New Mission

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Y/n had just gotten off the train, and it was now night. Currently, he was walking around alleyways, eventually finding a dead end that was a brick wall.

Instead of just walking away, he instead walked up to the wall, and put his hands on 2 different bricks, and pushed them into the wall, then took a few steps back.

Suddenly, the ground in front of the wall started to split open, revealing a stairway going down into the ground.

However, instead of going down the stairs, y/n went to the left wall, where a section of the wall had opened up, revealing a pad with an image of a left hand on it.

He then put his left hand on the image, the pad scanning his hand.

Y/n: all hail Deaths hand.

After saying that, and with a beep from the pad to confirm his identity, he walked back to the stairs, where suddenly laser sensors appeared, before turning off.

Y/n then proceeded to walk down the stairs, the laser sensors turning back on, and the secret door closing behind him.

Eventually, he got to the bottom, a giant door in front of him. He stood in front of the door, the top above the door opening up and letting out a red sensor, which proceeded to scan him, blinking green when it was done.

After he was scanned, the door proceeded to open, allowing him to enter.

When walking through the door there were a lot of people walking around some kind of facility, holding papers, which were the scientist and researchers, and weapons, which were the security.

Y/n was walking down the corridor, heading somewhere.

Scientist #1: hey, y/n! How was the mission?

Y/n: it went well, though I wish I could have brought my armour.

Scientist #2: well, what can you do? But at least it went well.

Scientist #1: anyway, we've got places to be, see ya!

Y/n: alright, see ya's!

After that little conversation, y/n continued down the hallway, eventually reaching a door, and opened it, entering the room, and letting out a sigh.

Y/n: alright, time to relax a little.

The room y/n entered was a bedroom, though it looked a little plain, with a wardrobe, a bin next to it, a white bed, a desk, with a chair, and a bowl on the desk, with some fruit in it.

Regardless, y/n walked over and laid on the bed, closing his eye.

However, before he could fall asleep, a beeping noise came from his pocket, causing his eye to snap open. He took out his phone, seeing who was calling him.

Y/n: ugh, oh come on, I just got back.

Y/n got up off the bed and walked over to the desk, putting his phone on a rectangular device.

The device locked the phone in place, before shooting out a hologram of several people, covered by shadows.

Y/n: so, mind telling me why you felt the need to call me, after I just got done with the last mission?

Person #1: apologies, however we just wanted to congratulate you, in your victory against trihexa.

Y/n raised an eyebrow.

Y/n: as much of an honour It is to have the council themselves congratulate me, haven't you got more important things to do?

A member of the now known council replied, this one being female.

Council member(Cm) #2: yes, you are absolutely correct.

Cm #3: however, we have another request for you.

Y/n proceeded to facepalm, letting out a frustrated sigh.

Y/n: oh, come on! I just got back from one!

Cm #1: we understand that you might not be pleased with this, however people need your help.

Y/n just stared at the hologram for a few seconds, then let out a sigh, as a tail came from behind him, grabbing an apple from the bowl, and brought it to his hand.

Y/n: alright, fine. What's the mission?

Y/n then started to eat the apple.

Cm #4: well, there has been a Schnee dust mine located just outside the city you are currently in.

Cm #2: your job is to break in, and free the faunus, and the powerless being forced to mine inside.

Y/n nodded at this.

Y/n: got it, free the slaves in the mine. Will this be a solo mission?

Cm #5: no. You will have the assistance of both Deadpool, and the Scarlet rose.

Y/n raised an eyebrow at this.

Y/n: Winter is still in atlas I'm guessing?

Cm #2: yes, she is.

Y/n: ok. Is this a stealth, or are we doing this the fun way?

Cm #6: the latter.

Y/n: alright, yes! So, when's the mission?

Cm #5: tomorrow morning, six o'Clock.

Y/n: got it. See ya's!

After saying goodbye, the hologram went back into the device, signaling that the call was over, the device releasing his phone.

After the call was over, y/n walked over to his wardrobe, putting the eaten apple into a bin.

Y/n: let's see if the armour's clean.

Y/n then proceeded to open the wardrobe doors, seeing his armour was clean.

Y/n: alright. Man they work fast. And they even got the smell of blood out.

He then closed the doors, and went back to his bed.

Y/n: well, I should get some sleep. I gotta get up early tomorrow. And I can already tell, it is going to be a blood bath.

Y/n then closed his eye, drifting off to sleep.

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