Not The Most Romantic Setting

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Ethan's POV:

I can't believe what happened last night! I'm so stupid though... I wanted to kiss her when she was leaving but I didn't know if she would want to so I just held her hand awkwardly. I'm such an idiot. I text Benny to come over so I can tell him everything that happened last night! Well maybe not everything as some is personal, but enough for him to understand.

"BENNY!" Benny shouts as jumping into my house.
"Hey!" I respond
"Why do you look so happy? Is it because you see your amazing friend who saved you yesterday?"
"Just come upstairs to my room" I say whilst heading upstairs.
We get into my room and sit down on the chairs by my computer.
"Why are you being so strange for?" Benny asks
"Last night when Sarah came to babysit we kissed and we were going to do it again, but my mom and dad came home"
"Dude! What does this mean? Are you officially dating?"
"Wait! There is more!" I snap at Benny cutting him off
"MORE?" Benny says excited
"A few hours after she left I was laying in bed and suddenly she came back outside my window and I invited her in and then..."
"THEN WHAT?" Benny shouts very excitedly
"Shhh!! Keep your voice down. I don't want my parents or Jane to hear this"
"Ok sorry"
"We started to kiss again and then we had... we had... we had sex"
"Dude! Really?"
"Yes! It was the best thing ever! It's been over a year since we did anything romantic or anything like that and it all happened at once"
"What happened after?"
"Well I woke up to my mom shouting my name and I couldn't find Sarah, turns out she was hiding from my mom and then we didn't really say much else apart from the fact she is coming to Jane's school play tonight and that was it"
"No kiss or anything?"
"No... I wanted to, but I didn't"
"Maybe tonight we could have Etharah part 2" Benny says nudging me and giving me a wink
"Etharah? What the hell is that?" I ask
"It's both of your names merged together!"
"Oh god. Don't start saying that"
"Too late my boy! I'm already planning on putting it on T-Shirts"
"Oh shut up" I say laughing as I give him a little punch.


Ethan's POV

Mom, dad, Sarah and I are heading to our seats to watch Jane's strange play.
"Right gang now we've found out sits I'm going to get some drinks. What does everyone want?" My dad asks
"I will take a glass of wine if they have it, if not just some water" my mom responds
"Can I just get some root beer dad?" I ask
"You got it son. Sarah what are you feeling?"
"I will just get some water please" she answers
"Right honey whilst your dad is getting drinks I'm going to quickly run to the bathroom before Jane's play starts" my mom says as she gets up off the chair.
"Alright" I say to her.
Now it's just me and Sarah... alone... again... will it be awkward? Let's find out I guess
"Do you think this play will be good?" Sarah asks me with a bit of a laugh as we know school plays tend to be a bit shit.
"Well I'm not sure. It's got zombies in it so maybe?" I say
"Which part is Jane playing?"
"She is Juliet's best friend or something like that"
Oh god it's gone awkward again! Say something Ethan! Anything would be alright!
"You smell nice" I randomly blurt out. Why the fuck did I say that? When I thought anything would be alright I was wrong.
"Umm thanks. You do too" she says with a bit of a laugh.
Oh god! Why am I not smooth like other guys, I'm such an idiot when it comes to things like this. I see that Sarah's hands close to mine maybe I could lean it and bit and hold them. Maybe that would make things less awkward.
My hand starts to go towards hers...
"Hey you two" my mom says coming back from the bathroom. I quickly move my hand away.
"Hey mom" I say
"Where's your father?" My mom says looking around
"I think he is still getting the drinks" Sarah says looking for him as well.
"He needs to hurry. The play will start soon"
"Actually before it starts I'm going to quickly go the toilet as well" I say as I stand up
"Okay well hurry up sweetie" my mom says to me.

I get into the bathrooms and just splash my face with some cold water. What is wrong with me? Before all this stuff happened between Sarah and I over a year ago we talked normally and now everything has gone odd and we can't talk to each other. Once I wipe the cold water off my face I head out the boys bathroom and bump into Sarah "oh sorry!" I quickly say
"It's alright. I just thought I should quickly go as well so I don't miss any of the play" she says
"I shall see you back in the main room then"
I start to walk away and she does as well, but I get this urge and think to myself nope! I can't have these awkward things happen to us all the time so I turn back around and walk up to Sarah who is heading to the girl's bathroom
"Sarah" I say
"Yeah?" She says as she stops and turns around
I don't say anything and I just lean in for a kiss. We have a long kiss in the hallway between the bathrooms, not the most romantic setting I know. We break from the kiss and Sarah just smiles at me and says "I will see you in the main room" she wipes my lips of the lipstick that she was wearing as it's gone on me after our kiss and walks towards the bathrooms again.

I get back to the main hall and dad is back with the drinks now.
"Where's Sarah? The play is starting" my dad says
"I think she was heading for the toilets" I say.
"Oh there she is" my mom says pointing towards her.
Sarah sits next to me and the play begins. The whole of the play I kept on looking at Sarah and then looking away, I just couldn't help it she is so beautiful.

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