The Vision

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Ethan's POV

"So how was the date last night?" Benny eagerly asks
"It was ok..." I respond
"What do you mean? Did you not have a good time with Jessica?"
"It was just a bit awkward that's all and I really don't think I'm in to her as much as she is in to me"
"So? I'm sure soon you will start to like her. Come on dude, you need to get over Sarah and this could be the perfect way to get over her"
"Listen Benny I tried it and it didn't work! I went on that stupid date and I still can't get Sarah out of my head"
"Well then..."

Benny and I head up to my room to play video games and I see Sarah's hair clip that she accidentally left her that I haven't been able to part with because it's the only thing I've got left of her, apart from the memories. I pick it up to move it to one side. HUUUUUU!! I'm getting a vision! It's of Sarah in the school hallway and Jessica appears and she's laughing and pointing at her, it then skips to Jessica kissing me and then Jessica with a lot more hair and yellow scary eyes"
I'm confused as hell, what was that?
"Dude are you ok?" Benny asks
"I just had a vision"
"Of what?"
"It was so strange! It had Sarah standing there and Jessica laughing at her and then kissing me! Then Jessica was hairy and had creepy eyes"
"What? Does that mean Sarah is coming back?"
"I don't know? Do Sarah and Jessica know each other or something?"
"But why would Jessica be laughing at her?"
"I don't know Benny, but this could mean that Sarah is coming back"
"If your vision comes true you get a sweet kiss from Jessica" Benny says with a wink.

Benny goes home and I lay in bed trying to work out that vision. I can't sleep not knowing what's happening. Is Sarah coming back? I sometimes wish my visions had more detail or words or anything more to help me understand. I check my phone to see if maybe Sarah has texted me telling me she's on her way back, but it's nothing but a bunch of texts from Jessica, she won't leave me alone. Why is she so obsessed with me? I try and phone Sarah, but it goes straight to answer phone as usual and I drop her another text just asking how she is in hopes she will reply.

I'm just about to fall asleep when I hear a noise outside my window. I get up to check it out, but I can't see anything. Hang on! Who is that by the tree where we destroyed Jesse? Is that Sarah? I quickly shove on some jeans and a t-shirt and run out my back door towards that tree. I stay quiet because I'm worried that if it is Sarah and she hears me she might fly away again. I look round a bush and OH NO! I see him. Jesse. I think he hears me breath as he sharply turns around and breaths in to smell me. "Ethan?" He says
"Yes" I sheepishly say as I come from behind the bush.
"What are you doing here?"
"I thought you might of been... you know.."
"Ooh you thought Sarah was back?"
"It was just a thought that's all"
"Well I know why Sarah left, Erica told me everything. How does it feel knowing it's your fault she's gone?" he says with a laugh.
"It wasn't my fault!" I sternly say
"Well maybe she really ran away because she can't stand you. Ha!"
"I don't think that's it at all"
"Anyway why do you care if Sarah is back? Erica says you've got some new girlfriend"
"No! I don't have a girlfriend... it's just some girl who has a crush on me."
"Crush... On you? Ha ha ha"
"Well she does! I am not interested in her at all. So no! I do NOT have a new girlfriend"
"Umm ok... Well I believe Erica might of already told Sarah you've got someone else"
My heart dropped as soon as he said that.
"What? No! You're lying"
"Nope, she is still in contact with Sarah and she told her about it"
"No no no... Erica will have to tell her it's not true!"
"Well nerd, you will have to talk to Erica not me. Now I'm hungry so unless you want to be my dinner I suggest you go back to bed"

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