Looking For Ren

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Asia was looking around the halls of Union academy, looking for a certain group of girls.

It's been around a few minutes since Rias's little speech about the plan to kill Ren.

She was currently looking around the academy, searching for Ren, or at least one of her friends.

Koneko was also searching around the academy, looking for Ren as well.

They had both agreed to split up, so that they could cover more of the academy faster.

Considering the size of the academy, it will definitely help.

Asia: Ren! Ren, we need to talk!

She couldn't find her.

Asia: 'I really should have known it would be hard to find her. Her semblance can literally help mask her emotions.'

Asia let out a sigh, looking down, frustrated at not being able to find Ren.

Pyrrha: um, are you ok?

Asia looked up, seeing Pyrrha standing in front of her, looking concerned.

Pyrrha: I heard you calling out Ren's name, so I got concerned, and came to see what was happening.

Asia: oh, well, I just need to find her. I have to warn her!

Pyrrha was confused, but she could feel the urgency in Asia's voice.

Pyrrha: 'what does she need to warn her about?' well, I could take you to her, if you really need to talk to her.

Asia was surprised by Pyrrha's willingness to help, but none the less was grateful for her assistance.

Asia: thank you.

Pyrrha nodded, before she started to lead Asia to where she assumed Ren was.

They both were silent as they walked to where Ren was.

Pyrrha: so...

Pyrrha decided to break the silence between them, as she looked at Asia.

Pyrrha: why do you want to talk to her? 'I need to know why she needs to be warned.'

Asia had a dark look on her face, surprising Pyrrha.

As far as Pyrrha knew, Asia was sweet and innocent. She didn't even know that she could have such a look on her face.

Asia: it's the headmasters, and the others.

Pyrrha was just confused by this, but was also deeply concerned for Ren.

Pyrrha: 'what do the headmasters have to do with this?' um, what do you mean?

Asia looked around them, seeing the students around them.

Asia: 'theres too many people around. Word will get around.' I'll tell you when we get there.

Pyrrha was now even more concerned for her friend than she was before.

Eventually, they arrived at where Ren was, outside and around a tree, where she was sitting with her eyes closed.

Just as she and Pyrrha arrived, Asia saw Koneko with Ruby and Stacy

Asia: oh, hey Koneko!

Koneko turned around, seeing Asia waving at her, while following Pyrrha.

Koneko smiled back at her.

Koneko: Asia, I was wondering when you would get here.

Pyrrha and Asia both walked up to her.

Pyrrha: well, we're here now.

Asia walked up to Ren, clearing her throat.

Asia: excuse me, Ren?

Ren opened her eyes and looked at Asia.

Ren: hello. Do you need me?

Koneko: actually, you need to know something.

Koneko walked up to Ren as well, as Ren looked at her too.

Asia: you are in danger!

Ren raised an eyebrow, confused by this, but none the less, interested in what she had to say.

Somewhere else in Union academy

Izumi was in her dorm room, sitting on her bed, looking at a picture book of her y/n, from back when they were kids.

Before she got One For All.

Before she had abandoned him.

She took out one of the pictures.

The picture had her and y/n, both of them were kids, with them both smiling at the camera, Izumi making a peace sign with her fingers, and y/n putting his hand behind her head, giving her bunny ears.

She stared at the picture for a few seconds, before tears started to fall from her eyes.

Izumi: why? Why did I leave you? You always cared about me, even before I had One For All.

She lay back on her bed, clutching the picture to her chest.

Izumi: I miss you.

She clutched the picture tighter, her tears falling freely from her eyes.

Izumi: I love you.

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