The Kiss

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Ethan's POV

Well tonight's the night. A second date with Jessica. We planned on going to just a standard restaurant tonight, nothing fancy or anything like that. It's near by the park that Sarah use to like to go. STOP IT ETHAN! I need to stop thinking about her.

I leave my house and head to the restaurant and Jessica is already outside waiting for me.
"Ethan!" She says with a massive smile on her face.
"Jessica hey" I say walking towards her.
She gives me a massive hug and HUUUU! I get another vision it's of Jessica and I kissing again and Sarah crying on a bench then Jessica goes all hairy again and now has sharp teeth!
This is not good! What it seems to me is that Sarah is coming back and she is upset about me going on dates with Jessica, but I might be wrong. Also why is Jessica so hairy?
"Are you okay?" Jessica asks with a concerned look on her face.
"Umm yeah. Let's head inside"

Inside the restaurant we get seated and right next to the window where you can see the lake and most of the park. It's the evening as well so the lights are on in the park and it looks pretty.
"What a beautiful view!" Jessica says whilst looking through the window.
"Yeah it's nice" I say whilst looking through the window as well.
As I'm looking I see a shadow figure across the lake looking at me. Is it Sarah? It sort of looks like her. NO ETHAN! Stop thinking about her it's probably not her, just focus on your date. I turn back to look at Jessica.
"You look so cute tonight" she says to me reaching her hands towards mine across the table.
"Thanks. So do you" I awkwardly say as I move my hands away and quickly glance outside the window again. The figure has gone...

The food comes and we start to eat. It's alright food, but I can't help looking outside to see if they figure turns up again"
"What are you looking at?" Jessica says annoyed
"What? Nothing. Just looking at the view" I quickly say
"You keep looking outside. Have you seen something? Or... someone?"
"No! I just like this park a lot"
Jessica looks at me suspiciously and I can tell she doesn't believe me.
We finish our meals and walk out the restaurant. I give the park a quick scan to see if I see that figure again, but no.
"Ethan" Jessica says snapping me out of it.
"Sorry" I say.
Suddenly Jessica pulls me in and starts to kiss me. I want to pull away but I just keep thinking of what Benny says about moving on. This kiss is nothing like mine and Sarah's one. Our one had more passion and more love. This is just a basic kiss and I feel nothing. I finally pull away and just awkwardly smile at her. She laughs and smiles at me and gives me a big hug.
"My dad is here to pick me up now. So I will see you on Monday at school I guess." Jessica says to me.
"Yeah. See you Monday" I respond
"Thanks for a great night" Jessica says whilst hugging me again and when the hug breaks she goes to kiss me again, but I just quickly kiss her on the cheek.

I guess I will be walking home then through the park. As I start to walk I can hear a voice coming from behind a tree. It sounds like Jesse. I walk up to the tree and I was right. It is Jesse. He is on the phone and I try to listen in.
"Sorry, but I'm not doing this anymore. I'm not watching him and his dates again." He is saying over the phone
"I saw them kiss and yes he did kiss her back. Sorry" he says over the phone again. Is he talking about me?
"Well if you want to know what's going on then come back and look for yourself because I don't feel like stalking a dork for you anymore"
Yep he must be talking about me.
"Okay okay. Bye" he hangs up the phone.
I try to stay as quiet as I can as I back away from the tree.
"I know you are there Ethan" he says not even turning around to look at me.
"What?" I say
He turns around to look at me "what did you hear then?" He says coming out of the shadows behind the tree
"You were talking about me weren't you"
"Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't"
"Was it to Sarah?"
"Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't" he says as he starts to laugh,
"Stop it!" I snap
"Listen don't you worry about Sarah. You've got your new girlfriend and Sarah definitely won't return now she knows about your precious little new girlfriend"
"She's not my girlfriend!"
"Well I don't just kiss people who aren't my girlfriend"
"She kissed me! Also if that was Sarah why is she talking to you over me?"
"Because Sarah and I have more history than you. We dated first"
"Yeah that was a great relationship" I say sarcastically
Jesse just starts to laugh and walks towards me. "Just leave it looser and carry on living your life with your new girlfriend"
Jesse just flies off before I can say anything else.

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