The Plan

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Sarah's POV:

I can't believe this! I might be cured! No more drinking people and actually aging and living my life! I will be a normal person again!
Right got to get to Benny's grandma's house.

I fly there and knock on the door, Benny answers
"Hey Sarah" he says
"Hi. Are all the others here?"
"Yeah they are. Come downstairs"

We head downstairs and I see them all and I clock eyes with Ethan in the corner. Even though he is still very wet from the rain he still looks good. I honestly don't know how I could just be friends with him as every time I see him these feelings for him rush through my body, if this cure actually works then we can be together a normal couple! Doing what normal couples do! Kissing, taking pictures together, dates, years of happiness and of course sex... lots...
Anyway! Let's carry on with finding me a cure before I get too ahead of myself.

"I don't know if I want to change back" Erica says whilst standing at the table next to Benny
"Why?" I ask
"I was a nerd that people bullied and now I'm hot" she said very sadly
"I've always thought you were hot" Benny just blurts out.
Everyone's face just drops and you can see Benny regrets saying it.
"Yeah yeah. Whatever." Erica says in disbelief
"No he actually did. I remembered when he saw you with Sarah when you had glasses and said how much he likes you and I believe I called you the weird dusk girl or something" Ethan said
"Weird dusk girl!" Erica said as she showed her fangs to Ethan
"Ummm... no" Ethan said sheepishly and back away from her
"If I change back would I have to put my glasses on and be all ugly again?" Erica asks Benny's grandma
"Will my asthma come back?" Rory asks her as well
"I should think so as you don't have these powers that make you immortal. You will also get cuts and scars and bleed like a human" Benny's grandma answered
Benny looks to me and discreetly says "she was never ugly" whilst pointing at Erica who was now focusing on the computer. I smiled at him and discreetly said I know"
Erica turns around to us both as says "what are you two saying about me?"
"Nothing" Benny quickly says
"Sarah?" Erica asks me
"We were just say how you were never ugly! Well Benny said it anyway" I responded
Benny went bright red and got all embarrassed and walked away from Erica. Erica sort of smiled as he walked away and looked a bit flushed herself. Does she have a thing for Benny that we've been ignoring because we've been focusing on Ethan and I? Probably not...

"Right who is going to Australia?" Benny's grandma said
"I will go!" Rory offers
"I don't think that's the best Rory" Ethan says
"Why?" Erica says
"Well... it's Rory isn't it. He will somehow mess this up" Benny says.
"I can go" I suggest
"No. I will go" Erica says
"You could both go" Benny says
"No I wouldn't have two vampires going. In the area where Wolfspar grows they are not that big on vampires and have killed many, that's why they plant it as they want to get rid of them. I'm thinking one vampire and one human" Benny's grandma says
"I will go" Erica says
"I'll come with you" Benny says
"Are you sure?" I ask Erica
"Yeah. You stay here and research about how we take it and what we need to make this cure drink or whatever it's called. You are now a nerd thanks to this lot" Erica says with a bit of a laugh at the end
"Are you sure you should go Benny?" Ethan asks
"Yeah. I've got the magic as well" Benny says with a wink
"Well it's settled then. Now you both need to get your hardest to ensure they don't know that Erica is a vampire because they will kill her on the spot" Benny's grandma says
"Easy. I just won't get my teeth out" Erica says
"I wish it was that easy my dear" Benny's nan says whilst putting her hands on Erica's shoulders.
"Why isn't it easy grandma?" Benny asked
"Well they sometimes do tests"
"What sort of tests?" Ethan asked as he was getting in closer to their conversation
"I'm not 100% sure, but I think it has something to do with blood"
"BLOOD?" Benny shouted in confusion.
"Well if we just fly in grab some and fly out" Erica says whilst looking worried and Benny
"Sounds good to me" Rory piped up
"I'm down if you are Benny" Erica smiles at Benny with confidence
"I'm just... just a bit worried about you"
"Why? Im fine! I'm a lot stronger than him anyway"
"You may be stronger, but I'm the magic one"
"Yeah yeah. Now when are we going and what does this plant thing look like?"
"Well what's the time in Australia right now?" I ask
"I've just had a look at it will be 1pm" Ethan replies
"Right we could always go now" Benny says to Erica
"By the way this is what Wolfspar looks like" Benny's grandma says whilst showing us the picture on the computer. It's a strange light purple plant with dark purple splashed in it and sort of looks like flower petals.

"Ready to go Benny? It's going to be a long flight, even for a vampire" Erica asks Benny
"Right maybe I should go to the bathroom before" Benny says awkwardly
Benny finished up and we all head outside where it's still raining.
"Ready?" Erica asks Benny with a devious smile on her face.
"Yep" Benny says a bit nervously
Erica links her arm to Benny's and they jump up.
"God I hope this goes well" Ethan says looking up at the sky squinting due to the rain.
"It will be fine" Rory says whilst patting Ethan's back. "Anyway I'm going home as my mom will wonder where I went. Let me know what happens"
Rory speeds off.
"Yeah I guess I should get back home as well" I say to Ethan and Benny's grandma.
"Alright dear. Let me know if you hear any updates. I'm heading inside. It's getting too cold for me" Benny's grandma says whilst going inside her house.
"Do you want a lift home?" I ask Ethan
"I will be alright thanks" Ethan responds.
"You sure?"
"Okay well I will see you later I guess"
I fly off back home.

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