Letter 25

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My Love,

Just as the moon and sun have been chasing each other about this earth for centuries, I will continue to look for you in every lifetime to come. Just as I have for the lifetimes before this one I will find you. I will learn of everything that encompasses your being. And I will love you. For all of eternity and every moment after. Even if nothing comes of this life and we are returned to the stardust from which we came. I will be with you, and we will be with love. I would build a ladder to the abyss of the universe if you said you wanted a star, and as I plucked the brightest one from the darkness of the beyond, as it burned down to nothingness and took my flesh with it, you will know that the love I hold for you burns longer and brighter than any star in this realm of existence.

These extravagant explanations of my love are the only way I see fit to describe the depth of my emotions. I have never felt like this for anybody, all of these experiences are new and like nothing else. I don't know how to navigate this. I am unsure which feelings are real and which ones are clouded by the excitement of meeting you and having you. Maybe it's not even you, maybe it's just the excitement of having somebody for the first time in my life that I can call mine, my love. I know nobody talks like this in real life but I have no other way of explaining properly. The words 'I love you' mean all of these things at once. Every word from all of the letters that I have written you are encompassed in that phrase. This is a love from fairytales. An extraordinarily encompassing emotion, a full body experience which I never thought possible. That is what I mean when I say I love you.

-P ♡

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