Consider Returning

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Ethan's POV

The next day at school I sit on the lunch table and Jessica comes and sits next to me.
"Hey Ethan!" She says as she gives me a little hug
"Oh hi Jessica" 
"So I was wondering if you wanted to go on another date?"
"Oh umm... you know... I think maybe we should take it slow" I awkwardly say. I don't want to hurt her feelings.
"Oh come on Ethan. Did you not have fun?"
"No... I... I did. It's just that I think we should just be friends"
"Friends? Listen Ethan I have talked to a few people at this school and I've heard about this Sarah and how in love with her you were, but she wasn't interested. I think you should move on from her and I can help."
"Sarah has nothing to do with me not wanting to go on another date with you and I don't think it's any of your business what has happened between Sarah and I"
"No you listen. You are going to be stuck pining for a girl who doesn't even like you!"
"I'm not even talking to you about this because you know nothing about what Sarah and I have been through in the years we've know each other and you don't know how I feel about her and how she feels about me. Bye" I say as I stand up and storm out of the lunch hall. I can't believe she said that!

Sarah's POV

I'm feeling like I should maybe go back to Whitechapel... I miss Erica, Benny, Rory and most of all Ethan. It just kills me because I know deep down I can't be with him. I look at him and I just melt, it's torture!  It's like leaving Erica in an all you can drink blood buffet but telling her she can't have any. I will loose control. What is also making me want to go back is seeing Ethan's new girlfriend and seeing how much he loves her and if he thinks she's better than me.

I think I need to speak to Erica about this, maybe she will have some advice for me.
"Hey Erica." I say down the phone.
"Sarah, how you feeling?" She responds
"Not good... I'm considering coming back to Whitechapel"
"Really? It would be great to see you again! I've missed you"
"So do you think it's a good idea? Even with everything that happened with Ethan?"
"I mean I think it will be hard, but if you want to come back to Whitechapel I am here for you"
"Thanks Erica I will maybe give it a go"
I hang up the phone.

Erica thinks it's a good idea and she will support me. I guess if it does get too hard for me, I could always leave again... I stand on a cliff looking over Whitechapel, I do miss it a lot. It's my home. Ethan is my home.

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