The Wolfspar

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Benny's POV:

We get to the garden and there is a masses amounts of this Wolfspar plant.
"Right! You stay sat here like I'm going to kill you and I will quickly grab as much as I can" I say to Erica as I usher her to sit down.
"Hurry up" she says back to me
I quickly grab a load of it from root to tip and put it in my pockets and give some to Erica to put in hers.
"HEY YOU TWO" a completely different guard shouts to us
Crap crap crap!!!
"Sorting out the garden..." I nervously say
The guard walks towards us slowly and I'm not going to lie I'm terrified.
"I didn't think we had anyone tidying the garden today? And why is the Wolfspar in your pockets?"
"Ummm... It was because the... ummm..."
"It's because they picked up a fungal infection and if we didn't pull them out all of the others would of got it" Erica says cutting me off.
"Oh right. Good job you two. Remember to take it in that bin over that alley way" the guard said to us gesturing this very creepy looking alley way.
"Right I say we head down that alley way so they don't get suspicious on us and then fly from there" Erica discreetly says to me
"Sounds good to me" I respond

We start to head to the alley way relatively quickly, but not too obvious, then suddenly we see the security guard who I knocked out earlier come out the building next to the alley way, he is pretty much naked as I'm wearing his clothes and looks very angry and confused.
"Ted what happened to you mate?" A guard asked him
"Where are they?" He angrily asks
"There is a vampire and a guy who are here together. I think they are after something here"
"I don't know? I saw a guy with a vampire saying he was going to kill her, so maybe you got it wrong?"
"NO! He isn't going to kill her. Where are they?"
"Last time I saw them they were in the garden"
"RIGHT! I'm getting them both!"
The guard we knocked out starts to come towards us and I didn't want him to see either of us. I don't know why, but in the moment I panicked, I just grabbed Erica's waist and pulled her in for a kiss.
We have kissed before, but that was when I gave her a perfume that made her fall in love with me and we ended up accidentally getting all the girls to love us. This one felt different... Neither of us were under any spells, she didn't push me away and it was an amazing moment for me. I'm sure when we get out of this alive she will want me dead...

Erica's POV:

No way is this happened! I'm kissing Benny... in some ways I want to throw up, but it other ways I want it to carry on. Every guy I've dated is always so strong and aggressive, but Benny is really soft and sweet. Whilst we are kissing I open one of my eyes to see if that security guard has gone, to which he has gone. I push Benny off me, but not too hard as I don't want to hurt him.
"I'm so sorry" he whispers to me "I panicked and I didn't want them to see us and I just thought it would hide us and I"
I quickly put my hand over his mouth to shut him up.
"Listen it's fine, let's just fly out of this place" I say.
He nods at me and I link my arm around his.
"Ready?" I ask
"Yep" he responds
We fly off out of there. I quickly glance down and nobody is looking up at us or anything, so I think we got out fine without anyone noticing us.

I'm not telling anyone about what happened between Benny and I down that alley way! I can't have anyone knowing I kissed a geek and didn't push him off me straight away...

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