Letter 2

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I have been lying to myself about you for so long. I have told myself that you will just show up in a sense, that you would manifest yourself in my life when you thought the time was appropriate. I think now that I have a better understanding of what you are, I have come to know that a life with you is not for the faint of heart. Life with you is a commitment, it is a bond that needs constant nurturing and so much trust and leniency. I have been so hard on myself recently and I felt you slipping out of my grasp, fading away and leaving me alone yet again. And so the journey began again, loving me more than the thought of somebody else. In simple terms, dating myself. Getting to know all the little things about me that a partner should. What do I like? What makes me happy? How do I want to be loved? It has come to my attention that I don't know anything about myself. How can I expect a partner to know anything about me that I don't know myself?

It is a common phrase for people to say that their partner knows them better than they know themselves. This is only true for external displays of internal feelings. There are so many misinterpretations of what you are, you are not a mind reader afterall how could you be? You simply give people the light to see things they otherwise would not notice. You have given me the light to discover that I need to heal so much more than I thought I did. The pain that burrows deep in my heart is something that needs to be resolved before I can even think about somebody else. I cannot help another heal and grow if I, myself have yet to achieve my highest potential. Let's see how this goes I guess.

-P ♡

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