going to come back, but now I'm not so sure, because if he is happy with this new girl then I don't want to ruin it for him and make him confused about his feelings for her and for me.

My phone is buzzing so I take it out of my pocket and see that Ethan is calling me AGAIN. He keeps phoning me and texting me and I feel horrible for not answering, but I just don't think it will be right to. The ringing stops and I get a flood load of texts from Ethan and a voicemail. I don't open the texts, I just listen to the voicemail.
Ethan's Voicemail: Sarah I know you spoke to Jesse and he said something about a new girlfriend, but I don't have one. Yes I went on a date, but it was Benny's idea not mine. I still have feelings for you Sarah and these feelings won't go away. Please just come home and see me even if it's only for 10 minutes. I just need to see your face and hear your voice.

After listening to that message should I come back?

Ethan's POV

As I'm walking home through the park I try to ring Sarah multiple times and I've left her a voicemail, but no luck. I hear a strange noice coming behind the bushes of the park, it sounds like a wild animal or something? I slowly walk towards the bush and then I see it! It's Jessica!!! She is a werewolf!!! Oh god I'm SO dead. She hasn't seen me yet so I'm just going to slowly walk away and then run home as fast as I can back home. This is why she was so hairy in my vision and had them creepy eyes!

"Jessica is a werewolf" I shout down the phone to Benny.
"Wait what?" He responds
"I saw her!"
"But you were on a date?"
"Yes, but it was after the date!"
"Dude you like to date the supernatural girls don't you. Ha"
"This isn't a joke Benny! I actually don't know what to do! Do I act like I don't know or do I ask her about it? Now if I reject her again will she try and attack me?"
"ETHAN! Calm down dude. I would just pretend you didn't see anything. Otherwise she might eat you ha ha ha"
"Not funny Benny" I say as I hang up the phone .

Why do I seem to go for the girls I can't date? Vampires, werewolves and what ever is coming next. Maybe an alien or some shit like that?

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