How It Was

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Ethan's POV:

Sitting on the sofa with Sarah and Benny beside me makes me happy. Now Sarah is back I feel like it's exactly how it was from the beginning. We are a powerful trio and we get through everything together. When one of us isn't here it feels strange and wrong.
"URRGG" Benny says
"What's wrong?" I ask
"This movie is crap"
"What? You don't like Ghost Slash 2?"
"Not as much blood as the first one and too predictable now"
"I like it!" Sarah chimes in
"Yeah so do I" I say
"I think it's pretty boring. I'm heading home" Benny says as he gets up off the sofa.
"Right, see you tomorrow" I say
"Benny" Sarah says as she stands up
"Yeah?" Benny says as he stops and turns around to face Sarah.
"Thank you for saving me earlier. There is no way we would of got out without you."
"Well you know... I'm always here" Benny says as he cheeks go red. I think he is a bit embarrassed.
Benny leaves and Sarah sits back on the sofa next to me.
The room feels a bit awkward now it's just me and Sarah. I don't really know what's going on with us. Are we a couple? Are we just friends? Is she going to leave again? Are we just going to pretend non of this happened and carry on like normal? So many questions are flying around in my head right now.

"So..." I say awkwardly
"So..." she says back.
"So you are officially staying?"
"Yes. I don't see the point in leaving again. I've done it twice now and I always come back."
"If you do ever want to leave again, please at least tell me and give me a number or email so I can contact you to make sure you are okay"
She giggles and nods
"Do you think our lives will ever be normal Ethan?" She asks as she gets more comfortable on the sofa.
"I doubt it" I say as I lean back next to her.
We stay quiet for a bit and just watch the film, but the room still sort of feels awkward...

"What's going on then?" She asks all of a sudden
"What do you mean?" I ask back
"What's going on with us now?"
"Ooohhh... ummm... I don't know? What do you want to go on?"
"I asked first"
"Well I think you know what I want Sarah. It's about what you want?"
"It's difficult Ethan... you know what I want as well, but I don't think it will work out as I'm going to live forever as a 17 year old girl and you will grow up and meet someone else and have kids etc."
"I know you keep saying this! What if we found a cure?"
"We did once, but... but I gave it to you"
"Yeah stop reminding me of that. I still feel awful about it to this day. It is all Benny's fault to be fair! He was the one that cast that werewolf spell"
"I just wish I could be a normal girl again. It would make life and decisions so much easier"
"If I found a cure what would they mean for us?"
"If you found a cure Ethan then everything would be how it's meant to be with us"
"So unless I find a cure then there is nothing but friendship between us?"
" I wouldn't say nothing, there will always be some spark between us"

The conversation has stopped and we both are just looking at each other. I want to kiss her so bad, but I need to respect what she wants...
She closes her eyes and takes a big breath in.
"Sarah?" I ask in a concerned way.
She opens her eyes and leans in close and we kiss for the first time in over a year.

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