Getting Us Out Of This

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Ethan's POV:

"What are you going to do to them?" I ask Jessica whilst looking at the screen making sure nothing happens to Sarah.
"I'm going to give them what they deserve and have you watch as it's what you deserve. I want you to look into your precious Sarah's eyes as I stake her heart or burn her with holy water" Jessica says with a big grin on her face.
"You are a insane! Yes technically we killed your father but he was attacking us!"
"Stop taking about my father!"
"Well stop torturing us and let us go"
"Just shush. Soon my friends will be in that little prison they are in and the fun will begin"
"No... soon Benny will realise I've been gone for a long time and try to come and save me"
"I wouldn't count on that weirdo saving you. He is useless and can barely use magic"
"He is NOT useless!"

Jessica starts to walk away which worries me even more because it makes me think it's time to kill Sarah and Jesse. I need to think of an idea...
"JESSICA WAIT!" I shout.
"What?" She snaps as she sharply turns her head around to me.
"Did you ever actually have a crush on me?"
"Nope. Don't flatter yourself Ethan"
"So this was all just pretend to get me to come near you?"
"Yes it was. I do think you are sort of cute, but I knew who you were and what you did so I ensured I wasn't going to actually fall for you"
I have an idea. Maybe if I can get Jessica to fall for me or something I may have a chance to get us out of this.
"You think I'm cute?" I say with a smile on my face.
"Yes. You are very cute, but what you did to my father will never be forgiven" she says walking towards me.
"Well I actually think you are so cute as well. I do really like you, but I was scared that a beautiful girl like you would actually like me"
I can tell she is starting to fall for me as she is getting sweeter and isn't thinking about hurting any of us.
"Ethan if this is true I want you to say it in front of Sarah! I want Sarah to know how you really feel and break her heart. I think hearing you say that and truly mean it will actually be more torture then just stabbing her with a stake" she says to me with a slight smile on her face.
I don't want to say this in front of Sarah because she doesn't know this is all fake and it's just a plan to get us out of this, but if it's what I have to do so she doesn't get physically hurt then I have to do it...
"That's totally fine with me. Since you've come into my life and after that kiss we had I haven't even really thought about that blood sucker" I say with confidence.
"Okay well I will let you go, but I will tightly hold on you and my two boys will be right behind you the entire time so you don't try and escape at any point."
" I won't try and run away don't worry."

We start to walk up these long stairs and I can't believe after a year this is the first time I will see Sarah in person.
"Oh Sarah" Jessica says in a patronising tone.
"What do you want?" Sarah snaps back.
"I've got someone who is dying to see you" Jessica says whilst laughing.
"Oh really who? Is it one of you wolf buddies here to finish us off?" Sarah says back at her.
"Nope" Jessica says shoving me into the light so we can look at each other clearly.
Sarah is in so much shock she is lost for words. Her eyes have widened and she is just staring into my eyes. I am trying so hard not to set her free from the cage and I'm trying not to look at her properly even though I haven't seen them beautiful eyes in over a year.
"Eth... Ethan" Sarah stutters
"Yeah it's you ex Ethan" Jessica says whilst smirking at Sarah,
"Are you okay? Did they try and hurt you?" Sarah asks me.
"No they didn't hurt me" I respond.
"So Ethan you got some plan to help us get out of this?" Jesse asks as he stands up.
"Nope. Ethan has got something to tell you Sarah." Jessica says with a laugh at the end.
Sarah looks at me with confusion.
"Ummm... yes I do" I say. "Well... Sarah... I am in love with Jessica and I'm not interested in you anymore. Why should I save you when you left me a year ago? Why should I love you if you don't love me?"
Jesse is looking at me in shock. Jessica is looking at Sarah and chuckling to herself. I can barely look Sarah in the eyes, but from what I can see her eyes are starting to water like she is about to break into tears.
"Tell her more Ethan! Tell her about our dates and our special kiss!" Jessica says with a big devious smile on her face. Before I could say anything else Jessica says "You should of been there Sarah it was SO romantic. The kiss was meant to be. Not sure if you remember what his lips feel like, but they are so soft that you could just kiss them all day everyday"
God this is awful! I want to scream and tell Sarah the truth and tell her my plan. I hate lying, especially to people I love.
Jessica keeps talking and won't shut up. She is trying to wind Sarah up and get her more upset and angry.
"Do you remember what his lips taste like Sarah?" Jessica asks
"Yes I do actually!" Sarah snaps back.
"Ooohhh someone is getting angry aren't they?" Jessica says as she nudges me on the shoulder. "I think she still loves you Ethan, even though she abandoned you. Is that your way of showing love Sarah?"
"NO! Sarah showed love to Ethan when she gave her cure to him when he turned into a werewolf, even though she could of saved herself. Sarah showed love when Ethan was about to turn into a vampire and sucked the venom out so he wouldn't turn, but it ruined her life. Sarah showed love all the time for him! She defended him, made sure he was okay and made him happy!" Jesse snaps back. I didn't think he would be that passionate about it.
Sarah gets her fangs out and hisses at her.
"I would be scared of that Sarah if you weren't trapped behind bars" Jessica says back.
"Listen. I think you should just let them go Jessica" I say to her
"Why?" She says
"Well don't you think it would be more torture for Sarah to see us together... right?"
This is so hard for me to say, especially in front of Sarah, but if it will stop her from getting hurt or worse killed it's what I have to do...

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