I got what I came for

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A/n: just a reminder to everyone, I do not own the properties used, they belong to their respective creators, Any original characters belong to me.

Union academy

We start the story off with a boy up against a wall beaten and bruised, blood from cuts and small wounds on his body.

Why is he in this state, You may be asking, well this is because of the people around him. Why did they do this to him? Because unlike them he does not have any powers, making them see him as beneath them.

Who is this boy? He is y/n l/n.

You see, He was born in a world of quirks, semblences, and sacred gears. Unfortunately for him though, he was born without any of them, making him a prime target for bullying, and causing everyone to turn their backs on him, including his adopted "family", even then he did have one friend, but she turned her back on him once she got a quirk.

Despite this, he had wanted to become a hero.

And here he is, in union academy, an academy that teaches young hopefuls to become either a hero, or a huntsman/huntress, and a shining beacon of hope to everyone, and a symbol that no matter what, good will always prevail.

What a load of shit.

It's nothing more than a place egotistical pricks can go to get fame, and money. This is only re-enforced with the constant bullying towards the student known as
y/n, as well as the teachers simply ignoring him, and on some occasions even joining in, in slight ways of course. Not everyone bullied him, either giving him glares, or outright ignoring him, and on rare occasions giving him looks of pity.

Just then, y/n was punched in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him.

Issie: take that you useless shit!

Weiss: honestly, why did they let something like you in here.

After she said that, she stabbed myrtenaster into his left shoulder, causing him to let out a grunt of pain, and then ripped It out, the wound spilling a bit of blood.

Katsuki: exactly, you think that you can just walk around here with us, you damn deku!

Right now, the bullies, as well as some others are around y/n, taking turns hurting him.

The bullies being:

team RWBY, except ruby, who is standing behind her sister Yang, looking at him in worry, as well as team JNPR, except for ren, who was looking away with an unreadable expression on her face.

Class-1A, minus a few who are not there, or are just ignoring him. Izumi was also there, looking at him with pity, yet she had also helped beat him on a few occasions.

Rias and her peerage, except for Asia, who looked at him with pleading eyes, looking to be on the verge of tears, and koneko, who wasn't even there.

Stacy: exactly, why don't you do us all a favour, and just leave already!

Issie: yeah, just leave already, you're nothing compared to us, especially me, as I will be the harem king.

Everyone just kept berating him, to which he ignored them. Eventually they got bored, and decided to leave. Before they left however, bakugo felt like getting in one more jab.

Katsuki: hey deku, if you want to be a hero so badly, here's some advice. Pray for a power in your next life, and take a swan dive of the building!

Almost everyone there laughed like it was the funniest thing ever, though some, like Asia, ren, ruby, even izumi and Stacy, all looked at him in shock and disbelief, then looked at y/n with worry, only to see his hair covering his eyes, before leaving to catch up with the others.

Y/n sat there for a minute, his hair still covering his eyes. He was glad classes had finished that day. Eventually he let out a small chuckle, before standing up.

Y/n: I guess you really are irredeemable, union.

He then walked away.

Somewhere near union

Somewhere on a cliff overlooking union we see two people walk up to each other, before just standing there. After a few seconds of silence, one of them spoke.

Adam: Winter Schnee.

Winter: Adam Taurus.

They continued to stare at each other for a few more seconds, before turning to look over at union.

Adam: you know where wade is ?

Winter: last I heard, he's on a mission with his father.

Adam: hmm, makes sense, his father one of the best we have.

Winter: not only that, but he was our master.

Right after saying that winter flinched.

Winter: uh, sorry if I brought up bad memories.

Winter pointed at her left eye as she said this. adma let out a sigh.

Adam: it's fine, you didn't mean anything by it.

They both continued to look over union.

Winter: I'm disappointed in her.

Adam: who, Weiss?

Winter: who else? She says she wants to change how the SDC works, she claims to be better than our father. Yet here she is, hurting others, all for something they can't even control. It sickens me that I'm even related to her!

Adam: you aren't the only one. I'm extremely disappointed and disgusted at Blake. She claimed to fight for the oppressed, and yet she abandons the white fang, while oppressing others! She's no different from the overseers in the mines!

Y/n: relax Adam, winter. They'll get what's coming to them.

They both turned around to look behind them, as y/n walked up to them, before holding up a usb in his right hand.

Y/n: besides, I got what I came for.

Both Adam and Winter smirked at this.

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