Call For Help

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Y/n and wade drove into a garage in the main base of Deaths hand, parking next to a few other cars already parked there.

Wade: finally, we're back!

Y/n: yeah, yeah, I get it.

They both got out of the car, and started to walk to an elevator.

Wade: look, all I'm saying, is why did you not speed over here? It didn't take you that long to get to Carnage.

Y/n: because I blew the turbo. Without it I couldn't go as fast as I would have liked.

Wade: ohhh. Okay. How could you tell?

They both finally got to the elevator, and wade pressed the down button, causing the elevator to come down to them.

Y/n: there's a screen in the car, that tells me if there are any damages to it.

The elevator then arrived, the doors opening. They both walked into the elevator, and pressed the button to go to the eleventh floor.

Wade: oh, cool. So, how fast can your car go, exactly?

Y/n shrugged.

Y/n: almost breaks the sound barrier.

Wade was surprised to hear this.

Wade: seriously?! No wonder you decided to take it.

Y/n: yep. Though I am surprised it managed to stay together.

Wade: didn't get to test it that much?

Y/n: nope.

They both stood in a comfortable silence, and after a few seconds, the doors to the elevator opened. They both then walked out of the elevator.

Wade: so, you got that holo-mask thing, for me yet?

Y/n: you mean a hardlight holographic projection mask.

Wade looked confused, but nodded regardless.

Y/n: Yeah, it's in my room.

Wade: alright! Finally, I won't have to look like this!

Wade then pulled off his mask, showing his face.

Which, as Weasel would put it, looked like an avocado had sex, with an older, more disgusting avocado.

Wade: yeah, we know author, I have two different movies, with a third on the way.

A/n: can you please get back to the story? Y/n is staring at you weirdly.

Wade looked at y/n, seeing the author was right.

Wade: dammit. I hate it when he's right.

Y/n: okay, can you please tell me who you're talking to?

Wade started racking his brain, trying to think of an excuse, as to not give his friend an existential crisis.

Wade then smirked, coming up with an idea.

Wade: okay, I will. if you admit to liking that Ren girl.

Y/n blushed behind his mask a little.

Y/n: i do not like her!

It worked.

Wade: 'mission accomplished'  yeah you do.

Y/n: no I don't!

Wade: if you don't like her, then why did you keep your hardlight mask.

Y/n: I might need it in the future, and keeping it would be better than having to make an entirely new one.

Wade: alright, that's a good point.

Slade: indeed it is.

Wade and y/n stopped walking, then looked behind them to see Slade and summer walking up to them. They then fully turned around to talk, as Slade and Summer stopped in front of them.

Summer: did you two really think you could get back without our knowledge?

They both stared at her for a few seconds.

Wade: we just got back though.

Summer raised an eyebrow at this. She then looked at y/n.

Summer: mind telling us how you're late? I thought your car could come close to breaking the sound barrier.

Slade looked surprised to hear this, before looking at y/n, impressed.

Y/n simply shrugged.

Y/n: going as fast as we did blew the turbo.

Summer let out a sigh, pinching her nose.

Summer: so that's what that alert was about.

Slade: well, mind telling us about your fight against Carnage?

Wade got excited at hearing that.

Wade: right! Well, once we got there, we tried to ambush him, buuut he managed to dodge, and cut my head off, but-

Before he could continue, Summer started getting a call from someone. She then raised her arm, revealing a black circle on her palm, before the circle started to glow, and a holographic projection shot out of it.

The holographic projection soon took the shape of a young girl, around the age of seventeen.

The four of them were surprised to see said girl.

Y/n: Asia? Is something wrong?

Asia looked at y/n, a concerned look on her face.

Asia: yeah, there is.

Wade: what is it?! Is Union trying something?! Kidnapping those without powers? Have they found our base? Are the citizens here in danger?!

As he was talking, wade had walked up right into the hologram's face.

Slade put a hand on his shoulder, catching his attention.

Slade: let her talk first, then we'll know what's wrong.

Wade nodded, and walked back away from the hologram.

Asia: it's Ren, sh-

Y/n: what about Ren?!

Y/n was suddenly very interested.

Asia just stared at him.

Y/n chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head.

Y/n: right, sorry. Continue.

Wade: 'he definitely likes her.'

Asia cleared her throat.

Asia: right, as I was saying, Ren is in danger. The headmasters have deemed that they no longer need her, and have Decided to have her killed.

Slade and Summer looked at each other, concerned for what this could mean.

Wade started to pay a lot more attention to Asia, coming to the same conclusion as Slade and Summer, and looked over at y/n.

He was not happy to hear this. Y/n had his fist clenched, clearly trying to suppress his anger.

He doesn't want a repeat of what happened the last time he succumbed to his rage.

Asia: the headmasters have decided that Rias, as well as the rest of her peerage, will be the ones to kill her.

Slade: I see. Do you know where they plan to kill her? If so, we have a chance to save her.

Asia was about to say something, before muffled voices were heard.

Asia: sorry, I have to go. I'll tell you more later.

After saying that, and before anyone could say anything else, the call ended, the hologram retreating back into Summer's palm.

They were all silent for a few seconds, looking at each other.

Summer: this isn't good.

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