Could This Be A Cure?

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Ethan's POV:

I slowly start to walk home and the rain seems to ease off a bit. Friends... Just friends... After everything we've been through together and after everything we've done together.

My phone is buzzing in pocket. I take it out and see that it's Benny's grandma phoning me.
"Hello" I say down the phone
"Hello dear" Benny's grandma says down the phone
"Are you okay?"
"Yes dear, but I have something to show Sarah and I don't have any of her contact details"
"I was just with her about half an hour ago, but she went home. I can give you her number if you want"
"No it's okay. Grab Benny and both of you come to my house. Be as quick as you can"
"Okay will do"
I hang up the phone. What was that about? What is she showing Sarah?


Ethan's POV:

"Right you two sit down" Benny's grandma says to both of us.
"Grandma what's going on?" Benny asks
"I wanted to tell you that your friend Sarah and that little blonde one called Rory and I believe that taller blonde girl might be able to be cured"
"WHAT?" Benny and I say in sync.
"Well it's all the way from Australia, but there is these plants called Wolfspar and when you mix them with Garlic and some plasma you have yourself a potential cure for vampires."
"Oh my god!" I say as I stand up
"How do we get it grandma?" Benny asks as he also stands up
"Well garlic and plasma we can get her, it's the wolfpar we need to get our hands on." Benny's grandma says
"Can we just order it online?" Benny says
"No Benny dear! It needs to be fresh" Benny's grandma said
"Well we can't just fly to Australia easily. It cost money and time" I say.
"Well why don't you get one of them to fly you there?" Benny's grandma says.
Benny and I look at each other almost like we were contemplating if we could do this.
"First of all we need to tell them about it because they might not want a cure and want to be vampires for life" I say.
"Well we can get them all here and they can discuss it with grandma" Benny says
"I will phone Sarah" I say as I get my phone out
"I will phone Erica" Benny says
"I will call Rory" Benny's grandma says

I click on Sarah's number and go into a separate room as I don't know how this conversation will go after our argument literally a few hours ago.
"Ethan seriously I don't want to hear it" Sarah says as soon as she answers the phone
"No no! Sarah it's not about our relationship this is about saving you!" I say frantically down the phone
"What do you mean?"
"Benny's grandma thinks she has found a cure for vampires"
"Are you serious?"
"Yes she wants you all here. Benny is phoning Erica and Benny's grandma is phoning Rory"
"Is this real? You are just trying to get me to come to you so we can talk about our relationship more?"
"Sarah! This. Is. Real. Now get down to Benny's grandma's house now!"
Sarah hangs up the phone and I go back in the other room and they tell me Erica and Rory are coming as well.

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