Ending We Hoped

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2 months later

Ethan's POV:

Sat on the grass on a sunny day is always nice, especially when you are with your friends and girlfriend. Rory was sat next to Benny playing with the grass, Benny and Erica were sort of close to each other and Sarah is laying on the floor with her head on my lap while I play with her hair

"What we having for lunch?" Benny asks us all
"Is all you think about food related?" Erica asks
"I agree, I'm hungry" Rory says
"I'm thinking pizza" Benny says
"Of course you are" Sarah says to him as she rolls her eyes.
"I could go for pizza" I say.
"Well I'm not too hungry yet" Sarah says as she sits up
"I could go for some blood" Erica says getting her fangs out and going for Benny
"WHAT?" All of us say in sync.
"Just kidding" Erica says as she puts her fangs away. "Anyway I wouldn't drink Benny's blood. Gross"
"You drank it before" Benny says
"Yeah, but not again. I thought it was an energy potion and so did Sarah!"
Sarah nods her head.
"God it's hot out. At least my skin won't sizzle away now" Rory says
"It's almost as hot Australia" Erica says with a laugh
"Yeah Australia got pretty hot right babe" Benny says with a wink and a nudge to Erica
"What happened in Australia? You two have been acting different towards each other since you got back?" I ask them.
"Nothing!" Erica snaps
"I know when you are lying! Tell us" Sarah says
"Well Benny and I were trying to hide from some security guys and to stop one of them seeing us down an alleyway we... well we..."
"We kissed!" Benny cuts off Erica
"Nice!" Rory says as he goes to high-five Benny.
"Wooooww!" Sarah says and she starts to laugh
"It's not funny it's gross! I kissed a geek" Erica snaps
"You weren't saying that when it happened" Benny says putting his arm around Erica.
Erica doesn't even push it off... She lets him keep is arm around her until she notices me staring at it and then she pushes him off
"So lunch?" She says as she stands up.
"Let's go then" Benny says getting up.

We all start walking down the park and it feels great. We have all been through SO much together and made so many memories, good and bad, I'm just glad everything worked out for the best. If you told me 2 years ago that I would be dating Sarah and currently holding her hand and actually kissing her and having sex with her I would not of believe you at all. It almost feels like a crazy dream, but it's all too real. I hope it stays like this...


I know I'm not the best writer in the world, but I'm glad you made it to the end.
Thank you

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