It's a Date

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Ethan's POV

"Benny" I say while walking to school with him
"Yeah?" He responds.
"Jessica asked if I could meet her after school and I don't know why?"
"Dude that's a date!"
"No it might not be, maybe she needs help with homework or something?"
"Come on Ethan! She wants to date you! She clearly has a crush on you"
"I don't have a crush on her though"
"Why? She's hot"
"I just don't see her that way"
"Because of Sarah?"
"Yes ok! I don't think I will be in love again"
"Come on Ethan that's a bit dramatic"
"Not to me Benny! I'm not interested in Jessica romantically at all"
"Well meet her after school and see what happens"
We get to school and straight away I see Jessica at her locker. She notices me and smiles and waves, I wave back a bit awkwardly.


Right I'm meeting up with Jessica outside the school gates... I'm nervous, I don't know what she wants? I start to look around and see if I can see Jessica coming, but I don't see her. While I'm looking I notice someone who looks like Sarah across the road behind a bunch of trees! "Sarah" I say under my breath. I cross the road to look, but nobody is there...
"Ethan!" I head Jessica shout behind me.
"Oh hey Jessica" I respond.
She gives me a hug and I awkwardly hug her back. "Are you ok?" I ask
"All the better for seeing you now" she says with a wink.
"Ha yep. Anyway what did you want to talk about?"
"Well I was just wondering if you had a girlfriend?"
"Ummm... I guess no"
"Great! Well I was wondering if you would maybe like to start dating and see where things go because I really like you!"
After she said that I was in shock, I didn't know what to say? I don't want to date her, I want to be with Sarah. Maybe dating Jessica will take my mind if Sarah...
"Umm sure. We could always go out on one date and see what happens" I respond.
"Brilliant!" She says with a jump. "I will message you details later"
"Yep sounds good" I say.

I head home and start doing homework in my room
*PING* I get a text from Jessica it reads
"Hi Ethan I think tomorrow we should go to The Plough for our date. I know it's a bit expensive , but I thought we should do something special for our first date"
Oh god I think she's a bit eager isn't she... I respond with
"Hi Jessica yes that sounds fine, should we say around 7pm?"
*PING* she replies straight away
"7 sounds perfect see you then x"

The next day

Today is my date with Jessica and to be honest I'm not really looking forward to it because I fear I won't be able to get Sarah out of my head. I start to get changed into a shirt and some trousers, a bit fancy but not too much. I feel a bit warm and I think it's the nerves so I open my window. I see in the distant a girl who looks like Sarah! "Sarah!" I shout out the window, but they don't respond. I run downstairs and go outside and look around, but they have gone. Am I loosing my mind or is Sarah really back? I think I am loosing my mind...

I get to the restaurant and I see Jessica already waiting for me. "Hi" I say
"Ethan! Hey!" She says as she jumps up to give me a hug. "I'm so glad we got to go on a date!"
"Ha yeah." I awkwardly respond.
"I think I'm going to have the chicken salad, what are you going to have?"
"I'm thinking the lasagna with garlic bread"
"Ethan! Garlic bread?"
"What's wrong with garlic bread?"
"Nothing, but it will make your breath smell for later" after she said that she gave me a wink. Is she expecting me to kiss her or something?

We finish our meals and I give the money to the waitress with a tip and we head outside.
"Thanks for an amazing date Ethan" Jessica says
"It's ok. Thanks as well, I guess"
"We will have to do this again. You can pick the next date"
Next date? She is assuming there is going to be another one.
"Oh right" I awkwardly respond
"Anyway I will see you on Monday!" She leans in for a kiss but I just hug her. I can tell she looks unhappy with that, but I don't want to kiss her. This "date" has made me realise how much I need Sarah to come back and how much I want her to be with me...

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