Now What?

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Sarah's POV:

Right I'm heading over to help Jesse and Rory, I know Ethan doesn't want me to, but I don't care. I race over to them and hop on the werewolf's back.
"SARAH!" Ethan shouts from a distance.
Jesse finally gets a chance and bites the werewolf's neck and he falls to the floor.
"Just to be on the safe side" I say as I grab the fork from Rory's hand and stab the werewolf in the heart.
"Holy crap that was intense" Benny says.
"Are you okay?" I ask Jesse and Rory.
"Yeah. That was cool" Rory says
"I'm fine apart from dirty wolf blood tastes like shit" Jesse says.

We start to head out the building looking behind every corner to make sure no other werewolf are after us.

"Now what?" Jesse says to us all.
"I don't know?" Ethan says
"Home?" Benny suggests
"Party?" Rory suggests
"I agree with Benny's idea of just going home" I say.
"Now when you say home. Where exactly do you mean?" Ethan says to me as he stops walking and grabs my arm.
"Well it's a Friday night isn't it?" I say
"Yeah... what's that got to do with it?"
"I thought I had a babysitting job on Friday nights?"
Ethan's face lit up and the biggest smile I've ever seen appears on his face.
"If I've still got the job of course" I say whilst laughing. I didn't even think about if I've got the job because I've been gone for so long...
"Yes 100% still got the job!"

"Sorry to disturb you precious moment, but I thought I should let you guys know that I'm leaving Whitechapel" Jesse says
"Really?" Rory asks
"Yeah. There is nothing here for me. Too many dorks as well" he laughs
"Who you calling a dork?" Benny says
"I'm going to head out to Hollow Grove and see what's happening down there" he says looking into the distance
"Well alright then" Ethan says
"Thanks for the help" I say to him as I get closer
"Sarah I know we haven't had the best relationship, with me biting you, then biting Ethan and you drinking out the venom etc. But I sort of hope we can put that part behind us because as I've said before, I've done much worse" he says to me with a smile.
"Listen even though I have hated you, underneath all that I've always still loved you. As a friend of course nothing else" I say to him whilst giving him a hug.

Jesse flies off.
"I'm going to go home" Rory says.
Rory flies off.
"So guess it's just us three" Benny says
"Yep, just like always" Ethan says
"You staying this time Sarah?" Benny asks me
"I think so because I've left two separate times now and I always come back, so no point in running away again"
"Good" Ethan says
"Do you want me to give you a lift home?" I say to them both.
"You got your car?" Benny says
"Nope" I say as I put out both of my hands for them to grab. They grab my hands and I fly off and they both scream,

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