Fake Mission

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'Ren: Nora.

Nora: yes Ren?

Ren quickly hid stormflower in her clothes.

Ren: I don't think sloths make alot of noise.

Nora stared at her for a few seconds, before a small smile apeared on her face.

Nora: that's why it's perfect! Nobody will suspect that we're working together.

Ren closed her locker, Before walking away.

Ren: come on, Nora, let's go.

Ren turned around, but Nora was missing. She looked around her, trying to find her friend. She eventually spotted her in an argument with a blonde haired girl, with an, admittedly handsome, boy with shoulder length grey hair, sitting on the floor.

Ren: 'why is she yelling?'

Quickening her pace, Ren walked up to them, allowing her to hear what was being said.

blonde girl(BG): -swear that's not what it is, I'm just trying to protect him.

Ren: Nora, please don't run off like that again.

Upon hearing Ren's voice, all 3 of them turned to face her.

Nora: sorry Ren, but I couldn't just let a bully do whatever they want.

Ren: bully you say?

Ren turned to face the blonde girl, who quickly tried to explain her actions.

BG: no wait, that's not true! I'm only doing this to help him, I swear!

Nora looked at the blonde haired girl with a frown, her arms crossed.

Nora: do you really think I'd believe such a lie?

Bg: what? No, it's not a lie!

The girl was now panicking.

Stacy: ok, I think we got off on the wrong foot, let's just start over. Hi, my name is Stacy, and the boy next to me is my brother, Y/n.

Nora: wow, so not only are you a bully, you're also bullying your own brother!

Stacy: n-no wait, that's n-not what I m-meant!

Nora: no, it's what you're doing, and that's all that matters.

Stacy: I-but-I'm not.

Ren just glared at Stacy, who sighed in defeat.

Stacy: no, y-you're right. I'll go now.

Stacy gen walked away, leaving Ren and Nora with Y/n.

Ren: sorry about that, but are you ok?

Ren held out a hand to Y/n, who just stared at it with some form of familiarity, as if recalling an old memory, before quickly snapping back to reality, and standing up.

Y/n: tch. I had it under control.

Ren lowered her hand.

Ren: it didn't seem like it.

He quickly walked past her.

Y/n: I don't need your help.

He then walked away, both Ren and Nora staring at his retreating form.

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