First Entrance To Australia

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Erica's POV:

"Right. We are hear you can stop crying now Benny" I say as I push this dork off me
"I wasn't crying! The wind was just getting in my eyes" he responds. All lies obviously he is such a baby.
"Now where do we go first?"
"I don't know. Grandma said they do tests, so I guess look for a place with lots of guards or a gate"
"Like that one?" I point at a massive metal gate with about 10 security guards in front and behind it.
"That is probably it"
"What do we do?"
"Maybe we pretend we are like cleaners or something to get us in"
"Seriously... is this your plan?"
"I don't know what else to do? If you didn't know I've never tried to steal Wolfspar from Australia"
"What about your magic? Can you do something with that?"
"I have a spell that can knock people out, but I can only do one at a time and if the others are seeing me knocking out people they will kill us"
"Well what do we do?"
"I think my first plan is good and if we are in a situation I can knock them out and maybe you could fight them"
"It's stupid"
"But maybe that's they key and they will never expect it..."
"URGGG. Fine let's go and potentially die Benny"

We see some cleaners on the side, they don't look too aggressive, so if I eat one and Benny knocked one out we will be sorted. We quickly run and do that and steal their clothes and head towards the metal gate...
"WHO GOES THERE?" Shouted one of the security guys
"We are here to clean" I say to them
"WE HAVE NOT BEEN TOLD ABOUT ANY CLEANING TODAY" one of the guards shout at Benny and I
"Well we are here" Benny says, I can see he is shaking a bit out of fear so I grab his arm to stop him.
"WHERE ARE YOU CLEANING?" Asks the guard
"Ummm... the bathroom" Benny awkwardly says
The guards all look at each other and two of them start whispering. I don't think they believe us... This isn't going to be good
"Benny" I whisper to him whilst the guards aren't looking "I think we are in trouble here..."
"We will be fine" Benny whispers back to me
"RIGHT YOU TWO I WILL SHOW YOU WHERE THE BATHROOMS ARE!" Shouts a guard as he starts to unlock the gate.
Holy shit I didn't actually think this would work at all.

The guard takes us to a small room and tells us to wait.
"This isn't a bathroom" Benny says in confusion
"Nope which worries me" I reply whilst looking around this strange room they've put us in.
Suddenly a guard barges through the door with a knife and a stake!
"HOLY CRAP!" Benny says as he backs away from the guard
"Are you ready to die dirty vampire" the guard says to me
"Are you?" I respond
I fly over and jump on his back, he is moving around trying to get me off and starts moving his stake around to try and stab me.
"BENNY NOW!" I shout to him
"Parso nic a so" Benny shouts as he moves his arms towards the guard. The magic comes out his hands and the guard passes out and I fall to the ground with him.
"Are you okay?" Benny asks as he runs over to pull me up.
"Yeah. Now what?"
"I don't know? They can't see that we've knocked the guard out or else we are done for"
"I've got an idea!"
"You wear the guards outfit and pretend you've caught me, the dirty vampire"
"But what if they want me to kill you?"
"Then just pretend to. Isn't there something in your stupid magic book that would have this?"
"I don't think in my book there is a spell that tells me how to fake kill a vampire"
"Don't get sarcastic with me Benny! We need to either get the Wolfspar or we just leave"
"We can't leave!"
"Well pretend you've caught me and hopefully they will have a place they kill vampires and we go there to find the Wolfspar"
"It's too risky Erica... I can't loose you, I... I... I mean WE can't loose you"
We both just stare at each other. Benny's eyes are actually rather cute. EW NO! Why am I thinking that?
"Let's get going Benny" I say as I look away from him.
"Are you sure?" He replied trying to look at my face
"Yep. Just make sure your acting is good"

Benny's POV:

Right I need to get in the mind set of these guards, also I can't do an Australian accent which doesn't help.
I take a big breath in and out and grab Erica's arm like I've just caught her.
"Ready?" I ask her. Erica doesn't even look at me, she just nods her head. I can see the fear in her eyes and I can feel her shaking a little bit. Erica always comes off and strong and scary, but deep down she is still that little nerd and I can see it.

"HEY EVERYONE" I shout in the best accent I could
All the guards heads just shoot down at us both. "I CAUGHT A VILE VAMPIRE!"
Two of the guards come running over towards us
"How did she get in?" One of them asks me
"I don't know? One of you guys must of not been doing the best job and she snuck in" I say in the worst accent ever, but I am trying.
"Right. Well you know the rules"
"Yeah... the rules... what are they again?"
"We need to get rid of her. First of all check her pockets to ensure she hasn't got a phone and isn't going to call anyone to help her, then you are going to go to the east room to grab the garlic or stake, which ever one you want, take her to the outside garden and do the deed to kill her"
"MAKE SURE IT IS SLOW AND PAINFUL" the other guard shouts with a devious smile ok his face.
"Yeah. Of course... I want her to feel like shit before she dies" I respond whilst looking at her, she's been looking at the ground the whole time. The two guards start laughing like evil villains in a Spider-Man movie.
"Let's go the garden vampire" I say as I pull Erica closer to me.
"WAIT!" One of the guards snaps whilst putting his hand in front of me. Oh god! Have we been caught out? Does he recognise me?
"Let's have a look at this vile vampire" he says as he lifts up Erica's chin.
"Oh no need to! She's gross" I say trying to stop him from looking in case he recognises her.
"Wow she's beautiful for a vampire" the guard says as he is holding her face. I can see in Erica's eyes she wants to bite his head off.
"Right... well I'm going to get some garlic and head to the park with this gross thing" I say as I slowly drag Erica away from this guard.

Erica and I walk quickly towards the garden.
"Don't we need to get some garlic?" Erica whispers to me
"I don't want to! I want to just quickly get the Wolfspar from the garden and fly away" I whisper back
"But if any of them see you not get anything and just take me to the part they will get suspicious"
"I don't want you to get close to any of that stuff as it could hurt or kill him. I say let's just quickly get there and go"
"I will be fine Benny. Just quickly grab something to make it look like you will kill me"
I quickly look around and see some wood on the side of this building.
"Here." I say as I grab it "A stake for your heart"
"Urg. Let's just be quick" she whispers to me rolling her eyes.
I can see these purple flowers in the distance which look like the picture grandma was showing us, so I start to walk a bit quicker.
"Do you see them?" I whisper to Erica
"Yep" She whispers back
"I grab a load of them and we fly straight away"
"Sounds good to me"

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