A Week Later With Deaths Hand

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People were walking around, going to work, going home from work, or just kids playing around in the parks.

It was peaceful in the city.

And then a child dropped her doll on the road.

The child then ran onto the road, ignoring her mother's call.

As she reached for her doll, she suddenly heard a beeping to her right. When she looked to see what it was, she saw a truck heading her way.

Everyone there was in panic, as the child was about to be hit by the truck.

Just then, the White death ran up to the child, and grabbed her, before jumping out of the way.

Everyone was silent, as the truck eventually came to a stop.

Before they all burst into cheers.

The White death then returned the little girl to her mother, who eagerly hugged her daughter, who hugged her back.

Mother: thank you, White death.

The white death just nodded at her, before she then ran into an alleyway, then jumped between the buildings, and ran off on top of the buildings.

With Summer

She was currently running across the buildings of the city, before stopping on top of one of them that overlooks the city.

She then put her hand up to her ear, and pressed a button on a device on her ear, said device having Deathshot's symbol on it.

Eventually, she heard a voice from the device.

Y/n: Summer? Not the best time at the moment!

Summer raised an eyebrow at this.

Summer: it's not? do you need any help?

With y/n

Y/n dodged to the left, avoiding a red and black spike aimed at him.

Y/n: no, we're good!

Just then he heard a scream, coming from wade, who just had his arm ripped off, causing y/n to wince a little.

Summer: sure doesn't sound "good."

Y/n: could be better, I'll admit.

Gunshots were then heard.

Y/n: look, I'll call you back later, okay?

Summer: okay the-

Before summer could finish, y/n had already ended the transmission between them.

He then focused his attention back onto the battle.

Currently, wade had a pistol in hand, and was firing at a man that was covered in red and black goo.

Before the goo man could get any closer to wade, y/n threw a black ball of fire at him, causing the man to move backwards to avoid it.

Y/n: you alright Deadpool?!

Wade, who was no longer firing at the man, was now holding his arm, before reattaching it back onto his body.

Wade: thanks to my healing factor, I am! It would be alot Better, if this sadistic fuck, would stay still, for two minutes!

Y/n: gotta agree with you on that one!

The man then let out a scream, causing both y/n and wade to be put on Guard.


Wade then look at the readers.

Wade: there's the obligatory catchphrase. And in case you can't tell, they're Carnage.

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